My Faith Is Changing Me
Good morning, UCF.
Can we all come to our seats and stand for praise and worship?
Are you going to sing The Lord's Prayer with the sign Ministry? We've got some additional sign Ministry members.
Sister Tracy, come on up.
Come on residing in the name of Jesus this morning. Ladies. Let's come on up and confidence in the Lord.
next week Okay.
Alrighty then.
What let your living water flow? Obamacare
Hey Joe live TV 2G
Tom and Jerry
Let It Go
Give a man a man. So last week we celebrated Thanksgiving and it's wonderful to have that designated day, but we know that every day is a day to give thanks and praise and honor and glory to the Lord everyday is a day of Thanksgiving.
What do you mean?
a man
Thank you. Have a wonderful Sunday a wonderful week and less welcome back the praise team.
All right, UCF. Let's go ahead and stand ups for praise and worship.
Is there any man here?
Make both day.
Make Me Wanna
Make me do my head when I want to do wrong.
When I'm down.
Make me do.
when he died
Where at?
What are you doing?
Whatever it is. It won't let me. Hold my peace. What the praise team don't know I got saved because of that song Amen. So I was over there crying because it reminded me when I was coming back from the club and they played that song and some hit my spirit. And they play the back the back now those of you who are in radio. No, they don't play songs back to back. I'm telling you. God was speaking to me and from that moment on I had a designer want to know who Christ was didn't know what it was, but the song kept saying Walter Hawkins, whatever it is. It won't let me hold my peace and Iran and Iran and Iran, and God said, you know what I got work for you to do. So y'all just blessed me in a way that you can't even imagine. It just brought back to me the day when when God save my soul. Amen, and when he's here when I felt this thing in me, I never felt before and I couldn't determine what it was. So I just got the sound was saying whatever it is. It won't let me hold. My peace. Amen cell. Thank you. Thank you. Y'all pretty quiet that am I missing something and somebody out there going through something. I need to know about. Amen, cuz y'all don't got real quiet and cute on me. You know, what is everybody full from Thanksgiving? Is that what it is going and Pat that belly? Yeah. Amen. Listen, we going to talk this morning. Do we have kids World? Okay. So let's do this all our young people who were here today stand up stand up. We going to pray. Yeah, that's right Deeks then out. He man I'm with you. Just doing with me as we cover our young people as they go out for kids will father. We thank you for our young minds are young bodies are young people? We ask God that you cover them from the crown of their heads to the soul of their feet Lord. I pray for their instructors Lord as they go out and study. I pray your word will minister to them and when they come back in the sanctuary, they won't be the same. We thank you for all that. You do giving you honor and glory in Jesus precious name. Amen. You are dismissed the kids World. Amen. Amen. And yeah, I'll give me a second here. All right. so
what I want to talk about today is how how Faith changes us how Faith changes how how my faith is changing me even today and when you operate in faith faith should change who you are. Beats should have some impact on what you do how you do it when you do it. Why you doing a man? And it's so so sometimes people come to me and they say Pastor. How can I take the word in in-app liar? And I know for those who who think you know, logically that you know, you you should do a Danby then see the deed an e but sometimes it doesn't work like that sometimes fake c** face comes in like a mighty roaring I went and just and fixing stuff and sometimes it's a small still voice. Did you got to be patient with but your face should change you your faith should change yourself we going to come from Hebrews chapter 11 verse 13, 14 15 16. So stay let's read this together Hebrews chapter 11.
