Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Mark begins his gospel with a quote from Malachi 3:1
And Isaiah 40:3
In his preparation, John the Baptist gives us a few truths we need to remember when we are sharing the Good News of the Gospel with those who are lost.
We preach the Good News of the Gospel and should be careful to remember a few things when we do:
Preach repentance of sins.
We preach Him who is worthy.
We preach a forgiven and changed life through the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
We Preach Repentance (4-5)
Take a look back at verses 1-3.
We all love Good News don’t we?
If you happen to have the NLT version this morning, you’ll see that it translates the word “gospel” as “Good News.”
The writer, Mark, uses the word to describe the message being preached.
Good News!!
We read from Malachi and Isaiah already, but notice what Mark is saying here:
“John the Baptist is coming!
He is to prepare the way for the coming Messiah.”
What exactly was John’s message?
Verse 4 tells us.
He came baptizing and preaching a baptism of repentance for the remission of sins.
Notice a few things about John’s baptism:
It came outside and apart from the temple, where normally religious activities such as this would take place.
It was specific in it’s call-for repentance!
It pointed to the One who provided the remission of sins.
Notice the word “repentance” with me.
Generally, we use it poorly in our religious circles.
Usually, it’s a religious word that we feel we need to use in order to be part of the club.
And when asked, people can tell you what the definition is, yet very few actually understand it’s meaning.
Biblical repentance is an admitting and turning toward.
It means agreeing that God is right and you are wrong.
It means that when you say you are sorry, you really are sorry and your actions prove it.
Listen to how this word is used in other passages in the NT:
Friends, a Gospel preached without repentance is not a Gospel!
I was talking to a gentleman this week and said, “God has given us Good News in the Gospel, but there can’t be Good News without there being bad news.”
Friends, the bad news is that we are dead in our sins.
John’s message was that of repentance.
When you share the Good News of the Gospel, are you calling people to repentance, or are we continuing to lead them astray with a false Gospel message?
Have you repented of your sin today, received Jesus, and have a new life in Christ?
We Preach Jesus Alone (7)
John understood his place as it relates to Jesus.
He had a specific job; to warn people about the coming wrath and one to come who would be the propitiation for sin.
He didn’t take any glory and didn’t seek glory.
Notice that John says he isn’t even worthy to stoop down and untie His sandals.
The NLT tells us why:
Untying and removing sandals was the job of slaves, and John says he isn’t even worthy to do this.
John says that he isn’t even worthy to bend over to do so!
Who alone is worthy to receive this type of honor?
State leaders demand this type of service.
Dictators force people to humble themselves.
Not so with Christ.
He alone is worthy of all honor and glory, yet He came as a servant.
This servant came to fulfill the message that John the Baptist preached, which was repentance.
Notice Mark 1:15
The Gospel comes through Christ alone.
Protestants call this Solas Christus.
We trust Christ alone for salvation.
When John indicated that he was not worthy to stoop and untie His sandals, he was pointing to Christ.
We don’t preach Christ plus works.
We don’t preach Christ plus church membership.
We don’t preach Christ plus baptism.
We don’t preach Christ plus denominationalism.
Friends, in order to prepare the way when we are sharing the Good News of the Gospel, we must remember that we preach Christ alone.
Have you repented and placed your faith in Christ?
We Preach about a new life in Christ (8)
Follow John the Baptist’s example in preparing the way.
We preach repentance, preach Christ alone, and preach about a new life in Christ.
This includes:
An inward and outward change.
(Baptism HS)
This inward change can be described as regeneration.
This describes the inner renewal of the heart by the Holy Spirit.
This change isn’t momentary.
It isn’t dependent upon you keeping it.
Remember what verse 7 said?
How are we justified?
“By His grace.”
The grace given, not by works of righteousness, but given in mercy.
Friends, this inward change affects an outward change.
Show me an unchanged “Christian” and I’ll Biblically show you an unregenerate man.
A verbal proclamation.
( Telling others, visible baptism, witnessing, discipleship)
We preach a new life in Christ through a verbal proclamation.
How do men come to saving faith?
Through the message and preaching of the Gospel!
Do you love your lost grandchild?
Share the Gospel with them!
Are you concerned for your co-workers?
Preach or herald the Good News of the Gospel to them!
Does it bother you that your relative, neighbor, or boss claims to be a Christian but doesn’t have an interest in the things of Christ?
Share the Gospel with them!
If we intend on “Preparing the Way,” we need to ready, able, and actively sharing the Gospel using a verbal means.
A new desire to walk with Jesus daily.
With a new life in Christ, comes the desire to walk with Him daily.
It’s hard to preach or share with a friend about the exciting new life He gives-having a debt paid for that you can’t possibly pay-while not walking with Jesus daily.
Some need to fall on their face in repentance, asking God to forgive their sin in order that they can be a faithful witness of His;
While others need to simply fall on their face in repentance to receive Christ.
Friends, we have too many pretenders who have infiltrated themselves into the church today AND we are allowing them to have influence by not standing up and speaking scripture when it’s needed.
An awareness of sin and the desire to live for Christ.
This new life in Christ comes with an awareness of sin.
Since we’ve been born again and live in the newness of Christ (Rom.
6:4), our new desire is for Him rather than that of ourselves.
< .5
.5 - .6
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> .9