The Nature of Gospel Ministry
Ephesians 3:1-13
“The Nature of Gospel Ministry”
October 15, 2017
Dr. James Pittman
Outline for our study
“The Nature of Gospel Ministry”
1. It comes from God (v. 2a)
2. It gives life to others (v. 2b)
3. It is based upon the word of God (3-5)
4. It produces a new community (6)
5. It is the result of God’s power (7)
6. It is humbling (8a)
7. It exalts Christ (8b)
8. It reveals the wisdom of God (9-10)
9. It unfolds God’s eternal purpose and plan (11)
10. It is not for the faint of heart (1, 12-13)
Questions to ponder & Study notes
• Questions to ponder… • Study Notes:
1 In chapter 3 verse 1 Paul begins a prayer (which _____________________________________________
he will pick up again in verse 14). However, he _____________________________________________
interrupts himself to explain the nature of his _____________________________________________
ministry (verses 2-13). Why do you think he felt it _____________________________________________
was necessary to write about his ministry? What _____________________________________________
would the Gentile Christians gain from these 12 _____________________________________________
verses? _____________________________________________
2. In verse 2 Paul says that the mystery of the gospel _____________________________________________
was made known to him by revelation. And in verse _____________________________________________
5 he says it was revealed to “his holy apostles and _____________________________________________
prophets.” First, what is the “mystery”? Hint, read _____________________________________________
verse 6. _____________________________________________
3. In verse 8, what does Paul mean when he writes,
“I am the very least of all the saints”? Why would he
say this?