A New Reality: Resurrection Living
Foundational Church • Sermon • Submitted
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· 8 viewsETS-Luke introduces acts (2nd volume) by connecting it to his gospel.
Sermon Tone Analysis
The first account I composed, Theophilus, about all that Jesus began to do and teach,
until the day when He was taken up to heaven, after He had by the Holy Spirit given orders to the apostles whom He had chosen.
To these He also presented Himself alive after His suffering, by many convincing proofs, appearing to them over a period of forty days and speaking of the things concerning the kingdom of God.
Gathering them together, He commanded them not to leave Jerusalem, but to wait for what the Father had promised, “Which,” He said, “you heard of from Me;
for John baptized with water, but you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now.”
Chapter 1 NLT
In my first book I told you, Theophilus, about everything Jesus began to do and teach 2 until the day he was taken up to heaven after giving his chosen apostles further instructions through the Holy Spirit. 3 During the forty days after he suffered and died, he appeared to the apostles from time to time, and he proved to them in many ways that he was actually alive. And he talked to them about the Kingdom of God. 4 Once when he was eating with them, he commanded them, “Do not leave Jerusalem until the Father sends you the gift he promised, as I told you before. 5 John baptized with water, but in just a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit.”
ETS-Luke introduces acts (2nd volume) by connecting it to his gospel.
ESS-The proofs of the gospel/Resurrection are the foundation of our faith.
OSS-Is your faith built on fact (Resurrection) or feeling (your performance)?
Have you ever made a good transition in life?
What about a bad transition?
When I thought about transitions I thought about Karate kid 2. Karate kid was so good of course you were going to see the sequel.
At the beginning of this movie you had the highlights of what had happened in Karate kid one
I am not talking about the new one I am talking about the original Mr. Miaggi
Today Luke is making a transition. He wrote the gospel of Luke. He was a Doctor and he wrote a very detailed account of Luke and now is about to give us the best history book of how the Church started.
Transition is always happening in the Bible
We see a transition as early as Genesis from where man never sinned to where he sinned.
We see where God goes to being the King to where they want a man King
There are transitions all over the Bible. But here is what is the same, God is trying to make his name great to the ends of the earth by revealing his love and kindness to man kind.
Transitions are essential and this transition needed to go well and it did.
‘But even more important, Luke had to build a bridge between his Gospel and the Book of Acts (). At the close of his Gospel, he had left the believers in the temple, praising God. Now he had to pick up the story and explain what happened next. Imagine how confused you would be if, in reading your New Testament, you turned the last page of the Gospel of John and discovered—Romans! “How did the church get to Rome?” you would ask yourself; and the answer is found in the Book of Acts. [1]
Now He said to them, “These are My words which I spoke to you while I was still with you, that all things which are written about Me in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms must be fulfilled.”
In Luke we transitioning from pre-resurrection time to post resurrection time.
In the Old Testament God was making his name famous through the people of Israel, but now we are entering the Church age where God is going to be making his name famous through the Church. The Church is the means to making his name great.
This is a time of transition.
The Church age
What is even greater about this book is that Jesus still lives on today and it is thru the Church because of the resurrection.
This is a transition
What makes a good transition?
a) A plan B)Communication C)Execution
In basketball, transitions from defense to offense are happening all the time. When we transitioned from defense to offense here was our plan
The man who got the rebound would throw it to the outlet
The man who got that pass would get the ball to the middle of the court
The next man would run to the middle of the goal so that the defense would have to commit to them, if they did not we would get a layup
The next two would run the wings or spot up
The last guy would be a trail man
Now He said to them, “These are My words which I spoke to you while I was still with you, that all things which are written about Me in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms must be fulfilled.”
Then He opened their minds to understand the Scriptures,
and He said to them, “Thus it is written, that the Christ would suffer and rise again from the dead the third day,
and that repentance for forgiveness of sins would be proclaimed in His name to all the nations, beginning from Jerusalem.
“You are witnesses of these things.
: 44Now He said to them, “These are My words which I spoke to you while I was still with you, that all things which are written about Me in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms must be fulfilled.”45Then He opened their minds to understand the Scriptures,46and He said to them, “Thus it is written, that the Christ would suffer and rise again from the dead the third day,47and that repentance for forgiveness of sins would be proclaimed in His name to all the nations, beginning from Jerusalem.48“You are witnesses of these things.49“And behold, I am sending forth the promise of My Father upon you; but you are to stay in the city until you are clothed with power from on high.
