Warning and call to response by Jesus
The issues of conflict and trust continue in this five-part unit. The elements largely alternate between warnings and calls to respond.
The issues of conflict and trust continue in this five-part unit. The elements largely alternate between warnings and calls to respond. A parable (11:24–26) about the return of the unclean spirit warns of the danger of experiencing God’s work, only to leave one’s spiritual condition unfilled with anything from God. As such, the threat of renewed satanic attack is real, with a worse condition emerging afterward. This is followed by a beatitude unique to Luke about keeping the word (11:27–28). Then Jesus offers a new rebuke and warning (11:29–32). This generation will not be given a sign other than that given by Jonah. Old Testament figures will rise up in judgment against them for their lack of faith. The unit concludes with two calls to respond to the light (11:33–36). First, light in a lamp is not to be hidden but displayed so it can provide guidance (11:33). The idea is to make use of the light. Second, disciples are called to be such a light (11:34–36). The quality of that light is determined by what goes in the eye. If we take in light and are possessed by light, we will be bright. We will be able to provide the light that helps others. We are always faced with a choice: we can reject God or remain neutral. Either option makes one’s spiritual condition worse. Light ignored leaves darkness. Alternatively, we can choose to respond to God and grow spiritually.