Did you get up on the screen? Yeah, Hebrews chapter 11 and we going to read versus 13 14 15 and 16. Hey, man. All right, let's meet that together verse 13. These all died in faith not having receive the promises but having seen them a far-off, we're short of them embrace them and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth verse 14th for those who say such things declare plainly that they seek a Homeland first 15 and truly if they had called to mine that country from which they had come out. They would have had opportunity to return for 16, but now they deserve a better that is a Heavenly country there for God is not a shame to be call their guy or he has prepared a city for them. Now our confession of faith. I want you to repeat this after me. I am not move. By what I see about what I feel. I am moved by what I believe. I believe the word of God the victory is mine. I have it now. I can see it through the eyes of my face. In Jesus name and I give God a big hand the praise. Amen. And you may be seated in the presence of the Lord. So this whole thing is what we operate on as Believers, that's how foundation for everything we do in in Christ. You can't really operating Christ without faith a man. It's got to be your foundation. So this this concept of Faith should change your perspective and it should change your focus. So when you operate in case it should take your focus off the worldly stuff and put it on the spiritual things. That makes sense. It should change your perspective in such a way that even though you can't see it. You know, if you hold on God Will Make A Way out of no way. That's what faith does faith changes your focus on thing in the changes your perspective on things because without faith. The only thing that we have is what the world tells us to do or not to do any men. But when we operate in space, we know we can trust in the word of God. That's why we say, I don't believe what I see or feel cuz again, I tell you my emotions go like this, but the word of God is always true. It's on my faith is never on my emotions or what I see and what I feel or what I perceive it's always on what the word of God says. Does that make sense? It's so when we talked last week, we we we dealt with that subject of thanksliving y'all remember that having a having a lifestyle of thanksliving because of what God does for us. We always give thanks to God for what he does for a so my entire life is a life built around. Thanks Living God I wake up in the morning. Thank you write God you put gave me some food. Thank you. God you put a roof over my head. Thank you. So. Cannot live without having a life of Thanksgiving. Amen. We celebrate Thanksgiving, but we operate as Believers lifestyle of face slimming. And so this week we want to look at this whole face thing in and how to change our perspective because sometimes there's a battle there's a battle between what the word of God says and what the world is say and sometimes we get into this thing where I want to do this, but the word of God is saying and it's saying this and that didn't feel good to me or that doesn't that doesn't sit right with me, but it's the right thing to do. Does that make sense? Yeah, been a situation where you know, you either want to hang with some folks you want to go someplace you want to do something. But you know, it's not the right thing to do. So you got to trust in what the word of God says and do what God says, even though you don't see results Ray. So so so so this whole this whole area of Faith Changing me makes me uncomfortable sometimes
See whenever you have to change it. So it's not always going to be comfortable. And it's so sometimes we fight this whole I want to become comfortable and I want to do what's comfortable. But that's not what God is all about in faith has to change your perspective on being comfortable. Sometimes we got to go through that place of being uncomfortable. We got to go to that place where God is stretching us. And God is pulling us and God is using Us in different ways that don't make us feel comfortable. We have to have faith that when God calls us to do those things. He's already going to work it out. Does that make sense?
So let's look at this.
In Hebrews chapter 11 verse for look at the text. It says it was by faith that Abel brought a more acceptable offering to God than caned in. Abel's offering gave evidence that he was a righteous man and God showed him his approval of his gifts. Although able is long-dead. He still speaks to us by as an example of fake now. So you got to be able and got tested in the same thing able trust. God can trust his flesh. So when when able brought his gift to God. Accepted it he has to trust by faith that what he was doing. God was going to be pleased by that. Sometimes when God speaks into your your life gives you a vision he gives you something to do you've got to trust it because he's not going to give you the end result. He will show you the end result, but you're right here in the end result of hers is over there. You got to work towards it by faith.
Does that make sense? We got two brothers got the same direction One trusted by faith. And when he went to give God what God asked for God received at the other one did not even trust in God. I need an operator by faith. He operated by what he saw or what he did and then got confused when he went to give God his second hand stuff and God didn't accept it. So here's another thing. Yeah, we got to quit giving God our second hand stuff.
leftover stuff P1 top first fruit he wants the best of who we are in all things and we have to operate by faith because we going to give our employers are best with Sho Nuff know we can give God. Does that make sense? saved by faith
in Hebrews chapter 11 verse 5. It says button active faith not skip death completely. They looked all over and couldn't find them because God has taken them. We know on the basis of reliable testimony that before he was taken. He please God. How do we live our life? How do we how do we have a perspective of Faith so that we're always pleasing got no matter what man thinks because sometimes you know how to be popular with man. If you trying to please God.
Sometimes you going to be you going to feel like you all by yourself when you make it up in your mind that I'm going to please God.
So here we see Enoch decided in the midst of everything that was going on that he was going to please God and God said it not because I'm pleased with your life. You don't have to go through the process of that you just come on.
Come on, y'all is worse than that. Just say to live in the midst of all the chaos that he was living in and please God when it wasn't popular.
