James 1:9-12:
Sermon Tone Analysis
>> What has been one of the biggest tests in your life?
>> What has been one of the biggest tests in your life?
What is wise? What is success? In God’ eyes?
For many of us, a primary test of our faith is related to how we understand and handle money. Faith works…everyday. Everyday, we make decisions about money where our faith can be activated and can work - or not.
This passage today, is an invitation to move from what-if fear to wise faith. /// God is inviting us to flourish, but his path to flourishing freedom looks differently than we might expect.
Andy Stanley is in excellent little book “fields of gold” tells a story of Jeremiah Clary who moved to Oklahamo seeking the wealth of flourishing and endless fields. They found abundance, thousands did.
Then in 1931, the rains stopped. 100 million acres became a wasteland. The top soil was no longer being held down by crops and the winds picked up the soil, sending tonnes of dirt into the wind across the landscape. It became a dust bowl, with huge dust storms. Jeremiah faced 5 years of hardship, he scattered seed in the hopes of growth and then rains didn’t come, but the winds did and blew it all away.
Suddenly, farmers had this unusual anxiety. There was the question of whether to sow seeds or not. Jeremiah’s seeds were his livelihood. He knew that he needed to plant them for growth to occur, without planting them, they were worthless. But what if he planted them and they just blew away.
If he planted he could lose everything. He wanted to protect his seeds.
If he didn’t plant, he would gain nothing. Yet, he hesitated to plant his precious seeds.
His fear was making him irrational.
He was facing a trial, a test. In his test, his fear caused him to start to close his hands.
You and I are facing trials and tests as well. We are in a dust bowl. Everyday, we encounter the “what-ifs” of fear and anxiety, and find ourselves wanting to protect our seeds, protect our resources.
Isn’t it wise to consider all the “what-ifs?” Don’t we all need to have a nestegg for tomorrow
We take a stand in the storm by getting more in our hands.
Hold it tight, hold it tight, hold it tight - this is right.
If you set yourself up and are smart you’ll have nothing to fear.
Because in a time of lack, you’ll have your own back.
Make plans to shape your destiny.
Don’t forget about your RRSP. For there lies your source of security.
Face the what-if’s by formulating plans.
You have to take matters into your own hands.
Stack plans on top of plans to ease the fear of what could be.
Stack plans on top of plans to ease the fear of what could be.
Plan B can be rescued by Plan C.
With hard work you can shape your destiny.
Don’t forget about your RRSP. For there lies your source of security.
Drive out the “what-if’s” of lack by gaining more.
In our world’s eyes. This is wise.
Don’t worry about the reality that all these plans are about me.
Make a Plan C to rescue Plan B
The wisdom of the age
says plan for another day.
Overcome your fear by gaining more.
>> What is success?
If you work hard and can afford a nice car and go for holidays with your family - does that make you successful in God’s eyes?
What is wise? What is success? In God’ eyes?
For many of us, a primary test of our faith is related to how we understand and handle money. Faith works…everyday. Everyday, we make decisions about money where our faith can be activated and can work - or not.
This passage today, is an invitation to move from what-if fear to wise faith. /// God is inviting us to flourish, but his path to flourishing freedom looks differently than we might expect.
But we can’t climb the ladder high enough to overcome our own fragility.
We can’t climb the ladder high enough to outrun our own fragility.
No earthly success is going to drive out our insecurity.
None of us are taking a u-haul to eternity.
We are like kids in the sandbox, trying to create delicacies out of dirt “look mom, doesn’t this look good?” If only we understood.
If only we understood.
We focus on making a living.
But we aren’t made to make ourselves.
We obsess over sandcastles and boast in
But we aren’t made to make ourselves.
And the creator shows that living is giving.
Freedom is not found in the
We may gain comfort and convenience
Vs. 2-4 - you will face trials but count it joy because God has a bigger perspective. He is growing our steadfastness and making us mature.
Vs. 5-8 When we face challenges and trials we need wisdom. God wants to give us wisdom to equip us to live rightly but we must stand firm trusting him, not bounce around like waves. God is steadfast so we can stand during the storms. Trust during the trial.
Trials are going to come to all of us, the question is how will we handle these trials?
We want to stand firm trusting God and when we do this we are postured to receive from him. We don’t want to be double-minded.
Vs. 9-11: Specifically speaks to finances. Lacking finances is one of the specific trials for the people James is writing to. They have been scattered.
How we view finances is a test of our trust (Ja. 1:3).
Vs. 12 - remain steadfast because God will reward with life.
