Paul's Prayer: That Christ May Dwell In Them
Ephesians 3:14-21
Paul’s Prayer:
That Christ may dwell in them
October 22, 2017
Dr. James Pittman
Outline for our study
Paul’s Prayer: That Christ may dwell in them
1. The Invocation (14-15)
2. The Intercession (16-19)
3. The Benediction (20-21)
Questions to ponder & Study notes
• Questions to ponder… • Study Notes:
1. According to verse 14, what was Paul’s reason _____________________________________________
for his prayer? _____________________________________________
2. How do you pray for others at Grace Community _____________________________________________
Church? _____________________________________________
3. In what way is Paul’s prayer an example for us to _____________________________________________
follow? _____________________________________________
4. According to the first part of verse 17, Paul _____________________________________________
requests for Christ to dwell in the heart of the _____________________________________________
believer. According to the end of verse 17, what _____________________________________________
aspect of Christ’s character does Paul have in mind? _____________________________________________
Why do you think Paul emphasized this particular _____________________________________________
quality of Christ’s character?