When I was thinking about the book of thought of transition.
One man said this about summing up the book of Acts-The Church of Jesus Christ is God’s instrument to glorify himself.
God wants to make his name and Kingdom as great as he can and he does that through the Church.
What is the Church?
There are many different ways you can define it
Anyone who has put their faith in trust in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Believers who meet at a specific place at a specific place and time.
1. Resurrection living is about being wrapped up in what Jesus is doing now (1).
AMPLIFIED IN THE former account [which I prepared], O Theophilus, I made [a continuous report] dealing with all the things which Jesus began to do and to teach [.]
How can you be wrapped up into Jesus? You see Luke wrote this because he wanted to see if Jesus was worth living and giving his life for. Two things Luke did in this account is he wrote an orderly account because he wanted people to be certainty about Jesus.
How can you wrap your life around Jesus?
1. Be a Lover of God
We see two men who were lovers of God in this first verse.
a. Luke was a Doctor he wanted the facts. He wanted a clear picture of who Jesus is. He spent his time researching him and as a result invested time and money in researching who Jesus was.
b. Theophulus-Lover of God/Friend of God. Some people think it was just a generic term to the audience. But most believe he was someone who helped finance Luke’s writing of the book. But how awesome is it that he was known as a lover of God. He invested his time, treasure and talent. Are you known as being a lover of God. When it was there time they were known for being a lover of God. Is your life wrapped into Jesus.
What are you a lover of?
This week what were you a lover of? For me sometimes I am a lover of my phone, or comfort. But my desire it to be a lover of God.
If we want to be a lover of God we need to make sure we are investing our time in the things of God. Are you a man or woman of the Word, do you pray? How bad do you want Jesus Christ? Are you a lover of God? Do you care more about what people think or what God thinks?
2. Know God’s story still goes on today
Do you understand the implication if you are a believer in Christ you are a part of his church and he wants your goal your ambition in life to make him as big as possible, in your family, in your job in your hobbies if you are a believer you are an instrument to bring glory and honor to Jesus Christ.
BEGAN (key word)
It may imply that the work is unfinished. The work and words of Jesus continue throughout Acts in the ministry of the apostles p 80 and other faithful Christian witnesses. It still goes on in the work of the church today.[1]
This book was titled later Acts of the Apostles, but that is actually misleading for a couple of reasons. First Paul and Peter are the man followers who are highlighted. We really do not see the other apostles much. Secondly it is Jesus acting through his apostles and people.
Jesus is not done working he has worked, he is working and he is still working.
Before I came to know Christ, I wanted to make my story great. Even today I think I am more worried about making my story great. Do I want to have a big church for my sotry or for God’s story? Even though I wanted to make my story great, God invited me into the greatest story of all time.
Here is God’s story
I created the heavens and earth, I used a man to part a sea, I took a little shepherd and defeated a giant, I used a flawed man (Samson) to take down the Philistines, and I conquered death, I am still moving today, one of my friends is a missionary and he goes to places he cannot even tell his supporters because he is reaching people who are hostile to the gospel but he has reached Muslims. Nate, you are a part of my story today because you are a part of the church.
I think we forget that God wants us to live in his story on a daily basis. Because God can take your story and allow it to be a part of his great story.
Are you known a
2. Resurrection living is rooted in historical facts. (2-3).
Ultimately we all place our faith in something. Let me give you an illustration. When you get in an airplane you place your faith in the pilot and the airplane. In Christianity we place our faith that what the Bible says is true and accurate and that Jesus really was who he says he was and did what it says he did and died on the cross for our sins. There is great evidence for the Bible, but it is not enough to know about it we have to put our faith in it. It is considered faith seeking understanding. But what are the facts surrounding it: they are the testimonies of the apostles.
2 Until the day when He ascended, after He through the Holy Spirit had instructed and commanded the apostles (special messengers) whom He had chosen.
3 To them also He showed Himself alive after His passion (His suffering in the garden and on the cross) by [a series of] many convincing demonstrations [unquestionable evidences and infallible proofs], appearing to them during forty days and talking [to them] about the things of the kingdom of God.
