Sermon Tone Analysis
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A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
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Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Close To Thee – Fellowship II
/Text: I John 1:7/
Place Preached - (Mississauga International Baptist Church)
Date Preached - (01~/26~/03)
What could come closer to encapsulating the thought of closeness to the Lord in one single word?
FELLOWSHIP!! - That’s the Word! Blessed Fellowship!
The Greek word translated fellowship is Koinonia meaning sharing in common, or the participation in a common endeavour, cause or event.
We began by looking at our fellowship with God, for this is where John begins.
And what he is saying is that our fellowship with one another as believers arises out of – has its basis – its foundation in our fellowship with God.
The result of pure and true, - GENUINE fellowship with God is fulness of JOY (Vs.4)
We saw that Personal Fellowship with God is something we often take for granted.
John identified at least three great truths concerning Christ that ought to cause us to rejoice.
!! A. He is the Eternal One
*1 John 1:1* */That which was from the beginning/*, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, of the Word of life;
!! B. He is the Eternal Son
*1 John 1:2* (For the life was manifested, and we have seen it, and bear witness, and shew unto you */that eternal life, which was with the Father/*, and was manifested unto us;)
!! C.
He is the Manifest One
Without Christ we could not know God as He intended to be known by man.
WE ASKED What actions of His were necessary for us to enter into a full and joyful fellowship with Him?
!! A. His Revelation
!! B. His Incarnation
!! C. His Humiliation
!! D. His Declaration
!! E. His Impartation
His gift to us is the Holy Spirit of God.
*1 John 3:24* And he that keepeth his commandments dwelleth in him, and he in him.
*/And hereby we know that he abideth in us, by the Spirit which he hath given us/*.
*2 Corinthians 13:14* The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with you all.
*/Today, we want to answer a couple of other questions..../*
What are God’s prerequisites of us?
We saw what was necessary on His part in order that we have fellowship with Him.
What is necessary on our part?
What does He require of us?
How does our fellowship with fellow-believers (Saints) relate to our fellowship with Him?
! I. God’s Requirement~/s for Fellowship
Really, only one.
!! Walk In The Light vs.7
What does that mean?
How do I walk in the Light?
Well first of all, Let’s ask another important question.
What is Light?
Light is a REVEALER ~/ Physical Light ~/ Spiritual Light
Light is TRUTH.
The source of Light or TRUTH is in God.
*Vs.5 (John 14:6)*
Therefore it only follows that Would-Be companions or fellowshippers with God also walk in the Light.
*Amos 3:3* Can two walk together, except they be agreed?
Walking in the Light has everything to do with TRUTH.
What is TRUTH?
– Well God is TRUTH.
Where is TRUTH revealed?
In the pages of God’s Word!!
Therefore we are speaking about Scriptural TRUTH....
And we must have a correct view of the truth.
It is critical to our fellowship.
Both our RELATIONSHIP and RESPONSE to the truth are important.
!! B. Relationship to TRUTH
It is demonstrated not by what we say, but by what we are.
Three times in this passage the term “/If we say/” is used, and it is always something negative, something wrong, something untrue that we are saying.
What we say is often followed by the exact opposite in our actions.
*What we SAY What we DO*
We have fellowship with Him 1.
Walk in darkness vs.6
We Lie
We have no sin 2.
We deceive ourselves vs.8
We have not sinned 2.
We defame Christ’s name
By our protests and defenses and justifications we actually make a case against ourselves.
*Proverbs 20:6* Most men will proclaim every one his own goodness: but a faithful man who can find?
Truth must be in our hearts!!! That’s the right relationship!
*Romans 6:17* But God be thanked, that ye were the servants of sin, but ye have obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine which was delivered you.
*Psalms 51:6* Behold, thou desirest truth in the inward parts: and in the hidden part thou shalt make me to know wisdom.
!! C. Response to TRUTH
Again our response should not be in Saying, but in Doing.
Walk in the Light!!
It is a Ready Response!!
*2 Corinthians 10:5-6* Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;
6 And having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled.
Confess our Sins (*I John 1:9*)
Sin Not (*I John 2:1*) Cf. to verse *I John 3:9*
The direction and desire of the heart, the force of one’s life is toward God and away from sin.
! II.
God’s Reward in Fellowship
!! A. Fellowship with One another vs.7
The closer two individuals are to God, the closer they are to each other.
ILLUS: The Triangle or Pyramid.
An Orchestra is tuned to one tuning fork, not one instrument to the other.
EXAMPLES – Husbands & Wives ~/ Church Members and Pastors.
!! B. Forgiveness of Sins & Cleansing vs.7-9
The blood of Christ is the cleansing agent.
!! C. The Advocacy of Christ 2:1
This passage is not saying that we will be sinless, but we can sure “/sin less/”.
What the passage is saying is that no sin is acceptable.
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9