Taking Care of Togetherness

Sermon Tone Analysis
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Philippians 4:1–9 CSB
1 So then, my dearly loved and longed for brothers and sisters, my joy and crown, in this manner stand firm in the Lord, dear friends. 2 I urge Euodia and I urge Syntyche to agree in the Lord. 3 Yes, I also ask you, true partner, to help these women who have contended for the gospel at my side, along with Clement and the rest of my coworkers whose names are in the book of life. 4 Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! 5 Let your graciousness be known to everyone. The Lord is near. 6 Don’t worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. 8 Finally brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable—if there is any moral excellence and if there is anything praiseworthy—dwell on these things. 9 Do what you have learned and received and heard from me, and seen in me, and the God of peace will be with you.
Philippians 4:1–9 CSB
1 So then, my dearly loved and longed for brothers and sisters, my joy and crown, in this manner stand firm in the Lord, dear friends. 2 I urge Euodia and I urge Syntyche to agree in the Lord. 3 Yes, I also ask you, true partner, to help these women who have contended for the gospel at my side, along with Clement and the rest of my coworkers whose names are in the book of life. 4 Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! 5 Let your graciousness be known to everyone. The Lord is near. 6 Don’t worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. 8 Finally brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable—if there is any moral excellence and if there is anything praiseworthy—dwell on these things. 9 Do what you have learned and received and heard from me, and seen in me, and the God of peace will be with you.
One of the greatest statements of the Gospel is found in - When we repented of our sin and placed our faith in Jesus, he made us as innocent and put us at peace with God.
One of the greatest statements of the Gospel is found in - When we repented of our sin and placed our faith in Jesus, he made us as innocent and put us at peace with God.
Then in we see why it is so great a statement: we were enemies - God (freightening thought) but Jesus reconciled us.
I am sure most of you have heard the phrased “he cleaned my clock” or maybe “I got my bell rung.” Well, there haven’t been too many times I could say that, but once was in the fifth grade. I can still see it in my mind now. In the corner of the boys bathroom near the door, Joel Moncrief both cleaned my clock and rung my bell at the same time, and the reason for it made it even worse. I was trying to break up a fight he was having with another boy, and I got punched right square in the nose.
Jesus said in , “Blessed are the peacemakers,” but boy I sure didn’t feel too blessed that day.
I didn’t get to involved with the concerns of others after that because trying to help people is not easy. Trying to do the right thing is tough. Putting your heart out there a speaking truth with love is often painful.
Paul may have had a similar concern for how this part of the letter would be received but he knew he had to write it.
As a SBC, Conservative, church - I believe you would say that we hold tightly to the doctrine of the salvation by grace through faith and the belief that the Bible is inerrant and inffalible.
Bart Barber - (paraphrasing) - Even if a church is doctrinally sound and biblically correct, holding tightly to the true gospel message - it can still fall apart and loose the unity of the gospel if it fails to faithfully protect the spirit of partnership.
Paul’s main concern in writing was not their doctrinal faithfulness but their gospel togetherness. & and very plainly in
Bart Barber - (paraphrasing) - Even if a church is doctrinally sound and biblically correct, holding tightly to the true gospel message - it can still fall apart and loose the togetherness of the gospel if it fails to faithfully protect the spirit of togetherness for the gospel. Remember - togetherness is one the main reasons Paul had for writing to them.
Philippians 1:27 TEV
27 Now, the important thing is that your way of life should be as the gospel of Christ requires, so that, whether or not I am able to go and see you, I will hear that you are standing firm with one common purpose and that with only one desire you are fighting together for the faith of the gospel.
Paul’s point is that any church fighting amongst itself can never at the same time be fighting together for the gospel. The gospel about the Prince of Peace who had put us at peace with God must be proclaimed by people at peace with one another.
This is the point that he picks back up on in chapter 4.
I wonder if the political and cultural climate of Paul’s day was like it is in our day. Maybe he had a reason for writing about our citizenship being in heaven.
We see here from Paul v.1-3 - a very personal plea of a pastor’s heart - conveying an urgency to take care of the all important togetherness of the church
We must not overlook an important fact seen here in this chapter. The ladies are mentioned in v.2 because v.1 is Paul’s personal appeal.

