1 PETER 1:6-9
I. Introduction
a. Life needs a warning label, it has side effects.
i. Jesus gave us one: In this life you will have trouble…
b. Sometimes impression is given that following Jesus is the path to avoid the side affects of life.
i. That it is God’s purpose to make us carefree and removed from discomfort
1. Some truth in this.
c. Peter writes in the context of great suffering
i. Nero’s Rome
ii. Body of the letter begins w/ “Blessed…” and this section calls for rejoicing.
iii. Is this because Peter fails to recognize the reality in which he lives?
II. Baby Giraffes.
a. “In this…” In what?
i. All that has preceded. God in His great mercy…
ii. Every believer, regardless of circumstances shares that reality.
1. Then every believer has cause to rejoice
b. Our Default Mode
i. Rejoicing should be one of our primary characteristics
1. There is none who can say, “I have no reason to rejoice.”
2. There is a time for everything-even mourning, but rejoicing should be our “default mode”
c. Why are trials so trying? Wouldn’t it make more sense if God went easy?
i. ILL. Baby Giraffes
1. God will not allow you to become prey. He did not birth you to become prey.
III. Genuineness of Faith
a. Proof of faith: Genuineness may be found to result in praise, glory, and honor at the rev of Jesus
i. God is protecting you. The means is by sustaining your faith. Why? For a salvation to be revealed, so that you will not be ashamed at His appearing.
b. Genuine Faith Endures
i. The more it is stressed, stretched and flexed the stronger it becomes
ii. Most things diminish w/ use and eventually need to be discarded
1. Not faith. It improves w/ use.
2. Greatest enemy of faith: non-use.
a. God provides opportunity to use faith
iii. Faith increases in quality and quantity when put to use.
c. What is faith?
i. Experiencing Jesus as completely reliable and trustworthy in His promises and counsel.
1. Book knowledge vs. Street smarts
a. ILL. Doctor- 1st operation or seasoned pro
b. MT Biking
2. Faith grows stronger when we are in situations where we experience Jesus as trustworthy.
a. Peter’s faith did not come easily.
ii. God is protecting you from becoming prey (often requires kicking) and by this is keeping you that you might receive the inheritance reserved for you.
IV. Christianity in 2 verses
a. Love of Jesus, Faith in Jesus, Joy in Jesus
b. Love of Jesus
i. He is of the highest value
1. Dr. Phil and the deer hunter
a. That which you ascribe the highest priority is what you love.
c. Faith in Jesus
i. Trusting/Relying upon Him
1. Confidence in Him
d. Rejoicing in Jesus
i. Rejoice w/ joy inexpressible
1. Jesus is absolutely valuable and reliable (even in Nero’s Rome)
e. Salvation is the outcome
i. As you live the Christian life
1. Rejoice in Him as precious
2. Rejoice in His being completely trustworthy
ii. The outcome, goal or result is salvation of your souls.
V. Conclusion
a. God in His great mercy caused you to be born again…prepared an inheritance…preserves you for it
i. In this you greatly rejoice (in Nero’s Rome)
ii. For even now God is exercising your faith that you might stand before Him unashamed.
b. Our challenge: Live a life of joy for His infinite value, complete reliability, w/ the end result being the salvation of your soul.