Called By God

Ephesians  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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God has now called and gifted us to be His children and to become like His Son.

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today we will learn that it is a blessing to be called and used by God. we will also learn that whatever gifts God have blessed us with, they are to be used for Hi
what is the proposition?


In verses one through two Paul deal with the subject of being called by God. In the text we find Paul calls himself and apostate of Jesus Christ by the will of God but I want you to note bold significant points in this lesson.
When God calls an individual what kind of affect should it have on the individual? Read with me
Ephesians 1:1–2 NIV
Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, To God’s holy people in Ephesus, the faithful in Christ Jesus: Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Ephesians 1:1–2 NIV
Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, To God’s holy people in Ephesus, the faithful in Christ Jesus: Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Ephesians 1:1–2 NASB95
1 Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, To the saints who are at Ephesus and who are faithful in Christ Jesus: 2 Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Ephesians 1:1 NIV
Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, To God’s holy people in Ephesus, the faithful in Christ Jesus:


Paul begins the letter to the Ephesians with one of the greatest subject imaginable – – the call of God that the can be more meaningful to a person did to be called by God. There are many things in this life that people of all called to do some people are called to become law is, called to become doctors so maybe called to be teachers. One of the most important calls in life is when you have been called by God. In the chapter today will be looking at chapter 1 probably verses one to will deal with versus three through 14 in our next message caused versus three through 14 is one long sentence.
In verses one through two Paul deal with the subject of being called by God. In the text we find Paul calls himself and apostate of Jesus Christ by the will of God but I want you to note bold significant points in this lesson.
1. Paul was greatly privileged. There is no greater privilege in all the world than the privilege of serving Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the very son of God himself, the supreme Lord of the universe and all is enormity. No matter how for out the universe reaches and no matter how many universes there are, Jesus Christ is the majestic Lord of all. He rules and reigns as God Almighty. That could be no greater prayer in serving the Lord Jesus Christ, the sovereign majesty of the universe.
2. The word “apostle” (Apostolos) means one called and sent forth on a very special mission. The mission given to Paul was that of a messenger. The Lord Jesus Christ called Paul to became the glorious message of salvation to the world. The point is this: Jesus Christ is not only the Sovereign Lord of the universe, he is the Savior of the world. God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son to save the world. In a person who believe in Jesus Christ shall not perish, but have everlasting life (). Christ need messengers messengers who will take the glorious news of salvation to the world. This was the call of God to fall: to be a message of Jesus Christ to the world.


1. Paul was possessed by Jesus Christ. The supreme Lord and majesty of the universe had condescended and humble himself to come to this earth and to save it. God’s very own son has given man the privilege of knowing him and the most personal way – as his Savior and Lord. Paul knew Christ – knew him personally – knew him as his Savior, imagined no one the son of God personally! No great privilege could exist. Paul knew this; therefore, he surrendered his life completely to Christ. All he was in all he had, Paul turned it over to Christ. He was possessed and obsessed with Christ. He lives for Christ and for Christ alone Christ was Paul’s Savior, but he was also the Lord and Master. He was possessed told led by Christ. He was not his own to do as he willed; he was Christ, to do only as Christ willed.
Timothy writes in first Timothy 1:12 “and I think Christ Jesus our Lord, who had been able me, for that he counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry”. It is a privilege to be counted worthy and faithful to be put in ministry by the Lord.
John Wright in , “ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you in a gain you, that you should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever you should ask of the father in my name, he may give it to you; (acts 26:16) “but rise, and stand up on their feet: for I have appeared Unto thee for this purpose, to make thee a minister and a witness both of these things which thou has seen, and of those things in which I will appear unto thee”.
2. Paul was called by the will of God. Who he was and what he was doing was God we. His work and in fraud met were chosen by God, not him. He had not chosen the ministry because it was a good profession to enter nor because some friend and thought he would make a great preacher. He was a metal stuff because God had called him to be a minister.
How many of us can said that what we are doing is God will? How many of us are sure that our work and profession are of God – that we are right were of God want us? Are we working and serving where God wants us or where we want to be? Are we in God will are out of God’s will?
Every human being should make absolutely sure that God count him among the saint and be faithful of the world. unless he is so counted, there is no escape from the enslavement and the corruption of this world; and most tragic of all, the end in death, eternal death

Pistois (faithful)

the word “faithful” (pistois” means a person who has played his faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. The faithful person is a person who has looked upon the Lord Jesus Christ and… Believed that Christ could and would save him. Counted Christ worthy of his trust. Place his confidence Christ and in his word. Entrusted his salvation into the hand of Christ committed his life to Christ.
Very simply, the faithful and .are those who have surrendered and set their lives apart to Jesus Christ, trusting him to save them. This is the very first called God gives to people: to be the saints in the faithful of the Lord Jesus Christ.
God called believers great and peace.v.2. Grace (charis) probably the most meaningful word in the language of men. The Bible means something for more than men means by grace. To men the word “grace mean three things.
1. Grace is that something, that quality within a thing, that is beautiful are joyful. It may be the fragrance of a flower, the rich green of the grass, the beauty of a lovely person.
2. Grace is anything that had loveliness. It may be a thought, an act, a word, a person.
3. Grace is a gift, a favor that someone might extend to a friend. The favor is always freely done, they tend nothing in return, and the sale is always done for a friend. In light of this, and grace mean two very significant things. (a) grace means all the fables and gift of God. It means all the good and perfect gift of God, all the good and beneficial things he give us and does for us, whether physical, material, our spiritual (). (b) grace mean the favor of God showered upon men – men who did not deserve his favor. When the early Christian lifted what God had done for men, they had to add a deeper much richer meaning to the word grace. Of God had saved sinners, those who had acted against him. Grace became kindness and love that God freely gives to his enemies – men who are... Without strength (Roman 5:6; ungodly (; sinners (; enemies ().
No other word so expressed the depth and richness of the heart and mind of God. This is the distinctive difference between God’s grace and man’s grace. Whereas man sometimes does favors for his friend and thereby can be said to be gracious. God has done a thing unheard of among men: he has given his very own son to die for his enemies: God grace is not earned. (Ephesian 2:8 – 9; ). It is something completely undeserved and unmerited. God grace is the free gift of God ( fold; – 5; ). God extend his grace out towards me. God grace is the only way man can be saved.(Roman numeral 5:15; ; ; ).
Grace, Example of
An old Indian, after living many years in sin, was led to Christ by a missionary. Friends asked him to explain the change in his life. Reaching down, he picked up a little worm and placed it on a pile of leaves. Then, touching a match to the leaves, he watched them smolder and burst into flames. As the flames worked their way up to the center where the worm lay, the old chief suddenly plunged his hand into the center of the burning pile and snatched out the worm. Holding the worm gently in his hand, he gave this testimony to the grace of God: “Me … that worm!”
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