Having faith changed his perspective. Change this Focus know you can come to me with just everything. No. I'm not going to get involved with everything cuz my focus is on pleasing God. Does that make sense?
Look at this. Hebrews chapter 11 verse 7 It was by face a face. the Noah built a large boat to save his family from the flood. We call it the arc. It was a big Bolt. obey God Resume about the things that had never happened before. By his face Norton dim the rest of the world and he received the righteousness that comes by faith. Yeah, it takes a whole different perspective in face to build a boat on a desert when you've never seen ring. Come on, y'all you can Facebook change your perspective. It will change your focus when you have your focus in your perspective on God. God said no. I need you to build this but where is Brian see? No rain and everybody. But he had by faith. I did buy face what God asked him to do.
Who won the Texas? people of a large boat to save his family
his family was first if he had not built that he wouldn't him and his family would be gone see some of us are we got operate by faith to save members in our family.
I'm talking to some people here. See what you doing when they talk about you and when they when they discredit you because you saved and Sanctified and filled with the Holy Spirit. It ain't for you. It's for somebody that you love. Too many of us didn't get here by our own accord. It was because Grandma They Know Her Needs or grandpa saying on his knees or somebody live, right? You're so that we could be here today.
SpongeBob face By faith this thing this whole face thing changes me man. This whole thing when I get this thing. I see those those pillars of faith doing things that God is calling to do and I know they felt isolated. I know they felt alone, but they trusted God more than they trusted me. by faith liquid Hebrews chapter chapter 11 verse 8 test it was by faith. the Abram obeyed guy Widow baby when God called him to leave home and go to another land that God would give him as his inheritance. He went without knowing where he was going. My face, God says I need you to leave what's comfortable for you? I need you to go to a place and I'm not even going to tell you where you going. I'll let you know when you get there. Interface for him to get up and leave his family and go where God had pointed in whatever direction that was and keep going until God says, okay now you there? That's fake. See some of us as we get a little Mustard Seed of that thing. We won't stay stuck in some of the things that we stuck in if we get up by at least some of this Comfort stuff some of these people who don't have any good intentions for us and we move why God is calling us to move will see a blessing but you got to do it by faith.
Do when you quit being scared of material stuff in the fleshly stuff. And you realize they got you in God's hand you can operate and thinking move differently by faith. No matter what the doctor says When God says you're healed you operate my face. No matter what the bank says. When God says you have a cat on a thousand hills on your bills paid you doing my face. This thing works by faith. Everybody is waiting for somebody to do something fun with God has already worked it out and you got to believe it by face. Say faith this thing changes your perspective when you get it in your spirit when you get this faith in your spirit stuff you worry about you. Don't worry about anymore because you know the god that you serve will never leave you nor forsake you and the guy that you serve has more in terms of blessings for you than you can even imagine but you got to receive it by face. Does that make sense?
Hey Douglas, what it says in the Hebrews chapter 11 verse 11. It was my face. Then even Sarah was able to have a child.
No, she was Barren and was too old though. She was Barren and she was too old though. She was boring and she was too old. She believe that God will keep his promise. Some of us think we washed up. We too old. But God is already giving you a vision of something that you supposed to do. And if you believe by faith and you trust what God is saying you'll be just like Siri, she got a birth something in you but it's a business or a book or whatever. It happens to be. The God is already implanted in you you just got to believe by faith. Amen, this ministry is something that we believe by faith God Bertha send us and we believing that God is going to take it to the level that he promised by faith. But if we give up and it's put trust in God will never give birth to the fruition that God has intended for it to be so we walk by faith. We believe by faith and anyone who's associated with us have to walk and operate by faith cuz you know what? We don't see it right now.
