The Answer to Ancient Cries

Hosting the Presence/Bill Johnson  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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The Holy Spirit lives inside of every believer, but He does not rest upon every believer.
A key to hosting the Presence of God: take every step with the dove in mind.
When we are conscious of an open heaven, we live differently.
Jesus did not live in reaction to darkness; He lived in responding to the Father.
There is a difference between what we have in our possession and what we have in our account.
Every outpouring of the Holy Spirit contains the face of God.

Week 5 Challenge

Abiding in the Spirit

Romans 8:14 AMP
For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God.
Abide - to act in accord with. to submit to; agree to: to remain steadfast or faithful to; keep
to abide by the court's decision.
to remain steadfast or faithful to; keep:
If you make a promise, abide by it.
Galatians 5:25 AMP
If we live by the [Holy] Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit. [If by the Holy Spirit we have our life in God, let us go forward walking in line, our conduct controlled by the Spirit.]
If we live (zao) - the sense of the word “live” here is to become alive in a transcendent manner, a characteristic of resurrected life, life without sin or with sin subjugated (sin brought under control)
let us also walk - to live in careful observance of requirements, conceived of as walking in a straight line or in file
The sense behind this verse is essentially:
If we are sealed with Spirit of God, let’s be intimately mindful of giving ourselves completely over to the guidance of the Spirit of God.
Romans 8:14 AMP
For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God.
To be led denotes submission to sonship (true relationship, adoption, sealing of the Spirit)
To rebel against the leading of the Spirit is to position yourself out from under the covering of adoption. In the natural, it would be akin to a child telling their parent, “I am not coming in from the rain, even though I know I shouldn’t be out here and you clearly told me to come in.”
The child, acting in rebellion, has willingly removed themselves from the care and safety of “being led” by guidance that has their safety and well-being in mind.
It does not negate the love of the parent, for that still exists. However, it places the child outside of the will of the parent and exposes them to harmful elements.
To abide in the Holy Spirit is to come into the fullness of the benefits of adoption.
Galatians 4:6 AMP
And because you [really] are [His] sons, God has sent the [Holy] Spirit of His Son into our hearts, crying, Abba (Father)! Father!
2 Cor
2 Corinthians 1:22 AMP
[He has also appropriated and acknowledged us as His by] putting His seal upon us and giving us His [Holy] Spirit in our hearts as the security deposit and guarantee [of the fulfillment of His promise].
To abide is to to step into a place of perfect peace, without shame or fear. It is a place of hope, peace and complete comfort in the providence of the love of God
Romans 5:5 AMP
Such hope never disappoints or deludes or shames us, for God’s love has been poured out in our hearts through the Holy Spirit Who has been given to us.
This week, I challenge you to “practice” abiding in the Spirit.
Listen to Him....
Ask Him questions....
Be sensitive to His leading...
Be led by Him....
Cultivate an atmosphere of intimacy in the Spirit and enjoy the peace that flows from that environment. Ask yourself, is what I am (doing, saying, thinking) pleasing to Him? If not, bring it under submission to the Holy Spirit.
In doing this, you will notice:
an increased awareness to His voice, His promptings and His gentle nudges. Prayer will become more powerful (not necessarily louder, don’t confuse volume for power).
Bible study will be less a chore as scripture opens up through the revelation of the Spirit.
Loving others will be easier (even those hardest to love)
Motives will become more pure as those that would grieve Him become distasteful to you.
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