Shindig Sermon

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7/2/1505 - became a monk
lightning storm - cried out to St. Ann, i will become a monk
feared for his soul so tried to save it
joined most rigorous monastery - augustinian order of friars
his only focus was saving his soul
15 years of daily sacrifice - torturing himself
like self freezing, almost froze himself to death
ordained priesthood april 1507
taught philosophy, and then was able to teach the Bible
luther would confess sins for hours at a time
luther understood God’s holiness and man’s need for perfection
received doc degree in theology from university of wittenberg at 28
chair of biblical theology at wittenberg for rest of his life
taught on psalms, romans, hebrews, galatians
his heart begins to wonder
in 1517, pope leo x authorizes indulgences to be sold
reduction of punishment for sin
deceased love ones could get out if the people alive would give enough money
“the moment a coin in the coffer rings, the soul from purgatory springs”
when luther heard this, he went off
on oct 31, 1517, he nails 95 theses to the castle door of wittenberg
he had been studying scripture
and realizing that the church had been mis-interpreting repentance, as do penance
his student take them and publish them across germany
pope leo denounced his teachings
summoned luther to rome....luther didn’t want to go
luther states the pope could err....john huss was executed for saying this same thing
1518 - luther discovers the true meaning of righteous ( rom 1:17 )
luther thought God was only a God of righteous wrath
meditating day and night luther finally discovers that the righteousness of God is attained through faith, a gift of God
righteousness of God revealed by the Gospel
discovered the love of God
when we think justification, are we thinking legal, or personal?
marriage picture
leipzig appearance with martin eck
luther directly looks at him, “pope and councils can err, scripture can’t. therefore a single layman armed with infallible scripture can reject what a fallible pope says”
jun3 15, 1520 - papal bull issued - death sentence
excommunicated unless repenting = no salvation according to the catholic church
Luther was just emboldened
published 3 treatises
one of them, “The Freedom of the Christian” he says this, “even anti-christ himself, if he were to come, could think of nothing to add to this papacy’s wickedness”
luther than burned the papal bull
Luther was bound by the Scriptures
Diet of Worms, 1520
He could not, he would not recant anything
“I cannot submit my faith either to the pope or to the council, because it is as clear as noonday that they have fallen into error and even into glaring inconsistency with themselves. If, then, I am not convinced by proof from Holy Scripture, or by cogent reasons, if I am not satisfied by the very text I have cited, and if my judgment is not in this way brought into subjection to God’s word, I neither can nor will retract anything; for it cannot be either safe or honest for a Christian to speak against his conscience. Here I stand; I cannot do otherwise; God help me! Amen.”
He was given 21 days of safe passage away from the council
The emperor condemned luther to death…and anyone, at anytime could kill him without fear of punishment
his friends however, kidnap luther and take him to the castle at Wartburg
changed his name to Friar Tuck
Luther decided to translate the entire NT into German
In 1525, he got married to an ex-nun
had 6 children
1537 - tightness in chest, dizzy spells
black plague is rampant
opens his home as a hospital for those who are sick
his youngest son almost dies because of his hospitality
he continued to get worse....acid, kidney stones, arthritis, heart problems, severe digestive disorders
he actually would famously boast about how loud it was when he broke wind!
he recovered somewhat, and kept working for four more years
1541, he finally lost his life
last words, “we are beggars, this is true”
he knew he was unlovely
he knew he was beggarly
and here is what he realized. God doesn’t love us because we are lovely. God loves us in spite of who we are
preached over 7,000 sermons
i’m at like 100
Luther wasn’t perfect
was used to fuel the Germany Nazi rhetoric
how thankful luther is that justification is by faith alone
luther saw the centrality of Scripture. The spirit of God and the Word of God are tied together. Apart from the Word of God being acted on by the Spirit of God, we are hopeless
luther understood the importance of being faithful to the word of God. preach the text, in context, and get out of the way
the gospel is Christ coming to us through the sermon
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