Take Care, Brothers and Sisters
The author of Hebrews uses the negative example of the Exodus generation to exhort us to take care of ourselves and others in order that we do not fall into the unbelief of apostasy.
Take Care You “Nip Apostasy in the Bud”
Take Care of Each Other
Admonitions & Warnings are a Means of Grace
All of the above-mentioned admonitions and threats that Scripture addresses to believers, therefore, do not prove a thing against the doctrine of perseverance. They are rather the way in which God himself confirms his promise and gift through believers. They are the means by which perseverance in life is realized. After all, perseverance is also not coercive but, as a gift of God, impacts humans in a spiritual manner. It is precisely God’s will, by admonition and warning, morally to lead believers to heavenly blessedness and by the grace of the Holy Spirit to prompt them willingly to persevere in faith and love.