The Fear of Isaac

“No Fear” use to be a popular symbol and phrase but how difficult is it to really live by?
I. Introduction
A. Jacob: The Man Who Stole His Brother’s Birthright (Gen. 27)
1. Jacob and Esau were twins but so different
2. Isaac favored Esau and Rebekah favored Jacob
3. Jacob stole Esau’s birthright
4. Jacob fled at Rebekah’s advice (Gen. 27:44)
a. Rebekah thought it would be but a few days
b. She would never see Jacob again
B. Jacob’s Prosperity in Haran and His Return
1. He returned wealthy but filled with fear
2. He feared Esau because he had defrauded him
C. What Jacob’s Fears Did to Him
II. Body
A. How Jacob’s Fear Affected His State of Mind (v. 7)
1. “Then was Jacob greatly afraid and distressed”
2. Goes much deeper than this one experience
3. Jacob’s years in Haran
a. He must have longed to return
b. Fear of Esau kept him from doing so
c. Fear was the bitter morsel in his cup of blessing
4. Fear brought him chronic distress
B. How Jacob’s Fear Affected His Spiritual Life (vv. 9–12)
1. See how fear affected his faith
a. God had told him to return but he was afraid
b. God had promised to deal well with him but he was afraid
c. God had been faithful in the past but he was afraid
2. Note the contradiction in logic in verses 11 and 12
3. Fear and faith cannot co-exist
C. How Jacob’s Fear Affected His Handling of His Money (vv. 13–23)
1. He decided to send a large gift to Esau
2. This gift was given out of fear
3. Most of us have suffered financially because of fear
a. We have been afraid to invest
b. We have missed great opportunities
4. But there is a greater tragedy
a. Money has been held that could have been given to Christ
b. Church projects have been delayed because of fear
c. Missionaries have received little because of our fear
D. How Jacob’s Fear Affected His Family (33:1–3)
1. Jacob sees Esau coming with 400 men and panics
2. Fear divided his family
a. He put them through unneeded stress
b. He showed favoritism that they would never forget
3. Our families need to see us act in faith … not in fear
III. Conclusion
A. The Meeting with Esau Finally Arrives (33:4)
1. They embrace and weep
2. Esau has forgiven Jacob long ago
3. Jacob’s fears have been groundless
B. Most of Our Fears Are Groundless
1. God is bigger than our fears
2. Faith in Christ brings salvation … and His protection every day