In this whole passage James notes two paths. The path of trust and obedience which leads to the crown of life (vs.12) and the path of sin and disobedience which leads to death (vs. 15)
To summarize succinctly
To summarize succinctly
We all face trials and tests.
We are invited to trust God and ask for wisdom.
Money is a trial and test.
God rewards those who st
God those
God rewards those who stand firm in Him.
In our context, this message from God, is very important and applicable. We will all feel financial trials and consider ourself “poor” and many of us will have times of plenty and realistically are “rich.” Whatever camp we place ourselves in currently, God is speaking to us through James. Rich or poor. Money is a great test for us. It is a test of our trust, a test of faith.
Rich or poor. Money is a great test for us. It is a test of our trust, a test of faith. James is speaking about trials and trusting and how we need Godly wisdom. Then he transitions to talking about financial status. This is a trial and test and wisdom is needed here. What does it look to
Rich or poor. Money is a great test for us. It is a test of our trust, a test of faith.
James is speaking about trials and trusting and how we need Godly wisdom. Then he transitions to talking about financial status. This is a trial and test and wisdom is needed here.
In this whole passage James notes two paths. The path of trust and obedience which leads to the crown of life (vs.12) and the path of sin and disobedience which leads to death (vs. 15). Life or death.
Test of Money.
Money is a trial and test. It makes us better or worse and our choices lead us to death or life.
If we lose money or lack money do we stress and despair? God invites us to trust, boast of our position in Christ. Stress & despair are self-centered. James is calling us to be Jesus-centered. This is the test for those who lose or lack. We can walk towards life or death. It can make us better or worse.
If we have gain money, become wealthy, then the test is different but same at the heart. Do we become more humble, more generous or more self-sufficient and prideful. Do we think we earned it? Death or Life. It can make us better or worse.
Despair and stress or trusting Jesus. Self-sufficiency and pride or trusting Jesus. Trusting Jesus means that our status before him matters most.
We need wisdom.
Question: What does it look to be wise with our wealth before God?
Big Idea: Wise Wealth is founded on faith not fear. This is about perspective.
Test of Money.
Money is a trial and test. It makes us better or worse and our choices lead us to death or life.
If we lose money or lack money do we stress and despair? God invites us to trust, boast of our position in Christ. Stress & despair are self-centered. James is calling us to be Jesus-centered. This is the test for those who lose or lack. We can walk towards life or death. It can make us better or worse.
If we have gain money, become wealthy, then the test is different but same at the heart. Do we become more humble, more generous or more self-sufficient and prideful. Do we think we earned it? Death of Life. It can make us better or worse.
Despair and stress or trusting Jesus. Self-sufficiency and pride or trusting Jesus. Trusting Jesus means that our status before him matters most.
What is success?
JameIn our context, this message from God, is very important and applicable. We will all feel financial trials and consider ourself "poor" and many of us will have times of plenty and realistically are "rich." Whatever camp we place ourselves in currently, God is speaking to us through James. Rich or poor. Money is a great test for us. It is a test of our trust, a test of faith. James is speaking about trials and trusting and how we need Godly wisdom. Then he transitions to talking about financial status. This is a trial and test and wisdom is needed here. What does it look to Question: be wise with our wealth before God?This is about perspective.
What is wisdom?
Our status before God matters most.
Success definition: “an attainment of wealth, position, honors, or the like”
Vs. 9 = boast in our status, our high position (or exaltation) in Christ. Someone who is poor, lowly, but trusts in Christ is actually successful, they have a high position before God ( inheritance that can’t be destroyed).
James is saying that God has a different perspective on success and wealth.
Vs. 10-11 = the rich should boast in their humiliation, rich are to recognize they have nothing except what they have in Christ.
What is success? James calls himself “servant.” That is his boast. Our position before Christ is more valuable than our prestige before people.
The figure of the Crucified invalidates all thought that takes success for its standards. DIETRICH BONHOEFFER
The figure of the Crucified invalidates all thought that takes success for its standards. DIETRICH BONHOEFFER
When it comes to wise/godly wealth, we need a perspective shift. to see that God’s perspective is different. Godly wisdom involves Godly perspective.
Our status before God matters most.
2. The wealthy don’t win.
Money is like trials.
If we lose money or lack money do we stress and despair? God invites us to trust, boast of our position in Christ. Stress & despair are self-centered. James is calling us to be Jesus-centered. This is the test for those who lose or lack.
If we have gain money, become wealthy, then the test
Vs. 1:11 = wealth will fade. It isn’t secure. James is encouraging the poor who are facing economic injustice “the wealthy don’t win.” In the end, we all stand before God with nothing. (we aren’t bringing our u-haul to heaven”).