It refers to proof by incontrovertible evidence as contrasted with the proof alleged by a witness. Luke claimed Jesus Christ’s resurrection was beyond dispute.[1]
As 40 days of temptation in the wilderness preceded Jesus’ earthly ministry (), so He introduced His present ministry with a 40-day period of preparation. God had instructed Moses for 40 days on Mt. Sinai in preparation for Israel’s mission in the world. Now Jesus instructed the Apostles for 40 days in preparation for the church’s mission in the world.[2]
His appearance wasn’t just like one person saw him it was continuous over a forty day period.
40 days’ significance
Moses on the mountain for forty days
Jesus was tempted for forty days
The word for “proofs” (tekmēriois) is a technical term from logic, meaning “demonstrative proof, evidence.” Luke had already given vivid examples of these proofs in his Gospel: on the Emmaus road (24:13–32), to Peter (24:34), and to the disciples (24:36–43). The appearances to the apostles are absolutely essential for their primary role in Acts of being witnesses to his resurrection (1:22; 2:32; 3:15; 5:32; 10:39–41; 13:31).[3]
Christ gave many convincing proofs of this. The word “proofs” (tekmēriois) occurs only here in the New Testament and looks at demonstrable evidence in contrast with evidence provided by witnesses. In other words, the Resurrection was proven by touch, sight, and
How do the apostles testify to history?
a. They were eyewitnesses
How do we know about Hitler, Napolean, Ghengis Kaun and so many others. Because there were people there who witnessed it and then wrote about it. In the same way the apostles were there for Jesus, as eyewitnesses.
How are we sure about any history, because of eyewitnesses.
Look at this ACTS passage
For we did not follow cleverly devised tales when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of His majesty.
-“we were eyewitnesses of his majesty.”
-“we were eyewitnesses of his majesty.”
What was from the beginning, what we have heard, what we have seen with our eyes, what we have looked at and touched with our hands, concerning the Word of Life—
and the life was manifested, and we have seen and testify and proclaim to you the eternal life, which was with the Father and was manifested to us—
what we have seen and heard we proclaim to you also, so that you too may have fellowship with us; and indeed our fellowship is with the Father, and with His Son Jesus Christ.
-“whom we have heard and seen.”
The Bible itself testifies to these eyewitnesses, they spent 3 years with Jesus.
Did the disciples die for a knowingly lie?
How do the apostles testify to history?
b. They were convinced
Illustration being convinced-I was convinced that PC were better than mac’s until my PC I bouth was terrible. Then I got a Mac, and now I am convinced Mac’s are better. The disciples were not convinced Jesus was the messiah until the resurrection.
When Jesus was arrested they hid (”50). While Jesus died only one of the disciples stayed to watch him die. Then they all ended up dying for their faith except for John, the one who stayed by his side. As a matter of fact Thomas doubted to the point where we still call him doubting Thomas. He had to put his hand in his nail scarred hand.
They were so convinced of the resurrection that Michael Green said this about their conviction,
“the resurrection was the belief that turned heartbroken followers of a crucified rabbi into the courageous witnesses and martyrs of the early church. This was the one beief that separated the followers of Jesus from the Jews and turned them into the community of the resurrection. You could imprison them, flog them, kill them, but you could not make them deny their conviction that, “on the third day he rose again.”[4]
How do the apostles testify to history?
c. They became courageous
They got to be part of history.
In the book of Acts we see the disciples told and threatened with prison and death if they keep preaching. And they say we will obey God instead of man. This men whom were scared of even a little girl, were now an unstoppable force because of the resurrection.
Lynn Gardner asks, “Why would they die for what they knew to be a lie? A person might be deceived and die for a falsehood. But the apostles were in a position to know the facts about jesus’ resurrection, and they still died for it.”[5]
Kingdom of God in Acts
18:12, 19:8, 20:25, 28:23, 28:31
But while Gallio was proconsul of Achaia, the Jews with one accord rose up against Paul and brought him before the judgment seat,
And he entered the synagogue and continued speaking out boldly for three months, reasoning and persuading them about the kingdom of God.
“And now, behold, I know that all of you, among whom I went about preaching the kingdom, will no longer see my face.
