Life of Paul, the Evangelist
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Christianity by its very nature is a relational response of a spiritual reality.
Christianity by its very nature is a relational response of a spiritual reality.
A natural expression of an inner reality.
Jesus: . .
- Pentecost
-Lame man healed (can't not share what we have seen and heard)
- Compelled to communicate the good news--the salvation of Christ and the freedom of the Spirit. No matter the outcome.
-Jesus prepares followers to be hated, to be recipients of scorn and ridicule--for my name sake. (
“If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you.
-Esj--profess, proclaim, propagate. Indian independence.
When we look at the life of Paul he was a powerful proclaimer of the gospel of Jesus. Outside of Jesus, his evangelistic ecumen is a primary reason why the body of Christ thrives 2000 years later.
Christianity is a relational religion founded on a relationship with the creator of the universe.
Christianity is a relational religion founded on a relationship with the creator of the universe.
Will not compromise on the natural aspects of the faith
Starting Point
Virtues/values of relationship that unfold from the lens of a Christian World View. The love of God compels the one who proclaims Jesus is Lord to treat people as:
-those that bear the image of God
-treat others how you want to be treated
-with dignity & respect (if you have done to the least of these, you have done unto me.)
-with the Love of Christ (people will know you are disciples of Christ based upon how you love one another)
-friend or foe, agree or disagree the way of Christ informs how one interacts with others
While these values may not be essential dogma of the faith, they are expectations of those that profess Jesus is Lord.
(values of the Christian faith--not theological essentials, per se, but the expressed expectations of those that profess Jesus is Lord)
I(values of the Christian faith--not theological essentials, per se, but the expressed expectations of those that profess Jesus is Lord)
The love of God compels followers of Jesus to interact and engage people in a different way, with a different mind set. This directly informs how they respond to the mission and mandate of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Not only is there a lens by which Christians are to live their life, but the posture of humility, obedience, and spirit-guidedness guides their interactions.
Therefore, a natural aspect of the Christian faith is to make known the message of the gospel.
Therefore, a natural aspect of the Christian faith is to make known the message of the gospel.
ESJ once said to Prime Minister Nehru--profess, proclaim, propagate. If any of these aspects are not given freedom of expression, the essence of the faith is hindered and hamstrung.
Therefore, people are not a program, a marketing target, a project, an agenda, or a formula.
Making known the message of Christ is in its most natural setting when it is anchored to the person of Jesus and in relationship with others.
We can see in the life of Jesus, the disciples, and the Apostle Paul, characteristics and ways of being that inform and influence making known the message of Jesus—being a proclaimer & professer of the gospel:
1) Not intended to be relevant (PC, compromisers of cheap grace). Embody grace and truth
2) Not intended to Hail ultimate allegience of kingdoms of man. Agents of Peace
3) Not intended to judge and condemn people for their actions and lifestyle. Freedom Proclaimers
4) Not intended to insulate and isolate from the world Life Givers
5) Not intended to market and program the gospel and evangelism. Inspirers of Hope
6) Not intended to be empire builders, making our name great, and becoming celebrities for Jesus. Bridge Builders
1) Pharisees or lifegivers?
& (no condemnation to those in Christ, not burdened by ROman 7)
2) Live peaceably, seek 1st the kingdom, work with others (Paul, Apollos, Priscilla and Aquilla from Rome)
3) Allegience will be a slave or a servant. Slave to Sin & powers of man, or Servant of Christ
4) Who has bewitched you. Why are you trading freedom for works based living?
Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us—for it is written, “Cursed is everyone who is hanged on a tree”— so that in Christ Jesus the blessing of Abraham might come to the Gentiles, so that we might receive the promised Spirit through faith.
5) Paul didn’t markey Jesus— I came to you as one of you. How I treated you in Ephesus and Corinth? The hope of Christ inspired him to live a life example for others.
6) Athens—contextual and cultural aware—but he embodied grace and truth ()
3rd Point-practical application (live out the way of Christ to make known)
Values of the faith, compelled by the love of Christ, guided by the spirit
-can’t help to testify
-can’t help but shar ethe love of God (would that i could die so my people can be saved)
-expresison of an inner reality
relatioships and people matter
all people have inherent value
When we Therefore, throughout scripture the values of the faith Are blessed the peacemakers
Life givers
Hope inspirer
Bridge builder
Embody grace & truth
See these not only in scripture but the life of Paul How should I personally engage in evangelism?