Sermon Tone Analysis
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A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
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Social Tone
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Social Tendencies
< .5
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.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
rev 2:18-29
Rev. 2:18-
The city of Thyatira was the smallest of the seven cities mentioned in the letters to the churches…but it’s to this little known church in a little known city that Jesus addresses His longest letter.
While not a lot is known about ancient Thyatira, some things are known and they are worthy of mention.
While not a lot is known about ancient Thyatira, some things are known and they are worthy of mention.
Thyatira was probably founded by Alexander the Great some 300 years before Christ.
1. Thyatira was probably founded by Alexander the Great some 300 years before Christ.
It was located some 40 miles south east of Pergamos, the capital city of that province.
2. The name Thyatira means “Unceasing Sacrifice”.
It probably received this name because it was a military buffer city.
It was located some 40 miles south east of Pergamos, the capital city of that province.
When enemies invaded, they would naturally come to Thyatira first.
While its location did not allow it to defend itself very well, its mission was to hold the enemy just long enough for Pergamos to prepare itself for battle.
As a result, Thyatira was destroyed and rebuilt many times during its history.
It was somewhat famous in its day for commerce.
3. It was somewhat famous in its day for commerce.
There was main trade route that went through the city.
Thus, tradesmen from around the world bought and sold there.
There was main trade route that went through the city…So, tradesmen from around the world bought and sold there.
Thyatira was known for its woolen industry, especially for the dyes produced there.
4. Thyatira was known for its woolen industry, especially for the dyes produced there.
They manufactured a very expensive purple dye that was valued by royalty and the wealthy of that era.
This dye was obtained from a certain shellfish.
This little creature was brought up by divers; its throat was slit open; and a single drop of this dye was obtained.
That dye, coupled with the chemical composition of the water of Thyatira, made colors possible there that could not be reproduced anywhere else on earth.
This industry is mentioned in the Bible.
We are told about a woman named Lydia who is called “a seller of purple, of the city of Thyatira…”, .
They manufactured a very expensive purple dye that was valued by royalty and the wealthy of that era.
This industry is mentioned in the Bible.
We are told about a woman named Lydia who is called “a seller of purple, of the city of Thyatira…” (
Thyatira was also known for its trade guilds.
5. Thyatira was also known for its trade guilds.
These were like the ancient unions of the day.
Workers from the various industries of the city, bakers, wool worker, dyers, bronze workers, potters, and others, all banded together to set prices, guarantee work.
To refuse to join a guild was to give up all prospects of work.
This little fact will become important as we move through these verses.
These were like the ancient unions of that day.
Workers from the various industries of the city, bakers, wool worker, dyers, bronze workers, potters, and others, all banded together to set prices to guarantee work.
Thyatira was also a center of occult worship.
There was a temple in the city dedicated to Apollo, the “sun god” which explains why Jesus introduced Himself as “the Son of God...”
It was to the church operating in this city that Jesus sends this letter.
It was to the church operating in this city that Jesus sends this letter.
We do not know who founded this church.
It is possible that the Gospel was brought to Thyatira was by Lydia who was saved in Philippi, .
Or, as some think, it might have been evangelized by believers from Ephesus.
There is one thing we know for sure.
While the church in Thyatira might have been founded by a woman, it was certainly being confounded by a woman!
There were serious problems in the church of Thyatira and the Lord comes with a word tailored just for them and their need.
We don’t know who founded this church.
It’s possible that the Gospel that was brought to Thyatira was by Lydia who was saved in Philippi, .
Or, as some think, it might have been evangelized by believers from Ephesus.
Before we begin to look at what Jesus said to the church, let’s first look at how Jesus describes Himself to the church in Thyatira.
I) THE CHRIST (v 18)
Jesus comes to this church in verse 18 and presents Himself in three ways.
He comes as:
Jesus comes to this church and presents Himself in three ways.
Jesus comes to this church in verse 18 and presents Himself in three ways.
He comes as:
He comes as:
The Saving One – “The Son Of God”
He reminds these people that He is the Savior and that He alone is worthy of worship.
The phrase “Son of God” appears only here in Revelation & it reminds us of the deity of Jesus.
It reminds us that He & God are one…and that He has the same divine nature as God the Father.
The Searching One – “eyes like a flame of fire”
He comes as one Who sees all.
He sees the works of their hands and the motives and thoughts of their hearts.
He comes seeing all...Nothing is hidden or covered from Him.
He comes, not as the meek and lowly Jesus, but with His eyes ablaze with anger over sin.
He comes, not as the meek and lowly Jesus, but with His eyes ablaze with anger over sin.
The Sovereign One – “feet like fine brass”
Brass, or bronze, in the Bible is symbolic of judgment.
Jesus not only comes as One able to see all - He also comes as One able to judge all.
Jesus writes to this church in Thyatira & He lets them know that He isn’t coming to comfort them, but rather He’s coming to judge them for their sin.
NOTE: If there is one word that describes the situation we find at Thyatira it’s the word “compromise...”
NOTE: If there is one word that describes the situation we find at Thyatira it’s the word “compromise”.
This is a church that has left its founding principles and has gone off into compromise, corruption, and apostasy.
So, let’s examine these verses and consider The Church That Tolerated Sin.
A. “I know your “works...”
This was an active church.
They were working within their own number and within the community around them.
Their ministry is noted by the words Jesus uses.
They Are Busy in the Work of God
This word means “deeds.”
The word “works & service” speaks of them as being active in good deeds and benevolent outreach.
This word speaks of them as being active in good deeds and benevolent outreach.
This church served others in the community.
They reached out to the young & the old.
They had programs to minister to all the different needs in their community.
They sacrificed their time & expended a lot of energy to minister to the needs of others.
This church wasn’t guilty of mere “religious activity.”
This church wasn’t guilty of mere “religious activity.”
In fact, Jesus commended b/c their works were increasing - “as for your works, the last are more than the first...”
They were developing and progressing in their works.
Their outreach and ministry to others was increasing.
The ministries in this church were growing & the church expanded by reaching more & more people.
< .5
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