When they had set a day for Paul, they came to him at his lodging in large numbers; and he was explaining to them by solemnly testifying about the kingdom of God and trying to persuade them concerning Jesus, from both the Law of Moses and from the Prophets, from morning until evening.
preaching the kingdom of God and teaching concerning the Lord Jesus Christ with all openness, unhindered.
The “Kingdom of God” of which Jesus taught His disciples between His resurrection and ascension undoubtedly refers[6] to God’s earthly kingdom program for the future.
The “Kingdom of God” of which Jesus taught His disciples between His resurrection and ascension undoubtedly refers[6] to God’s earthly kingdom program for the future.
Goal of the Church is to build the kingdom not one church.
The mission of God is not impossible if God is not involved.
Discipleship page 32
…is to make disciples of Jesus Christ in the power of the Spirit to the glory of God the father.”
This cannot happen without us relying and walking by the Spirit.
Train of Fact-Faith-Feeling from the four spiritual laws.
Faith Seeking Understanding
3. Resurrection living is empowered by the Holy Spirit (4-5).
4 And while being in their company and eating with them, He commanded them not to leave Jerusalem but to wait for what the Father had promised, Of which [He said] you have heard Me speak. [, ; .]
5 For John baptized with water, but not many days from now you shall be baptized with (placed in, introduced into) the Holy Spirit.
Two commandments were given by the Lord before He returned to heaven: (1) the apostolic band was to remain in Jerusalem (; cf. ); (2) they were to go into the world as witnesses (; cf. ; ). These instructions may have seemed contradictory but they were to be obeyed sequentially.[7]
Although the Spirit cannot be tied to a mechanistic pattern, these patterns show that repentance and the gift of the Spirit are essential to the conversion experience.[8]
The story goes like this, There was a large sum of money spread out, the Pope observed, “You see, the Church is no longer in that age in which she said, ‘Silver and gold have I none.”—“True, holy father,” replied Aquinas, “neither can she any longer say to the lame, ‘Rise up and walk.”
There are tons of huge churches in America. There is nothing wrong with being a huge church. But I was looking up at stats and one churches budget is 53 million dollars a year. That is right 53 million. My point is simply this with all the big church buildings and budges and then I think about how are we really doing as a church at God’s commission of making disciples. A friend who travels the state and works with Churches says as many as 90% of people have never been disciple. We cannot do this work apart from the Holy Spirit.
We solve problems by throwing $ at them God has a different way
Holy Spirit-Look at DTS Study
Illustration-Dr. Allman told story in Memphis, the people said if we do not build this building can you picture what is going to happen. Then Dr. Allman said, the first century church seemd to do just fine without building. My point is not to say buildings are bad but they should be secondary and living by the Spirit of God should be primary. I need this more in my life. See there are a lot of people who want to build their church but the point of the church is to build his God’s kingdom. The church is the means to the end of kingdom building. See we do it our way but God has a completely way. Our way is trying to build as big of a watermelon as possibly but God wants to build a watermelon patch. Guys this is why we have to rely on the spirit is because God wants to multiply his gospel as to the far ends of the earth. This is only possible by relying on his spirit.
Why are we missing that in our lives? Because we are doing Christianity without the Holy Spirit. I am guilty of this.
So how do we allow the Holy Spirit to empower us?
a. Wait on God.
Now it is different today in this sense if you trust in God Ephesians tells us that the Holy Spirit comes into your life and seals you until the day of redemption. The gospel save you when you are lost, it keeps you as a believer and then it brings you to glory.
These men had to wait on the Holy Spirit. Notice Jesus taught by and led by the Holy Spirit and now they were going to receive the Holy Spirit. Can you picture how these men must have been feeling? They went from Doubting that Jesus was the real messiah to seeing him to now being ready to do their mission. But if they would have gone without the spirit they would not have had the power to be effective.
Baptism-When we hear this word we think of a water baptism. But it is more than that, it is a uniting with God. God wants us to live united with him. The way we do that is through the Holy Spirit.
How many times do we try to do things for God before we wait on God and spend time with God. We want to do great things for God and God wants us to be great with him.
I want to do for God. I wanted to get to Houston, but God showed me you need to be before you do.
When is the last time you waited to hear from God?
