Sermon Tone Analysis

Overall tone of the sermon

This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
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> .9
Over the last few months, you have been so kind and generous in your comments about my messages.
I always have shared with you that I am preaching to me and you are just getting the overflow from me preaching to me!
Preaching to me....
Today, I am preaching to me again!
Our study of 1 Peter brings us to a passage where Peter shares with his readers the importance of the care of the church, specifically where this care has been entrusted to elders, bishops, pastors and overseers.
Peter uses the imagery of shepherds tending to their flock.
It is a beautiful expression of what Peter recalls as we have seen in .
As a prelude to our study in 1 Peter, I would like to remind you of this encounter
This was still on Peter’s mind some 30 years later when he penned the words found in 1 Peter.
The imagery is still the same:
Why is this important to the church?
I see at least 2 specific reasons:
The Leaders of the church have a responsibility to care for the flock, the church.
I am convinced that there are those that are being called by God to be pastors, elders, and leaders within our own church and they need to be reminded of the duties of shepherding.
The Calling of the Shepherd Described
Peter had a seaside breakfast that changed his life.
He probably had felt the lowest of lows, as he denied Jesus over and over.
Yet, Jesus had just reinstated him and called him to a greater capacity than he had ever known.
I notice a couple of things here as Peter speaks of this calling to feed and tend the sheep.
First, Peter is called to be a Shepherd by the One with WHOM he had a relationship.
In other words, Peter had a real relationship with Jesus.
Peter had an authentic, genuine, for real relationship with Jesus.
They spent time together!
If one is going to be a shepherd of the flock, he or she must be one that has walked with Jesus, paid attention to His teachings, and experiences Jesus daily!
Jesus is the Chief Shepherd and the pastor is not just a hireling who cares nothing for the sheep, but rather they are committed to care and tend for the flock out of the overflow of their relationship with Christ.
Tend the Sheep
To serve you best I must serve my Master best!
I have to have an authentic, genuine, wholehearted relationship with Jesus and my Lord and Savior.
That means I have to have come to a point in my life where I have recognized my need for a Savior, repented of my sins, and asked Jesus to be Lord of my life!
I am obedient to His teachings and commands.
I just know know about Him, I am doing what He says to do!
Are you with me?
I am to love the way that I have been loved and I am to forgive the way I have been forgiven!
I must know Jesus!
Secondly, if one is called to be a shepherd of the flock, he or she must recognize that they have a relationship with Christ because they have been redeemed.
It is one thing to know that your sins are forgiven, but a whole other thing to know that your sins are forgiven and redeemed!
If you are one that is redeemed, you are going to be so gracious and thrilled because of that redemption and your life will be never be the same!
Thirdly, if one is called to be a shepherd of the flock, he or she will be one that is relentless in caring for that flock!
The shepherd is called not to be a cowboy, driving his flock like cattle, but leading like a shepherd, walking on ahead.
The shepherd is to feed the flock with the truth of God’s word.
Unfortunately, there are shepherds that are greedy and do things for themselves.
This is against God’s design!
Jesus came to gather His scattered sheep.
He told His disciples that whoever did not gather with Him scattered abroad.
Faithful shepherds, like the Savior are seeking shepherds!
That is why I stated earlier the importance of studying a passage like this! Someone listening to this message has been called to be a shepherd to help gather the scattered sheep into the fold!
To be sure, the work of the Chief Shepherd is as distinctive as is his person.
He is the only Lord of the flock; the shepherd’s rod in his hand is a rod of iron, for he is the Judge of the nations; he goes before his flock, first to the cross, then to the throne.
By his Spirit he gathers the sheep the Father has given him, for he knows them, and they know his voice.
At the last, Christ, the Judge of all, will divide the sheep from the goats as no merely human shepherd could do.7 Yet the Lord of glory calls human beings to serve him as shepherds.
By his grace, they too may taste of sufferings and glory, and so have fellowship with him.
When Jesus recommissioned Peter he said, ‘Follow me!’8 Jesus, the Chief Shepherd, calls every undershepherd to walk in his steps
Just as there is a calling of the shepherd, there is also a Craft of the Shepherd.
The Craft of the Shepherd Defined
Shepherding is ministry.
It is not dictatorship!
The elder/shepherd has authority to exercise care of the behalf of Christ.
He or she should present the word of the Lord, not his own word.
He should enforce the will of the Lord, not his own will or wishes.
The shepherd is not to add or subtract for the word of the Lord.
The shepherd is to be an example.
He is to lead others in humble obedience to God by being humbly obedient to God!
He is to serve as Christ served His disciples!
The shepherd must be ministerial not imperial!
Not one that is pompous, but that is a guardian for the care of the people of God!
The model is the good shepherd, who gave His life for the sheep!
This week we are celebrating 500 years since Martin Luther nailed his 99 theses on the door of the established church to put an end to the abuse the authority of the church.
Peter here shows us that we need
1 Peter 5:3
We are to respect the God-given authority and remember that the Christian exercise of authority is never authoritarian!
Humility must reign!
Another measure of the craft of the shepherd is eagerness.
Eagerness is a readiness that springs from God’s grace and runs to His glory!
This eagerness and enthusiasm that the shepherd needs to have springs from the joy of tasting God’s grace.
Remember from earlier in our study?
1 Peter 2:1-3
1 Peter 2:3
Are you living such a life?
As we walked through the Billy Graham Library yesterday, I was reminded that the shepherd has to be a student of God’s word and love people so much that you have to tell them about God’s love!
I read a quote from Billy Graham that said, “I am convinced the greatest act of love we can ever perform for people is to tell them about God’s love for them in Christ.
I have used twenty-five to ond hundred passages of Scripture with every sermon and learned that modern man will surrender to the impact of the Word of God.”
2 TImothy 4:2
The role of the shepherd is to lead the flock to the Chief Shepherd.
Not only do we hae the calling of the shepherd described, the craft of the shepherd defined, but we also we have the Crown of the Shepherd delivered.
The Crown of the Shepherd Delivered
1 Peter 5:4
Peter writes this whole letter as an apostle of Jesus Christ.
From start to finish, he speaks from his relationship with his Lord and how that relationship will in turn shape the way he cares for the Lord’s flock.
To know Jesus as Lord is to seek to be like Jesus.
The shepherds will strive to serve like Jesus and care like Jesus.
In doing so, Peter tells us here that we will receive the crown of glory that will never fade away.
Isaiah 62:3
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