It's the most people would stop right there cuz everybody's looking to see something but don't know if you have a bright operate by faith. God is going to give you more exceedingly abundantly than you can even imagine when you operate by faith. a man
only way we can achieve some of the things that God has placed in us that he's place to see the Nook is if we operate by faith. I see folks doing things today. I mean cultures and Nations doing things and their operating by faith. Cuz if you look at it, it doesn't make sense. How could they be doing that what are operating by fan? Let me tell y'all as a Believer the Christian the only way we can move in the kingdom of God is blackface. Are you waking see we got to erase what the world is telling us? Cuz they're telling us you got to fill it. You got to see it. You got to touch it. You got to taste it. You got to smell it and got it. All you got to do is have faith. Amen. I'm trying to help somebody struggling with some stuff cuz they can't see it. They can't feel it. They can't touch it and all God. It said have faith. Tell your neighbor to have faith. You got to have that table faith. We talked about that in our faith. We talked about that knowing Abraham faith and some of us need to have that Sarah faith that we talked about cuz God is burned something in and it can't get out because you have lost your face. Are you with me? Look what the Bible says in Hebrews chapter 11 verse 6 and I need y'all to get there cuz this is this is the reason some of our blessings are being stalked. Look at what it says, but without faith it is impossible to please him for he who comes to God must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him that's fake right there. You ain't got to operate my faith in order to please God so that he will play.
when you get this you can allow yourself to think bigger.
You can do more.
You can operate and help in a way that you've never operated in healthy for when you know that this is all based on having faith not in you but in God. TCU can lay hands on folks and they'll be here because if it's not about you, it's about the God in you. Hey, man, you can move some mountains in in your life because it's not about you. It's about the God in you. You always messing up blessings because we're trying to see it and feel it and not operate by faith. And God says you can't please me unless you operate by faith. You got to trust that. I can't use if you see me. I'm going to reward you and we miss our blessings because we think it's the church. We need it's not the building. It's the relationship with Jesus Christ is that the pastor is show relationship with Jesus Christ. That's where you have to improve and create and develop your face. Does that make sense to you now people can't disappoint me. You understand what I'm saying? They can't disappoint me because I don't put Faith in them. I put faith in God that God will do use them to do the right thing. And if he doesn't or think that I'm still not disappointed because my faith is never in them is always in God. Does that make sense? So we were eating and going through these kind of crazy relationship because we put Faith in people and we never put the faith in God and God says you can't please me unless you put faith in me. So some of us because we never trust in God and put faith in him some of us because we never put our faith in him that he's a Healer some of us still having problems in our family because we never put our faith in God. We always put it in people and you know what we do to each other we disappointed each other. Does that make sense?
You're making me work hard up here.
You got to know that when you operate in faith, all things are possible.
how many times do we come up with I want to do this, but When God says you can do all things through Christ Jesus who gives you strength What you got to operate my face when you don't see it when it's hard, you know when it when it's struggle when you get obstacles God is testing your faith everything that we go through this officer testing your faith. And you said you have to trust me. It's going to be testing and obstacles don't rise up a problem is going to curse and God wants to know that you'll have faith in him do it and walk through it.
Come on y'all. I need some real Believers up in here who can encourage each other so that when stuff happens, we not all broken. We were like no that's a good thing because that's going to get you closer to what God promised when an obstacle comes up. You don't give up you like. Wow, this is a good thing. That means I'm one step closer. Seeing sales when they say no that means I'm closer to my yes.
Listen, there's a song that says only what you do for Christ will last. And some of the first to say you made me feel great Cathedrals large and small. You can build Skype skyscrapers Grand and Tall, but only what you do for Christ will ask it says Speak Earthly power and fame the world might be impressed by Your Great Name doing the glories of this like all past but only what you do for Christ will last remember only what you do for Christ will last only what you do for him will be counted at the end only what you do for Christ will last there is power in the name versus It is not about me getting a bunch of stuff. It's about me giving God glory. And whatever He blesses me with I want to do it for Christ. We have a food ministry right there today for one or two people to get Glory. It's for God to get the glory. Amen.
Do for Christ will laugh. You know how many people know? I don't know who you are. It won't last. Does that make sense? Do I have any Witnesses in here? listen Say faith.
The patriarchal face that we've been looking at is a faith that indoors.
The world has gotten so tripped-out that if it don't happen yesterday something must be wrong.
I'm talking to some folks here if we not millionaires yesterday. Something is wrong. But the face that I'm talking about as a Believer is going to require you there and do some things. That means you're going to have to go through some stuff. That means you get the stuff that you set up ain't going to work out and you might have to change the plan but you got to keep moving forward. Does that make sense? The fake I'm talking about is going to require you to end or something. That means you going to have to go through some stuff.
See what it says when we look at the Patriots. They all believe the promise and some of them didn't even live to see it come to fruition.
