Called to Christian Conduct pt.3
Sermon Tone Analysis
The Call to Christian Conduct pt. 3~ From Darkness to Light (Ephesians 5:8-14)
The Call to Christian Conduct pt. 3~ From Darkness to Light (Ephesians 5:8-14)
FCF: Darkness, Evil, untruth, lack of knowledge, immoral, worldly
Proposition: God is calling us to live holy and acceptable unto Him. We can only do this when we accept Christ as our Savior and resist the influences of the world.
I. We Are to Reflect Godliness (vs. 8-9)
- We are to act as His children; we are His fruit and we produce His works.
- we produce good
- we do what is right
- we live honestly
says, "But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin"
Application: Live so that others know God.
II. We Live to Please God (V. 10)
This word discern means, to test or examine, further it means to consider the results. Paul is saying don't do everything under the sun just because you can. He says, know the will of God, know the character of God and implement those things in our life that cause God to get glory.
- Objective should not be to see what we can get out of others
- It should not be to see how much we can consume or collect
- But we are to live so that God is pleased
ILLUS: The story is told of a young musician who was in concert and as he played his instrument the crowd applauded and cheered but the more he played the louder and the more the audience cheered but he continued to play even as they begin to leave. When he finally stopped he was asked why did he continue playing even after the audience had cheered and left. His response was as he pointed to the balcony there was an old man standing, "I wasn't playing for them I was playing to please my teacher up there, he taught me to play and told me not to stop until he stands and cheers. That's why I kept playing"
Transition: We too must be like this young musician. We must work to please the an audience of one (1).
Application: Make pleasing God your purpose an mission. Ignore the criticisms of the world. Ignore the ovations of the world and focus on God. Decide you are going to please God regardless of what others say or do!
III. Take A Stance Against Evil (v. 11-13)
- Paul says that they are not to partner with those who do wrong. What he means is that the believer does not condone evil nor does he justify wrong doing.
- the responsibility of those who are God's children is to speak against unrighteousness
- He said, tell people when they are wrong don't agree to be friends but warn them so that they may know God's will.
Application: Don't be influenced by the world and its views of what is right. Stand on the principles of God. Jesus said " We are the light of the World" Be influential about the will of God.
IV. Invite Others to Christ (v. 14)