Working at Rest
1 John 3:16-24
1. INTRO: Cranky at developmental cusps
2. Scripture, 1 John 3:16-24
3. Love is laying down our lives for others
A. Jesus did it for us
B. We should do it for brothers (Who is my bro?)
C. We are doing it for Jesus and as Jesus
4. This is how we experience rest (Take my yoke…)
5. This leads to confidence & effectiveness
A. In prayer: we are asking for what He wants
B. In Ministry: we are doing what He wills
6. Invite:
A. Are you and I “cranky” as we are on the cusp of becoming?
B. Are we ready to lay down our lives for Jesus and others?
C. Would we trust Him, walk into obedience, and find rest?