See when we wait we have to listen, seek and allow him to lead.
When is the last time you heard from God?
So how do we allow the Holy Spirit to empower us?
b. Walk by the Holy Spirit
Practical-Baptist no Holy Spirit, then you have other extremes where they bring out some snake healing and if you are not filled with the Holy Spirit you will be killed. If you had a spectrum you have everything from complete chaos to the frozen chosen. Many times churches I have been with are scared of the extreme of the crazy that they just do not plug into the Holy Spirit at all. But it would be sad if what God has given us we do not tap into because of the possibility of dangers.
Let’s think about what would not have happened if these believers did not tap into the Holy Spirit:
-The day of Pentecost would not have happened, therefore there would be no church and the 3,000 people would have not trusted in Jesus Christ.
-The gospel would have just been a Jewish religion and would not have gone to Jews and Gentiles.
-The deacons were described as men full of the Spirit
Do people describe you as filled with the Spirit?
Deacons were full of the spirit, Stephen was full of the Spirit at his death
Share Cityview-Planted pregnant and launched some of their best people
They were bigger the next week.
Other stories of relying on the spirit.
Are you relying on the spirit in your life.
Wait-How are you doing waiting on the Lord
Holy Spirit
“Jesus viewed the Spirit as a significant gift of God’s grace to His people (cf. ). He is not just a means to an end but a major part of the blessing of salvation. [9]
How are you doing living the resurrection life:
Is your life wrapped up in Jesus
Are you living off of the reality of the fact
Are you walking by the Holy Spirit
This quote sums up what the resurrection life can be
Mike Yanconelli-Christianity is no longer life-changing, it is life enhancing. Jesus doesn’t change people into wild-eyed radicals anymore, He changes them into ‘nice people.’ If Christianity is simply about being nice, I’m not interested. What happened to radical Christianity, the un-nice brand of Christianity that turned the world upside-down? What happened to the kind of Christians whose hearts were on fire, who had no fear, who spoke the truth no matter what the consequence, who made the world uncomfortable. . .I’m ready for a Christianity that ‘ruins’ my life, that captures my heart and makes me uncomfortable. I want to be filled with an astonishment which is so captivating that I am considered wild and unpredictable and … well .. dangerous. Yes, I want to be ‘dangerous’ to a dull and boring religion. I want a faith that is considered ‘dangerous’ by our predictable and monotonous culture.”
During Jesus’ ministry, there is no reference to the Holy Spirit being upon anyone except Jesus. The Spirit descended upon him at his baptism (), filled him as he returned from the Jordan (), led him both in and out of the wilderness (, ), and rested upon him in his programmatic sermon at Nazareth (). The introduction of the Spirit in is probably not incidental for Luke. He emphasized that the same Spirit who rested upon Jesus in his ministry would empower the apostles for witness. And the same Jesus who taught them during his earthly life would continue to instruct them through the presence of the Spirit once they experienced the Spirit through the presence of Jesus. Formerly they had experienced the Spirit through the presence of Jesus. After Pentecost they would experience Jesus through the presence of the Spirit.[10]
[1] Constable, T. (2003). Tom Constable’s Expository Notes on the Bible (). Galaxie Software.
[2] Constable, T. (2003). Tom Constable’s Expository Notes on the Bible (). Galaxie Software.
[3] Polhill, J. B. (1992). Acts (Vol. 26, p. 81). Nashville: Broadman & Holman Publishers.
[4] More than a carpenter, page 1364 on kindle, who would die for a lie.
[5] More than a carpenter, page 1453 on kindle, who would die for a lie
[6] Constable, T. (2003). Tom Constable’s Expository Notes on the Bible (). Galaxie Software.
[7] Toussaint, S. D. (1985). Acts. In J. F. Walvoord & R. B. Zuck (Eds.), The Bible Knowledge Commentary: An Exposition of the Scriptures (Vol. 2, p. 353). Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.
[8] Polhill, J. B. (1992). Acts (Vol. 26, p. 83). Nashville: Broadman & Holman Publishers.
[9] Constable 1:4
[10] Polhill, J. B. (1992). Acts (Vol. 26, pp. 80–81). Nashville: Broadman & Holman Publishers.
