Jesus Our Brother and Sanctifier
Jesus Our Brother And Sanctifier Jesus Our Brother And Sanctifier
Hebrews 2:11-15 Hebrews 2:11-15
Pastor Josh Monda Pastor Josh Monda
I. Jesus ____________________ us I. Jesus ____________________ us
II. Jesus is not ____________________ to call us II. Jesus is not ____________________ to call us
brothers brothers
A. As our brother Jesus ____________________ the A. As our brother Jesus ____________________ the
name of the Father to us name of the Father to us
B. As our brother Jesus ____________________ us B. As our brother Jesus ____________________ us
how to trust God how to trust God
C. As our brother Jesus is the son and we are the C. As our brother Jesus is the son and we are the
____________________ ____________________
III. Jesus frees us from the fear and III. Jesus frees us from the fear and
____________________ of death ____________________ of death
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