Searching for Significance:
John 4: 3-7. 13-14
- We want our lives to count, matter, mean something
* Looks, financial totem pole (clothes, car, things), intelligence, forgetfullness
* we CAN’T “outsource” our significance (has to be an inside deal) - must come from someone we TRUST
- Psalms 139:13-14
* you are covered in the womb, you are marvelous, you are an awesome wonder of GOD
* the enemy of our soul comes with his lies and deceet (Psalm 146: 8 - ALL those who are bowed down are covered by God)
- GOD NEVER consults my past to determine my future
* GOD is FULL of Grace
* HE is aware of the possibilities in us
* Matthew 10:30 - HE knows the hairs on your head
- you were created to have a relationship, have fellowship, and worship with GOD