Ultimately we all place our faith in something. Let me give you an illustration. When you get in an airplane you place your faith in the pilot and the airplane. In Christianity we place our faith that what the Bible says is true and accurate and that Jesus really was who he says he was and did what it says he did and died on the cross for our sins. There is great evidence for the Bible, but it is not enough to know about it we have to put our faith in it. It is considered faith seeking understanding. But what are the facts surrounding it: they are the testimonies of the apostles.
2 Until the day when He ascended, after He through the Holy Spirit had instructed and commanded the apostles (special messengers) whom He had chosen.
3 To them also He showed Himself alive after His passion (His suffering in the garden and on the cross) by [a series of] many convincing demonstrations [unquestionable evidences and infallible proofs], appearing to them during forty days and talking [to them] about the things of the kingdom of God.
It refers to proof by incontrovertible evidence as contrasted with the proof alleged by a witness. Luke claimed Jesus Christ’s resurrection was beyond dispute.[1]
As 40 days of temptation in the wilderness preceded Jesus’ earthly ministry (Luke 4:2), so He introduced His present ministry with a 40-day period of preparation. God had instructed Moses for 40 days on Mt. Sinai in preparation for Israel’s mission in the world. Now Jesus instructed the Apostles for 40 days in preparation for the church’s mission in the world.[2]
His appearance wasn’t just like one person saw him it was continuous over a forty day period.
40 days’ significance
Moses on the mountain for forty days
Jesus was tempted for forty days
The word for “proofs” (tekmēriois) is a technical term from logic, meaning “demonstrative proof, evidence.” Luke had already given vivid examples of these proofs in his Gospel: on the Emmaus road (24:13–32), to Peter (24:34), and to the disciples (24:36–43). The appearances to the apostles are absolutely essential for their primary role in Acts of being witnesses to his resurrection (1:22; 2:32; 3:15; 5:32; 10:39–41; 13:31).[3]
Christ gave many convincing proofs of this. The word “proofs” (tekmēriois) occurs only here in the New Testament and looks at demonstrable evidence in contrast with evidence provided by witnesses. In other words, the Resurrection was proven by touch, sight, and
How do the apostles testify to history?
a. They were eyewitnesses
How do we know about Hitler, Napolean, Ghengis Kaun and so many others. Because there were people there who witnessed it and then wrote about it. In the same way the apostles were there for Jesus, as eyewitnesses.
How are we sure about any history, because of eyewitnesses.
Look at this ACTS passage
2 Peter 1:16-“we were eyewitnesses of his majesty.”
1 John 1:1-3-“whom we have heard and seen.”
The Bible itself testifies to these eyewitnesses, they spent 3 years with Jesus.
Did the disciples die for a knowingly lie?
How do the apostles testify to history?
b. They were convinced
Illustration being convinced-I was convinced that PC were better than mac’s until my PC I bouth was terrible. Then I got a Mac, and now I am convinced Mac’s are better. The disciples were not convinced Jesus was the messiah until the resurrection.
When Jesus was arrested they hid (Mk 14”50). While Jesus died only one of the disciples stayed to watch him die. Then they all ended up dying for their faith except for John, the one who stayed by his side. As a matter of fact Thomas doubted to the point where we still call him doubting Thomas. He had to put his hand in his nail scarred hand.
They were so convinced of the resurrection that Michael Green said this about their conviction,
“the resurrection was the belief that turned heartbroken followers of a crucified rabbi into the courageous witnesses and martyrs of the early church. This was the one beief that separated the followers of Jesus from the Jews and turned them into the community of the resurrection. You could imprison them, flog them, kill them, but you could not make them deny their conviction that, “on the third day he rose again.”[4]
How do the apostles testify to history?
c. They became courageous
They got to be part of history.
In the book of Acts we see the disciples told and threatened with prison and death if they keep preaching. And they say we will obey God instead of man. This men whom were scared of even a little girl, were now an unstoppable force because of the resurrection.
Lynn Gardner asks, “Why would they die for what they knew to be a lie? A person might be deceived and die for a falsehood. But the apostles were in a position to know the facts about jesus’ resurrection, and they still died for it.”[5]
Kingdom of God in Acts
18:12, 19:8, 20:25, 28:23, 28:31
The “Kingdom of God” of which Jesus taught His disciples between His resurrection and ascension undoubtedly refers[6] to God’s earthly kingdom program for the future.