Togetherness is a Burden in the Heart of Every Pastor

Paul dearly loved every church member because he wanted to. He did not see them as anything other than equals under God, and not as people beneath his position.
They were family he had poured his emotional self into and felt such a deep pain of separation, which is why:
Paul would rather see them face to face than to have their monetary gifts, and the disunity he had heard so much about weighed heavy on his heart.
They were his crown or his gift for his service and efforts in serving God and sharing the gospel. They spiritual growth was a source of his personal and pastoral pride. So:
Paul urged unity between these two women because he considered them genuine siblings as well as genuine servants.
I am sure most of you have heard the phrased “he cleaned my clock” or maybe “I got my bell rung.” Well, there haven’t been too many times I could say that, but once was in the fifth grade. I can still see it in my mind now. In the corner of the boys bathroom near the door, Joel Moncrief both cleaned my clock and rung my bell at the same time, and the reason for it made it even worse. I was trying to break up a fight he was having with another boy, and I got punched right square in the nose.
Jesus said in , “Blessed are the peacemakers,” but boy I sure didn’t feel too blessed that day.
I didn’t get to involved with the concerns of others after that.
Paul may have had a similar concern for how this part of the letter would be received but he knew he had to do it.
I have never been one to shy away from standing for what I believe in, but at the same time, maybe because of that 5th grade experience, I do not like getting involved in conflict, especially in the church or among believers. When I am walking in the flesh, fear keeps me from doing so, but when I am surrendered to God, living in the spirit, I try hard to deal with it the best I can.
Any good pastor is like a good parent, like God the father. God loves us too much to leave us the same as he found us, so he guides us with His spirit and His Word. Any good pastor then lovingly preaches the truth no differently than being a good parent lovingly disciplining his children with truth and grace. I preach what I preach, as hard as it is because I love everyone here as do my own family.
I teach and counsel the way I do pouring my emotional self out with a desire to see each of you grow to the fulness God desires for you
I am so grateful for the service each of you give or have given here, and the results of the discord, disunity and division that I have witnessed weighs heavy on my heart because I know how important togetherness is for the church. Division and disunity destroys the health of a church and diminishes its witness in the community.
When I listened to a sermon on this text, I was deeply convicted of a temptation I can easily fall to.
I was also convicted this week.
Peacemaking begins with the pastor. I have tried to do the right thing but could have done more.
tells me it’s my duty to teach and equip the deacons to be peacemakers - because that is their main ministry within the church- I could have done a lot better in preparing you and asking you to help
I should have done a whole lot more training than complaining and I believe someone people are not here any longer because of that failure.
Paul, the pastor, loved the church enough to be tough and tender. He called out the troublemakers in one verse, yet, as Bart Barber rightly deduces, Paul spends more time calling out the peacemakers. Paul was handing the task of taking care of the togetherness over to the church, and it begins with the peacemakers.
I was also convicted this week.
The preacher reminded us of how often all of us pastors or members are backwards in our responses to conflict.
Paul only devotes one verse to the ones causing conflict and the rest of the passage to the church body equipping them to take care of the Togetherness. This should teach you then:

Taking Care of the Togetherness Must also become the Burden of the People

In v.3 - Paul asks the other faithful servants for help. In so doing Paul reminds us of the importance of the entire church family to assist in the reconciliation process.
2 Corinthians 5:18 CSB
18 Everything is from God, who has reconciled us to himself through Christ and has given us the ministry of reconciliation.
Paul is very clear that if you and I are genuine siblings and genuine servants that must mean we are genuine saints, and if so we have been given the responsibility of helping lost sinners be reconciled to God. The funny thing about non-Christians is they pay close attention to Christians, and if they see a bunch of Christians unable to be reconciled to one another
The greatest threat to the unity of a church is the absence of peacemakers.
Peacemakers are great patterns for kingdom living - v.9
Peacemakers are gentle and grac
Peacemakers think positively - v.8
They seek the truth before passing judgment and face reality. v.6 - Anxiety is a focus on a false reality or imagining the future in the worst possible way and then freaking out about it.
They seek to treat all people rightly (Paul didn’t take sides). They seek to be as fair as possible with everyone.
Peacemakers attract people winning their admiration and affection because they seek to think the best of everyone and treat others the way they want to be treated, and because they seek to be gentle and gracious with everyone - v.5
Sally took a seminary class taught by Professor Smith, who was known for his object lessons. One day, Sally walked into class to find a large target placed on the wall and several darts on a nearby table. Professor Smith told the students to draw a picture of someone they disliked or who had made them angry—then they could throw darts at the person’s picture.
Sally’s friend drew a picture of a woman who had stolen her boyfriend. Another friend drew a picture of his younger brother. Sally drew a detailed picture of Professor Smith, including pimples on his face. She was quite pleased with her effort.
The class lined up and began throwing darts. Some students threw with such force that they ripped apart their targets. But before Sally had a turn, Professor Smith asked the students to return to their seats so he could begin his lecture. As Sally fumed, the professor began removing the target from the wall.
Underneath it was a picture of Jesus. A hush fell over the room as students saw the mangled image of their Savior with holes and jagged marks covering his face. His eyes were virtually pierced out.
Professor Smith said only these words: “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.”
Peacemakers see all people as image bearers of God to encourage not as enemies to throw darts at by words and attitudes and actions.
Peacemakers know that it requires much prayer, but they know that much prayer results in much peace from God to guard their hearts while seeking to make peace - v.7 and v.9
Jesus said in , “Blessed are the peacemakers,” but boy I sure didn’t feel too blessed that day.
I didn’t get to involved with the concerns of others after that.
Paul may have had a similar concern for how this part of the letter would be received but he knew he had to write it.
Why does a church remain in conflict and disunity? Because it lacks people willing to be peacemakers. It begins with the deacons but also must come from the members, but too many think:
Why does a church in conflict and disunity? Because it lacks people willing to be peacemakers.
Peacemaking begins with the pastor. I have tried to do the right thing but could have done more.
But I should have done more because peacemaking begins with the pastor.
Peacemaking is hard. Peacemaking is worrisome.
tells me it’s my duty to teach and equip the deacons to be peacemakers - because that is their main ministry within the church- I could have done a lot better in preparing you and asking you to help
I should have done a whole lot more training than complaining and I believe someone people are not here any longer because of that failure.
Peacemaking is frightening and can be discouraging, but one of the main reasons is the result of satan’s cunning deception.
Why does a church in conflict and disunity? Because it lacks people willing to be peacemakers. Peacemaking is hard. Peacemaking is worrisome. Peacemaking is frightening and can be discouraging, but one of the main reasons is the result of satan’s cunning deception.
“It’s none of my business.” “If I get involved I will be meddling.”
If a person is willfully and intentionally acting un-Christlike by wronging a brother or sister in Christ in word or deed - then it is everyone’s business because the sins of one affect the security of the whole.
If your hearts’ concern is for the good of the people and the health of the church then by all means you should stand firm in the Lord, step in to the situation and speak out about the wrong that you see. The only side to take is God’s.
If your hearts’ concern is for the good
If a person is willfully and intentionally acting un-Christlike by wronging a brother or sister in Christ in word or deed - then it is everyone’s business because the sins of one affect the security of the whole.
We need to be held accountable and we need to hold one another accountable.
Conclusion: If I can just shoot straight with you for a moment. Here is the part that is hard because I might get my clock cleaned after this one, but as a loving pastor I have to say it.
You and I both can become a threat to the togetherness of our church if we are not careful. 1) by choosing to live according to our flesh and put our interests above the good of others 2) by choosing to turn the other way or remain silent just minding our own business when we should be peacemakers
Sticking your head in the spiritual sand does not restore peace.
Hearing members speaking hateful things about church leaders or members and only shaking your heads does not restore peace.
Relational sins destroy togetherness more than anything. There have been a lot of relational sins allowed to be perpetuated here. They have been overlooked or ignored even long before I ever arrived.

Call to Repentance and Reconciliation

Here is the part that is hard because I might get my clock cleaned after this one, but as a loving pastor I have to say it.
Relational sins destroy togetherness more than anything. There have been a lot of relational sins allowed to be perpetuated here. They have been overlooked or ignored even long before I ever arrived.
Repentance and reconciliation is the only answer to such. It is the only thing that will restore togetherness.
Grumbling about current conditions won’t fix the problems but repentance and reconciliation leading to peace will
Giving in to the other side won’t fix it but repentance and reconciliation leading to peace will
Getting another pastor won’t bring unity but repentance and reconciliation leading to peace will
Going to one service won’t make you unified but repentance and reconciliation peace will

In March 1676, a group of nearly fifteen hundred Indians attacked the village of Rehoboth. Nathaniel Philbrick writes, “As the inhabitants watched from their garrisons, 40 houses, 30 barns, and 2 mills went up in flames. Only one person was killed—a man who believed that as long as he continued reading the Bible, no harm would come to him. Refusing to abandon his home, he was found shot to death in his chair—the Bible still in his hands.”[1]
[1] Larson, C. B., & Ten Elshof, P. (2008). 1001 illustrations that connect (p. 20). Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House.
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