But they endure. Because they believed in God, Amen say my faith is changing me.
Still have that changing for you got to have Visionary face a vision everything. Look at look at it. Everybody that I talk to you about head Visionary fake. They saw the promises of God far off not by sight but in their hearts and in their mind. Are you with me? They didn't they didn't even wait for somebody to just hand it to him. They knew what God Said. And so Monday if it didn't happen, they didn't give up Tuesday. If it didn't show up. They didn't stop Wednesday. If it didn't happen, they kept on praying and praising Thursday. If it didn't happen, they got on they knees and they pray even harder harder and further and then Friday, they just got up and just kept singing praises to God. They never got up. You got to have a Visionary think that would God said he's in your life. He's going to do it. Does that make sense?
See that kind of Faith helps us to see and understand the promises of God see when people come to you and say well it looks like you're still sick. You can tell them I'm Healed in the name of Jesus whether you see it or not. And then when you heal they going to be like what happened and you tell them I never gave up on God. My face was never in the doctor was always in God using the. Are you with me? So you got to have Visionary fate the second thing you got to have his growing thing say growing Faith see the patriarch. They saw the promise of God and we're thankful for God for the privilege of seeing it. See sometimes when God placed something in your spirit. That's the blessing right there. Y'all missed it. Let me go over here.
Used bikes use me and my wife by example when God gave us the vision for UCF. That was a blessing right there. Cuz he couldn't use the whole bunch of couples. He can use the whole bunch of different people, but he look down at all his children. That's all he says I got this work for you for you to do. That was the blessings that God saw nothing us to trust us with one of the things that he wanted to manifest on this side of Heaven. That's the blessing. Sometimes y'all went God use you or speaks in your heart and your mind in any way shape or form. That's your blessing right there. Now, you got to go out and execute the blessing but it starts when God thinks enough of you to put it in your port in you does that make sense? See, we all start thinking about well, it didn't happen. Why you stop. Spoke to my heart about this thing. And the challenges always going to be folks saying it ain't going to happen. But check it out. I didn't speak to you. I'm not being arrogant. I'm just saying what the blessing is. Does that make sense now? They saw the promised. They got it from God and they thought first of all it was a privilege. Secondly they were persuaded by the promise of God and they believe the promises were true. So whatever God said to them I counted as truth.
Sometimes you got to make a decision the word of God or the world. The word of God or the world who you going to pick who you going to trust? Who's going to trust the word of God because the world is? It's so some people get immediate result in the world, but it ain't lasting. I'm a go for the word of God and let him build it up. I'm always even though I'm going through stinks. I'm going to say I believe the word of God. Does that make sense? See some of y'all we got to just say I'm a believe the word of God. I don't care what you say. You don't have to see it, but I'm afraid by faith. Does that make sense? I believe that whatever God is going to give what whatever he says he's going to do for you. He going to do it. I don't need to go to a counselor people to get to get them to justify what God said to me. He went to busy trying to get people to buy in what God told you.
Trying to get everybody to bring the guy say that the guy say that the guy say what when you got faith in God, you know, the guy said it. A man. Oh, well, I got to meet with somebody. I got to talk to this. No, you know, you just got to go to the Lord and say Lord. Thank you for speaking into my heart not show me today what I got to do to manifest what you put in my spirit.
She got to believe what God says. He's going to fulfill. chabelita, you got to have faith to see if you if you start doubting is like Jane says, you know, you're going to and fro, you know, he can't trust what is one minute you on fire for the Lord the next minute you want that it can operate like this when God says it that settles it I know that's one of them Christian cliches, but it's the truth. When God says it that settles it and if you really want proof find it in his world cuz he is true to his word. He's not mad. He don't lie when you put it in this world. That's the truth. Amen. So you can have this girl in face. Amen. That's her thing you got to do is have a working fake. See you can't have faith and sit down and do nothing.
You know what? I did and I use this example the time that people come to me and say what Pastor when you get your building then I'll come where you ain't got no growing face. You should not waiting for it all to be done in the be handed to you. That's not working Faith a man in order to have faith. You got to take some action faith without works. Come on, y'all. So what you going to build a Ministry? That means you got to work and you sitting back waiting for it all I happen. You'll never see it.
I'm sorry if I hurt some folks feelings.
