Established Church
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Paul formulates another plan
Paul formulates another plan
He wanted to see them face to face, again and again he tried and was hindered by Satan
“Therefore” when he could bear it no longer, they sent Timothy. “we” were willing to be left behind at Athens alone. They were drove from Thessalonica by Jewish opposition to Berea and then to Athens (). indicates That Paul fled to Athens alone. They were split up and dealing with much afflictions.
Timothy was a brother and Coworker in the Gospel of Christ Paul was documenting and making it clear who Timothy was and his credentials. Timothy was young and Paul wanted every church that may read the circulated letters to respect him.
The Establisher
The Establisher
Timothy had an important mission- To “Establish and exhort you in your faith” Timothy was sent to many church for the same purpose.
That is why I sent you Timothy, my beloved and faithful child in the Lord, to remind you of my ways in Christ, as I teach them everywhere in every church.
He was to “Establish” this means to “set in place” “to Strengthen” “to fix”
He was also to “ Exhort” means to encourage, to instruct teach and bring comfort with what is taught. Timothy brought with him the teachings of Jesus Christ. The words of God. This has affect establishing faith and producing comfort.
They were experiencing afflictions. Paul desperately wanted to go and help them. He too was suffering attack. He sent Timothy to remind them what he already taught them vs 4 warning before hand. Timothy was sent so no one would be “moved” by these afflictions . Literal meaning is to be shaken, upset - opposite of “set or establish” “to agitate”.
Destined for this
Destined for this
Paul says is vs 3 “for you yourselves know that we are destined for this” Destined for what? Its clear they were destined for suffering affliction
Timothy’s visit was to strengthen and encourage the faith of the church and prevent the members from being “unsettled” by their trials
Paul pre-warned and predicted the afflictions would come at the hands of their own countrymen. “we are destined for this” is first plural meaning the entire christian church.
Timothy’s visit was to strengthen and encourage the faith of the church and prevent the members from being “unsettled” by their trials
The Tempter
The Tempter
Martin, D. M. (1995). 1, 2 Thessalonians (Vol. 33, p. 104). Nashville: Broadman & Holman Publishers.
For this reason- Paul was worried “for fear” that somehow the devil had used affections and temptation for lure the baby christians away.
Paul sent to learn of their faith. Faith will alway be demonstrated in actions
He was worried their labors would of been in vain
This is why the letter is filled with such Joy! after Timothy returned with the news of the Thessalonians and their truth faith and conversion.
1. God desire is every christ and every church would firmly established in faith
rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.
But the Lord is faithful. He will establish you and guard you against the evil one.
One of the primary ways a christian or a church becomes Established in their faith is to know God’s word. God’s word will exhort you bringing comfort to the truth.
We are also established and exhorted by the proclamation of God’s word in preaching and teaching
Are you established in your faith? Are you being exhorted by God’s word in private devotion and public preaching or bible study?
How do you respond to afflictions and Temptations?
2. We must understand and except, as a christian we will suffer affliction. We must understand we will not be excepted in this world. The people of this world will not like you nor understand you. They will say things and accuse you of things they do not understand.
How do you respond? Are you shaken? are you moved? Do you return to your idols and forsake the one true God? Do you return to the world and get friendly with the world when Temptations come? IS your faith “firmly set and established”
3. God also desires we would establish and exhort others
Who is in your life you are helping to strengthen in their faith? Have you evaluated if you labor is in vain and moved on?
Who is in your life you exhort brining comfort through truth to keep running the race. Don’t give up, walk in a worthy mannor to which you've been called.
and what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men, who will be able to teach others also.
These passages give us the heart of God for His church
Churches are to be established in their faith
Churches are to progress not regress and be filled with secrete sin constantly being tempted by satan and then falling to that temptation. This moves them from the truth and is used to destroy churches
3. Churches are to be comforted “exhorted” by each other speaking the truth in love and knowing the word of God because its written on our hearts.
What can you do? I challenge you! to be established and not be moved with afflictions or temptations come. We already know they will come. You will be afflicted and you will be temped. How can you make sure you will not be moved or shaken?