Singer and Choir Devotion Passages
Singer and Choir Devotion Passages - November 2, 2004
Power of Praise--2 Chronicles 5:13,14
Pleasant Praise--Psalm 147:1
Quality of Praise--Psalm 66:2
Forever Praising--Psalm 84:4, 111:10
Loud Praise--Psalm 66:8
How to Praise--Psalm 111:1, 119:7
The Disciples Praise--Luke 24:53
The First Church Praised--Acts 2:46,47
The Healed Give Praise--Acts 3:1-10
Object of Our Praise--Psalm 56:10-13,
Deuteronomy 10:21
High Praise--Psalm 149:6
We're Chosen to Praise--1 Peter 2:9
Praise Testimony--Psalm 107
Always Praising--Psalm 34:1
Depressed? Praise!-- Psalm 42
Make a Joyful Noise--Psalm 100:1,2
Enemy Ambushed--2 Chronicles 20:22
Sing A New Song-Psalm 149:1, Psalm 144:9
Mouth Filled With Singing--Psalm 126:2
Sing With Understanding--1 Corinthians 14:15, Psalm 47:7
Voices of Joy--1 Chronicles 15:16
Singers Celebrate-- Ezra 3:11
Sing While You Can--Psalm 146:2
Singing Through Trouble--Acts 16:5
Singing to Remember--Psalm 30:4
Singing for God-- Psalm 66:2
Sing to Yourself--Ephesians 5:19
© 2005 Elisha J. Mitchell, Gospel Music Ambassador