So tell them folks waiting they keep saying I'm going to come. Tell me when we get it. We won't need them.
amen You can't sit back and just talk. I'm not personally I'm not big on folks who just do this? Not big on that. You got to get in the trenches and you got to work out your face. If you believe it and you know that God said it then you have to take the actions to make it manifest. Does that make sense? A lot of Christians today want to sit back and think Santa Claus God is just going to lay it in their life. It doesn't work like that. You have to work out this fate you got if you believe that God said it and you found it in his word then work it out a man. If God has called you to be a parent. You got to work that thing out if that is called you be a husband and why you can work it out. It doesn't stop you. Not just go get the perfect spouse the perfect children the perfect job to pray. It's not going to happen. You have to work it out. Does that make sense?
Say working faith.
The last thing I want to talk about in this area is an enduring Faith talk about a little bit. see when you have an enduring Faith. You never go back to what you used to do. You keep pressing for. Hey Matt, see see when you went when you are operating in an enduring Faith. Trust me. I've stickles will come up. Problems and challenges will come up and most people who are not operating by faith. The first thing they do is turn around and go back to what they used to do.
What you got into or you got to persevere you got to work these things out so it's not always going to be easy and I tell people all the time when you've worked and you giving 110% you can rest in peace with whatever God blesses you with. CK nobody talk about you when you know, you work there you've operated in a working faith in God has blessed you with it. I don't care what they say. I don't care if they've worked it out and God bless them then I might encourage you. Does that make sense to me? Why don't you don't need to do that? No, just because you don't have that Faith to work it out and he man. And they do don't spend your time putting your mouth on then you look at yourself and look in the mirror and say what do I have to do to work it out? Cuz there's a Christian God is no respecter of man. What he will do for one. He'll do for the next a man. I'm just talking to some people here wasting too much time focusing on other phones without trying to bless you.
I like those Patriarchs because they didn't Harvard the desires of worldly things. They wanted to please God. That's first and foremost show first and foremost. What is your relationship with God? Because I wanted to have this kind of Faith. We're talking about you have to have a relationship with God. Are you won't know what to do when challenges come up. Does that make sense now in Romans chapter 4 verse 21 Bible says he was fully convinced that God is able to do whatever he promises. I want you to grab that and put it in your heart. You've got to be fully convinced not partially not doubting. You got to be fully convinced. They were guy said he going to do he'll do it. Does that make sense in NC when when when other folks I got to go back to this cuz some of us still waiting for folks and sperm ain't even save to approve what Goddess is asked you to do in your life. Thank you, Jesus some of y'all still waiting for somebody who still caught up in the world and say it's okay to do what God is already told you to do.
You got to be fully convinced that God is able to do whatever he promises. fully convinced
see what face there's a reward. And the reward is twofold first of all first piece of it as you receive God's approval. See, that's the first piece. You will receive God's approval first. See we looking for men's approval. But this type of fact that I'm talking about gives you God's approval a man and every one of the Patriarchs we talked about him today. It's too 2017. We talking about stuff that happened over 2000 years ago. If not, we still talk cuz they operated in faith. I would like for my legacy and my family to be talking about me 2000 years ago cuz I operated in faith.
The second thing is they receive the promises that God said they receive the promise and for them. It was the promised land or Heaven. Your promise could be whatever God has planted in your heart. for them was a place that was better than here. Amen. I want to hit you with this scripture because we've heard it before but sometimes we will be here then we just kind of blow right past the second Corinthians chapter 5 verse 7. It says for we walk by faith and not by sight. You heard it a lot, right? Was that mean I don't live my life cuz that walk means how I live my life. I don't live my life by what I see. I live my life and faith by faith in the word of God cuz you always got to have an object of your fake. Does that make sense? So we walk by faith and not by saying in Romans chapter 4 verse 13. The Bible says for the promise that he would be the area of the world was not to Abraham or to his see through the law but through the righteousness of Faith. The reason we're here right now is not because of some law. But because of him being in right standing by faith with God. Did y'all know that this is why we're here today because Abram trusted God, he didn't necessarily follow the law cuz you know, he lied. He lied about Sarah being his sister and not his wife can't be about following the rules and regulations but through all of that. He trusted God. I want to help somebody there. Y'all think I got to be perfect. No, you don't have to be perfect. You just got to continue to trust God. Does that make sense? I want to relieve somebody who's bound because they think I got to follow the law know you got trust God Amen. I like what I say is in the message that same translation that says that famous promise God gave him that he and his children would possess the Earth was not given because of something Abraham did or what do it was based on God's decision to put everything together for him. Which Abram then entered when he believed Does that make sense being blessed because God already put it together. They just got to trust it in walk.
