Thanksgiving Anyhow!
I. Introduction
A. Remembering the First Thanksgiving
1. The Pilgrims and their new land
2. The good harvest … and many since
3. But we must also remember the many hardships
4. In spite of losing half their number they gave thanks
B. Habbakkuk: A Prophet Who Vowed to Be Thankful in Hard times
1. One who loved God enough to thank Him in distress
2. How can one be thankful when things are difficult?
II. Body
A. When the Provision of God Changes Be Thankful He Is Unchanged (v.17)
1. Habbakkuk envisions losing things vital to their economy
a. The fig tree will not blossom
b. No fruit on the vines
c. Olive trees do not produce
d. Fields yield no harvests
e. Cattle and sheep are lost
2. This prophet says he will be thankful anyhow
3. Economic conditions change
a. They changed in Egypt (seven poor years)
b. They changed for Job (he lost his wealth)
c. Changed during the Great Depression
d. May change due to loss of health or even bad investments
4. God does not change (Mal. 3:6; Heb. 13:8) … so be thankful
B. When Suffering Be Thankful for His Salvation (v.18)
1. We are never far from problems in this life
a. Everything about us is fragile
b. Life itself is uncertain
2. Salvation provides eternal life
a. Eternal life promised (John 3:16, 5:24; 1 John 5:11–13)
b. We are not limited to these few years of tears
3. Heaven is ahead (John 14:1–6)
4. The best is yet to come (1 Peter 1:3–4)
C. When Passing Through Trials We Can Triumph in Christ (v. 19)
1. The Lord is my strength (Ps. 27:1; Isa. 40:31; Phil. 4:13)
2. He will make my feet like hinds’ feet (swift and graceful)
3. He will make me to walk on high places … HIGHER GROUND
4. He is always up to the occasion (Jer. 32:27)
III. Conclusion
A. The Pulpit Commentary on This Text: “This passage contains the most beautiful exhibition of the power of true religion found in the Bible. The language is that of a mind weaned from earthly enjoyments, and habituated to find the highest fruition of its desires in God”
B. In Everything Give Thanks (1 Thess. 5:18)