19 “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, 20 but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal.
31 Therefore do not be anxious, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ 32 For the Gentiles seek after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them all. 33 But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.
Status before God matters. Heavenly reward matters. Different perspective.
16 Be not afraid when a man becomes rich, when the glory of his house increases. 17 For when he dies he will carry nothing away; his glory will not go down after him.
The wealthy don’t win. There is more than this life.
FLIPSIDE: Is wealth bad? Aren’t we supposed to be wise with our money? Yes! But what is wisdom?
If there is a young man who works hard and he make good investments and creates a budget..he is able to buy a condo. Gets a retirement plan. Ends up being able to buy an SUV for his family, gets a promotion, can pay for his kids vacations. He isn’t frivilous, he is smart, he is making a plan and saves up enough that he can retire early, take time with his kids and friends, and has enough that he mostly doesn’t need to worry about “what-if”? . Is his wise? /// What if he didn’t ask God before buying another property? //What if he tithe? // What if he chose to not sponsor a Compassion child? — is he still wise? still successful?
15 And he said to them, “Take care, and be on your guard against all covetousness, for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.” 16 And he told them a parable, saying, “The land of a rich man produced plentifully, 17 and he thought to himself, ‘What shall I do, for I have nowhere to store my crops?’ 18 And he said, ‘I will do this: I will tear down my barns and build larger ones, and there I will store all my grain and my goods. 19 And I will say to my soul, “Soul, you have ample goods laid up for many years; relax, eat, drink, be merry.” ’ 20 But God said to him, ‘Fool! This night your soul is required of you, and the things you have prepared, whose will they be?’ 21 So is the one who lays up treasure for himself and is not rich toward God.”
Wise Wealth is founded on faith not fear.
What if he chose to not sponsor a Compassion child?
Our status before God matters most.
2. The wealthy don’t win.
3. Trusting the True Treasure frees us from fear.
Vs. 12 = Whatever we face, in the end, we stand before God and God gives us life, God blesses us. When we stand firm in God, he gives us wisdom to live rightly, and we can be freed from fear because with Jesus, we win.
Wise Wealth is founded on faith not fear.
We aren’t shaped by what-if fears. We are shaped by wise faith.
Milton Scott died at 106.
He lived in 3 centuries, saw the Wright brothers demonstrate their first airplane, fought in WW1, and saw transportation shift from horse and buggy to cars and space shuttles.
He ran a textile mill from age 25 to 102 before selling it. He raised a healthy family. He loved God, reading the bible numerous times through every year.
Milton didn’t live according to what-ifs. He had a faith in God, and a Godly perspective that freed him from fearful living with closed hands.
Milton was a courageous giver and went about it with quietness and diligence. For him, this went well beyond tithing to his local church or helping out:
he paid for smuggling thousands of Bibles into Russia before the iron curtain fell.
He single-handedly funded a ministry that equipped lay preachers across south America.
He, by himself, was the largest source of aid to Bangeldesh for two years in a row.
He was responsible for the translation and distribution of 30 Wycliffe bible translations. People around the world got their first copy of the bible because of him.
He supported a widow ministry and paid the college tuition of several kids whose parents had died.
He would send his assistants to check out a ministry or project and when deemed it solid, he went about giving. It was not uncommon for him to empty his account numerous times in a year, and then wait for it to replenish. “What if’s” didn’t control him.
It is unknown how much he gave, but conservatively, it is thought he gave 70—80% of annual income away to the work of Jesus’ kingdom.
He did this by maintaining a lower middle class lifestyle. He had a certain number of outfits, he had a normal car and replaced it every 10 years. He lived in the same house since 1920, no fancy kitchen or jacuzzi tub.
He stood firm in the steadfast love of God during the dust bowl. He got infused with Godly wisdom.
Our success is our status before God. Our security is in God’s hands. Wise wealth is Jesus-centered and it isn’t shaped by fear but by faith. It is open handed.
Wise Wealth is founded on faith not fear.
How do you feel when you hear that story? What does that feeling say about where our heart is at? Inspired? Guarded? Guilty?
God wants to free us from stressful striving after a fleeting status.
Our status before God matters most.
2. The wealthy don’t win.
3. Trusting the True Treasure frees us from fear.
How do we view God?
Money is connected to our heart. Money is about worship.
God gives us practices to activate our trust. (HANDOUT)
What does it mean for you to open your hands?
How do we find freedom from “what-if” fears?