Goal of the Church is to build the kingdom not one church.
The mission of God is not impossible if God is not involved.
Discipleship page 32
…is to make disciples of Jesus Christ in the power of the Spirit to the glory of God the father.”
This cannot happen without us relying and walking by the Spirit.
Train of Fact-Faith-Feeling from the four spiritual laws.
Faith Seeking Understanding
2. Resurrection living is empowered by the Holy Spirit (4-5).
4 And while being in their company and eating with them, He commanded them not to leave Jerusalem but to wait for what the Father had promised, Of which [He said] you have heard Me speak. [John 14:16, 26; 15:26.]
5 For John baptized with water, but not many days from now you shall be baptized with (placed in, introduced into) the Holy Spirit.
Two commandments were given by the Lord before He returned to heaven: (1) the apostolic band was to remain in Jerusalem (Acts 1:4; cf. Luke 24:49); (2) they were to go into the world as witnesses (Acts 1:8; cf. Luke 10:4; 24:47). These instructions may have seemed contradictory but they were to be obeyed sequentially.[7]
Although the Spirit cannot be tied to a mechanistic pattern, these patterns show that repentance and the gift of the Spirit are essential to the conversion experience.[8]
The story goes like this, There was a large sum of money spread out, the Pope observed, “You see, the Church is no longer in that age in which she said, ‘Silver and gold have I none.”—“True, holy father,” replied Aquinas, “neither can she any longer say to the lame, ‘Rise up and walk.”
There are tons of huge churches in America. There is nothing wrong with being a huge church. But I was looking up at stats and one churches budget is 53 million dollars a year. That is right 53 million. My point is simply this with all the big church buildings and budges and then I think about how are we really doing as a church at God’s commission of making disciples. A friend who travels the state and works with Churches says as many as 90% of people have never been disciple. We cannot do this work apart from the Holy Spirit.
We solve problems by throwing $ at them God has a different way
Holy Spirit-Look at DTS Study
Illustration-Dr. Allman told story in Memphis, the people said if we do not build this building can you picture what is going to happen. Then Dr. Allman said, the first century church seemd to do just fine without building. My point is not to say buildings are bad but they should be secondary and living by the Spirit of God should be primary. I need this more in my life. See there are a lot of people who want to build their church but the point of the church is to build his God’s kingdom. The church is the means to the end of kingdom building. See we do it our way but God has a completely way. Our way is trying to build as big of a watermelon as possibly but God wants to build a watermelon patch. Guys this is why we have to rely on the spirit is because God wants to multiply his gospel as to the far ends of the earth. This is only possible by relying on his spirit.
Why are we missing that in our lives? Because we are doing Christianity without the Holy Spirit. I am guilty of this.
So how do we allow the Holy Spirit to empower us?
a. Wait on God.
Now it is different today in this sense if you trust in God Ephesians tells us that the Holy Spirit comes into your life and seals you until the day of redemption. The gospel save you when you are lost, it keeps you as a believer and then it brings you to glory.
These men had to wait on the Holy Spirit. Notice Jesus taught by and led by the Holy Spirit and now they were going to receive the Holy Spirit. Can you picture how these men must have been feeling? They went from Doubting that Jesus was the real messiah to seeing him to now being ready to do their mission. But if they would have gone without the spirit they would not have had the power to be effective.
Baptism-When we hear this word we think of a water baptism. But it is more than that, it is a uniting with God. God wants us to live united with him. The way we do that is through the Holy Spirit.
How many times do we try to do things for God before we wait on God and spend time with God. We want to do great things for God and God wants us to be great with him.
I want to do for God. I wanted to get to Houston, but God showed me you need to be before you do.
When is the last time you waited to hear from God?
See when we wait we have to listen, seek and allow him to lead.
When is the last time you heard from God?
So how do we allow the Holy Spirit to empower us?
b. Walk by the Holy Spirit
Practical-Baptist no Holy Spirit, then you have other extremes where they bring out some snake healing and if you are not filled with the Holy Spirit you will be killed. If you had a spectrum you have everything from complete chaos to the frozen chosen. Many times churches I have been with are scared of the extreme of the crazy that they just do not plug into the Holy Spirit at all. But it would be sad if what God has given us we do not tap into because of the possibility of dangers.