Won't he do it? What you doing? A men? And so as Christians are better days are ahead for us cuz we walk by faith and not by sight see where we are at right now is not where we going to end up being I got tell somebody that because y'all think this is the this is the end. It's not the end. I use this analogy. I said we bout to play the second half of the game. Amen, yeah, the first half we made a trip to fall and got ourselves us some trouble and things didn't work out but we we wanted to have time Beyonce do the show.
Whoever the Angels, you know, whoever they came I did to show you though, but now we back out on the playing field. Are you waiting and now you plan to win? Are you with me? And when you plan to win you got to know the rules before we may not have known the rules cuz not all of us was saying. Once you know the rules of the game then you play to win. And we plan to increase the kingdom of God. We playing the snacks everybody who's caught up in the world out of the world and into Christ. We plan to save Souls. We're playing we might have to go through some stuff. But we going to have that face that Pookie who out there doing whatever he is doing or Pookie is a she whatever. She's doing coming to Christ. We playing the win this thing. It's the second half of the game. Amen. And I'm going to play this thing out until God take me home a man. And so I don't have time to play with people. I tell tell him this game is real. Amen. The first half I didn't know but this this now I know and it's real to me. Amen. And the ending like the song says, what is this? I can't explain what it is except for the Holy Spirit operating to me, but I'm going to play this thing out till I die. And I'm playing the snatch everybody who's caught up with anything and everything out of it. And then to Christ. Are you with me? So I see you again till you see I don't be moved by what you see or how you feel but I always have faith in the word of God cuz the victory is yours the promise of God belongs to us and you got to see it through your eyes a man then give got a big hand of praise.
amen, amen
Then Pastor bring us a wonderful message today that the Church Say Amen. Hallelujah Isn't God good? all the time Thank you. Pastor told us about the growing faith and they're working and Faith No, all we got to do is believe that's all we got to do. We want to be with Jesus we have to do. That's all. And if you believe that when you leave this earth, you want to be whatever the place is. You want to be with him? It's all we got to do is believe if you believe he gave his life for us. That he loved us. So well he gave up his life. You were on the cross. If I was saying that we may have a right to the Tree of Life. And so all you got to do is just busy.
And if you have the Ark of Safety. Now is the time. You can come up and be on God's side.
the devil always want you to be on this side because e Cuz he think he held me but God is waiting is on the standing wide open. Savannah luxury come on and be addressed. Be with him. God love us.
He hate the sin, but he love us. He loved us so well he gave up his life.
So if you don't have your name on a Church Road, and you want you tonight with United Christian Fellowship now is the time. how to say if this not where you want to be he will do all they can to send you where you want to go but there's still room at the cross. There's still room.
God don't want any of us to Paris. You want us to have our last in life. So now is the time.
so, but if you don't want to
belo's Not so you all you got to do is just trust him and believe. work and I will grow in faith. That's all we need.
So we have done what God had a required us to do is to invite you to come on his side. And I'm making a different what your friends say, but you have to trust God just sent. Yeah, you have to dress in.
We all got to meet him for sales. Mama can't do it father can't do it. Grandmother can't do it, but we have to do it for ourselves.
But you know someone pray for us the reason why we are here.
Do they offer prayers God in Spanish? So just believe it's okay. We've done what you've done now. We get ready to take our ties and offering. And let us pray for it, but we receive it probably God we come now and we come thanking you for this gift or Grayson father. Even before we receive it bless the ones that have to give and bless the one that have not but all greatest father. We ask you to bless those that have not the next time that they can participate in the giving over Rachel's father. We love you and we praise you and all of God's children said amen.
Dallas free again. We thank you for the gift Lord that those that I ever decide to give it but oh gracious father. We ask you to take it and use it for which it was taken for the help build a kingdom here on Earth for you by the we love you and we praise you and all I got was chewing against an amen.