We are talking about perspective
Those who lack or feel poor, you are not trapped in despair. Boast in your status in Christ. He wants to free you as you trust him. Those who have plenty and are rich, don’t get trapped in pride or self-sufficiency. He wants to free you as you trust him. Boast in your status in Christ.
Our greatest success is not achieved but received.
We are secure in christ, significant in christ, successful in Christ. Who we are in christ matters most.
Every treasure will require that we die for it. Jesus is the One treasure who says “I died for you.”
Big Idea: Trust the True Treasure?
Big Idea: Wise Wealth is founded on faith not fear.
Our city says, Face the what-if’s by formulating plans
We take a stand in the storm by getting more in our hands.
The figure of the Crucified invalidates all thought that takes success for its standards. DIETRICH BONHOEFFER
The figure of the Crucified invalidates all thought that takes success for its standards. DIETRICH BONHOEFFER
The figure of the Crucified invalidates all thought that takes success for its standards. DIETRICH BONHOEFFER
Hold it tight, hold it tight, hold it tight - this is right.
The figure of the Crucified invalidates all thought that takes success for its standards. DIETRICH BONHOEFFER
The figure of the Crucified invalidates all thought that takes success for its standards. DIETRICH BONHOEFFER
The figure of the Crucified invalidates all thought that takes success for its standards. DIETRICH BONHOEFFER
If you set yourself up and are smart you’ll have nothing to fear.
The figure of the Crucified invalidates all thought that takes success for its standards. DIETRICH BONHOEFFER
Because in a time of lack, you’ll have your own back.
Face the what-if’s by formulating plans.
You have to take matters into your own hands.
Stack plans on top of plans to ease the fear of what could be.
Plan B can be rescued by Plan C.
With hard work you can shape your destiny.
Don’t forget about your RRSP. For there lies your source of security.
Drive out the “what-if’s” of lack by gaining more.
In our world’s eyes. This is wise.
But we can’t climb the ladder high enough to overcome our own fragility.
No earthly success is going to drive out our insecurity.
None of us are taking a u-haul to eternity.
We are like kids in the sandbox, trying to create delicacies out of dirt “look mom, doesn’t this look good?”
If only we understood.
We focus on making a living.
But we aren’t made to make ourselves.
Like a dog on a leash, our striving struggles of pushing ahead don’t free us - they choke us.
The One Who Makes Us, Wants to Free Us
So much so that he planned to be us.
Leaving heaven’s crown for a stable’s cradle.
Talk about wealth, Jesus knows how to budget
He did the math and counted the cost
Talk of Big Plans, His Plan was the Cross.
Our gain. His loss.
Our freedom. His fight
Our life. His death.
Our wrong. His right.
Our salvation. his delight.
Vs. 9 Our status in God’s eternal kingdom matters more than our status now.
Vs. 10-11 Current wealth doesn’t last.
Vs. 12 - Trusting the True Treasure Frees Us from Fear
Our greatest success is not achieved but received.
19 “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, 20 but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. 22 “The eye is the lamp of the body. So, if your eye is healthy, your whole body will be full of light, 23 but if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light in you is darkness, how great is the darkness! 24 “No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money. 25 “Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? 26 Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? 27 And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life? 28 And why are you anxious about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin, 29 yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. 30 But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is alive and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? 31 Therefore do not be anxious, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ 32 For the Gentiles seek after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them all. 33 But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. 34 “Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.
We are secure in christ, significant in christ, successful in Christ. Who we are in christ matters most.
Timothy J. Keller
is based on faith not foundedBig IdeaWhat is success? >>> What is success?JameIn our context, this message from God, is very important and applicable. We will all feel financial trials and consider ourself "poor" and many of us will have times of plenty and realistically are "rich." Whatever camp we place ourselves in currently, God is speaking to us through James. Rich or poor. Money is a great test for us. It is a test of our trust, a test of faith. James is speaking about trials and trusting and how we need Godly wisdom. Then he transitions to talking about financial status. This is a trial and test and wisdom is needed here. What does it look to Question: be wise with our wealth before God?This is about perspective.Rich or poor. Money is a great test for us. It is a test of our trust, a test of faith. James is speaking about trials and trusting and how we need Godly wisdom. Then he transitions to talking about financial status. This is a trial and test and wisdom is needed here. What does it look What is success?What is wisdo
The Bible says every treasure but Jesus will insist that you die to purchase it, but Jesus himself is the one treasure who died to purchase you. Anything else you make your supreme value will say, “Die for me,” but if you make Jesus Christ your supreme value, he’s the One who said, “I’ve died for you.”
Timothy J. Keller,