Let’s think about what would not have happened if these believers did not tap into the Holy Spirit:
-The day of Pentecost would not have happened, therefore there would be no church and the 3,000 people would have not trusted in Jesus Christ.
-The gospel would have just been a Jewish religion and would not have gone to Jews and Gentiles.
-The deacons were described as men full of the Spirit
Do people describe you as filled with the Spirit?
Deacons were full of the spirit, Stephen was full of the Spirit at his death
Share Cityview-Planted pregnant and launched some of their best people
They were bigger the next week.
Other stories of relying on the spirit.
Are you relying on the spirit in your life.
Wait-How are you doing waiting on the Lord
Holy Spirit
“Jesus viewed the Spirit as a significant gift of God’s grace to His people (cf. Luke 11:13). He is not just a means to an end but a major part of the blessing of salvation. [9]
How are you doing living the resurrection life:
Is your life wrapped up in Jesus
Are you living off of the reality of the fact
Are you walking by the Holy Spirit
This quote sums up what the resurrection life can be
Mike Yanconelli-Christianity is no longer life-changing, it is life enhancing. Jesus doesn’t change people into wild-eyed radicals anymore, He changes them into ‘nice people.’ If Christianity is simply about being nice, I’m not interested. What happened to radical Christianity, the un-nice brand of Christianity that turned the world upside-down? What happened to the kind of Christians whose hearts were on fire, who had no fear, who spoke the truth no matter what the consequence, who made the world uncomfortable. . .I’m ready for a Christianity that ‘ruins’ my life, that captures my heart and makes me uncomfortable. I want to be filled with an astonishment which is so captivating that I am considered wild and unpredictable and … well .. dangerous. Yes, I want to be ‘dangerous’ to a dull and boring religion. I want a faith that is considered ‘dangerous’ by our predictable and monotonous culture.”
During Jesus’ ministry, there is no reference to the Holy Spirit being upon anyone except Jesus. The Spirit descended upon him at his baptism (Luke 3:22), filled him as he returned from the Jordan (Luke 4:1), led him both in and out of the wilderness (Luke 4:1, 14), and rested upon him in his programmatic sermon at Nazareth (Luke 4:18). The introduction of the Spirit in Acts 1:2 is probably not incidental for Luke. He emphasized that the same Spirit who rested upon Jesus in his ministry would empower the apostles for witness. And the same Jesus who taught them during his earthly life would continue to instruct them through the presence of the Spirit once they experienced the Spirit through the presence of Jesus. Formerly they had experienced the Spirit through the presence of Jesus. After Pentecost they would experience Jesus through the presence of the Spirit.[10]
[1] Constable, T. (2003). Tom Constable’s Expository Notes on the Bible (Ac 1:3). Galaxie Software.
[2] Constable, T. (2003). Tom Constable’s Expository Notes on the Bible (Ac 1:3). Galaxie Software.
[3] Polhill, J. B. (1992). Acts (Vol. 26, p. 81). Nashville: Broadman & Holman Publishers.
[4] More than a carpenter, page 1364 on kindle, who would die for a lie.
[5] More than a carpenter, page 1453 on kindle, who would die for a lie
[6] Constable, T. (2003). Tom Constable’s Expository Notes on the Bible (Ac 1:3). Galaxie Software.
[7] Toussaint, S. D. (1985). Acts. In J. F. Walvoord & R. B. Zuck (Eds.), The Bible Knowledge Commentary: An Exposition of the Scriptures (Vol. 2, p. 353). Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.
[8] Polhill, J. B. (1992). Acts (Vol. 26, p. 83). Nashville: Broadman & Holman Publishers.
[9] Constable 1:4
[10] Polhill, J. B. (1992). Acts (Vol. 26, pp. 80–81). Nashville: Broadman & Holman Publishers.
[1] Polhill, J. B. (1992). Acts (Vol. 26, pp. 79–80). Nashville: Broadman & Holman Publishers.
[1]Wiersbe, W. W. (1996, c1989). The Bible exposition commentary. "An exposition of the New Testament comprising the entire 'BE' series"--Jkt. (). Wheaton, Ill.: Victor Books.