Mission & Purpose of the Church
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We exist to make disciples who delight in, display, and declare the gospel of Jesus Christ.
The Mission of God
God does everything He does to the end that He might be praised. God’s desire is that the knowledge of His glory would cover the earth as the waters do the sea. God’s mission is the manifestation of His magnificence by displaying His glory.
What is God’s glory? It is God going public with His infinite worth. It is God’s desire that He might be known and enjoyed for His nature and character. God seeks to be recognized as supremely valuable, supremely worthy, and supremely splendid. That is His glory, a glory that is most clearly seen in the gospel of Jesus Christ.
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The Mission of the Church
The mission of the Church universal is to glorify God by making disciples through the gospel of Jesus Christ. God’s mission and the mission of his Church are inseparably linked. As those who have been reconciled to God through the gospel of Jesus Christ, we are now ambassadors of reconciliation to a lost and broken
world. We plead, reason, pray, serve, preach, teach, and gather to see God glorified through the reconciling power of the gospel.
The Mission of First Baptist Church of Roselawn
At First Baptist Church of Roselawn, we bring together the mission of God and the mission of the Church by making disciples who delight in, display, and declare the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ.
In other words, we bring glory to God as we delight in the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ, grow in becoming more like Jesus, and go into our lost and broken neighborhoods, our communities, and the world to declare the good news.
Our Purpose: To Make & Mature Disciples of Jesus. This is what First Baptist Church of Roselawn is about.
We are far from a perfect church but we do serve a perfect savior. As such, everything we do and are pivots on the gospel message of Jesus Christ. Through the New Testament we do gain clear direction from the Great Commission:
“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen.” ()
We exist to make and mature disciples of Jesus Christ for the glory of God by the power of the Spirit of God. "Make & Mature" for short.
Making Disciples
Salvation is totally the work of the Lord, but we commit to live in our community and influence the world with the gospel on our lips. Because there is no other message that can save mankind from eternal death, it paramount for us to tell as many men, women, boys and girls about the gospel of Jesus that we can.
Some will respond to the gospel with faith and repentance, while others will reject the message and remain unconverted. We believe in sharing the gospel indiscriminately with every one we can in the hopes that God makes some His followers.
Maturing Disciples
Spiritually mature followers of Jesus Christ don’t just appear out of thin air. While the work of salvation is the work of the Lord, Christians work in tandem with the Holy Spirit to grow and mature. We at FBCR take seriously the call to grow as followers of Jesus Christ, or to put in the language of , “to observe all that I (Jesus) have commanded you.” We seek to accomplish this in many ways: by Corporate Worship, Small groups, prayer meetings, Morning Family Bible Study and many other venues.
Making & Maturing disciples of Jesus Christ