Why The Incarnation
Why The Incarnation Why The Incarnation
Hebrews 2:16-18 Hebrews 2:16-18
Pastor Josh Monda Pastor Josh Monda
I. The incarnation happened to _______________ men I. The incarnation happened to _______________ men
II. The incarnation happened so that Jesus could be our II. The incarnation happened so that Jesus could be our
_______________ priest _______________ priest
A. The incarnation was for a specific A. The incarnation was for a specific
_______________ _______________
B. As our high priest Jesus is _______________ and B. As our high priest Jesus is _______________ and
faithful faithful
C. Jesus _______________ God's wrath for our sins C. Jesus _______________ God's wrath for our sins
III. We have the incarnation so that Jesus can come to III. We have the incarnation so that Jesus can come to
our _______________ when we are tempted our _______________ when we are tempted
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