Sermon Tone Analysis

Overall tone of the sermon

This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
[1] Title
In this series, over the next few weeks leading up to Christmas, we’re going to look at four of popular Christmas carols you’ll be familiar with and explore the scripture behind them and how they’re born out of our joy that Christ has entered the world.
O Holy Night, , O Come All Ye Faithful, Away In A Manger, Emmanuel
In this series, we’re looking at popular Christmas carols you’ll be familiar with and explore the scripture behind them and how they’re born out of our joy that Christ has entered the world.
You’ll begin to see the truth God has placed in the very lyrics of these songs.
Last week - O Holy Night; Next week - Away In A Manger; Christmas weekend -
O Come O Come Emmanuel; Today - O Come All Ye Faithful
O Holy Night
Mid-1800s Priest Placide Cappeau - French wine merchant and poet1906, Reginald Fessenden, 33 yr old university professor did the impossible.
On Christmas Eve - new kind of generator - First AM Broadcast - micAt that time the Roman emperor, Augustus, decreed that a census should be taken throughout the Roman Empire.
:1Read - Played this song on his violin - First song ever broadcast on AM radio.
Let’s listen in.[2] O Holy Night - Music Video
[3] TitleO Holy Night - the night when Christ was born.Manger scene brings many of us believers to a place of emotion.
Disservice: 9 months pregnant - traveling on a donkey (80-120 miles) - we rode to DuBois in a Hyundai.
Delivering Elam (Epidural) vs Adler (Fast!) - Kinsley is my hero - It may have been a ‘Holy Night’ but I’d strongly suggest it wasn’t a quiet restful night.Now, in this song, O Holy Night, there’s a phrase I want to zero in on, and it may not be the phrase you’re expecting.
My hope is that when you hear this song in the future this phrase will jump out at you as well.
The song says: ‘A thrill of hope the weary world rejoices...’ and then it says ‘…For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn.’If
you asked for a word to accurately describe the state of our world today, I’d vote for weary.
The world is overwhelmed, so much anxiety in our lives (economy, family, disease, struggle after struggle).
I think many of us this Christmas are fighting to stay above water and can relate to that phrase, ‘the weary world.’
But what’s great about this song is it doesn’t just let us sit there weary and downcast because it says there’s a ‘thrill of hope.’
Imagine, in the chaos of this holy night, in this weary world, those who had waited all their lives for a Messiah, heard stories of generations past waiting all their lives for a Messiah, the thrill that comes with the birth of the Messiah.
A thrill of hope fills the air and what does the weary world do?
The weary world rejoices!I hope this Christmas, if your world is weary, you’ll experience the thrill of hope find faith to rejoice.
Because even in the chaos of this night, there is a new and glorious morn.We love to sing about that holy night, but I want to focus on what happens the next morning!
Think about that new and glorious morning!
The Saviour of this weary world has been born and everything is different now because Jesus Christ can change everything.
O Come All Ye Faithful
This hymn is a collaboration of several people.
It was originally written in Latin and was given the title Adesete Fideles.
The writer was John Francis Wade, who was an 18th century hymnist.
It translated into English in 1841 by a guy named Frederick Oakeley, and that’s where we get the name O Come All Ye Faithful.
It’s a carol that has stood the test of time and has been sung throughout generations.
This song offers an invitation to “come, all ye faithful, . . . to Bethlehem” and places the singer both among the shepherds who rushed to see the Christ child, and in the long procession of the “faithful” that have journeyed to Bethlehem in their hearts for over 2,000 years.
Let’s do that together as we watch this video:
Originally written in Latin “Adesete Fideles” and is attributed to John Francis Wade, an 18th century hymnist, though the English “O Come All Ye Faithful” was translated by Frederick Oakeley in 1841.
This is a carol that has withstood the test of time and
[2] O Come All Ye Faithful - Music Video
[3] Title
I want to take you back to the Old Testament, the book of Lamentations.
The context of Lamentations is the year 586 B.C. Jerusalem had fallen and the people were distraught and at a complete loss.
The prophet Jeremiah, he was lamenting, he was whining, he was hurting like everyone else ‘whoa is me,’ and he pours his heart out in the form of this text.
In chapter 3 we see a switch, where he moves from his mourning to a moment of faith.
Here’s what he writes:[4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
Maybe you’re a little bit like me and the invitation I gave before the video was a little daunting actually.
The first line can seem intimidating:
The reason this can feel daunting is because many times, especially during the Christmas season, we can feel anything but faithful, joyful and triumphant.
Instead we may feel the opposite…doubtful…depressed…defeated.
And we’re thinking man, God, are you sure I’m the one who is supposed to come?
I don’t always feel like it should be me among that group.
Maybe the holdup is on the faithful side: Perhaps it’s, you know what, God called me to do something, but once I got there it turned out to be far more difficult than I expected.
So you start to question it and struggle through that faith issue.
Maybe the holdup is on the triumphant side: A word we don’t use a whole lot today because we often feel so defeated, don’t we?
We look at the pieces of our life and expected to be further along by now.
More achieved.
More secure.
We think, “Where’s the triumph in my life?”
When in fact many times we feel the opposite…doubtful…depressed…defeated.
Maybe the holdup is on the joyful side: I’m not sure if you’re like me or not, but joy can be sucked out of a room really quick.
‘I couldn’t wait to get here, I was having a great time, and then…she had to say THAT!’
How many of you have felt a lack of Faith?
Joy? Triumph?
I’m probably a rare breed as a man, but I do enjoy trips to the mall.
Happening place, people, food court,
So for me, as I begin to look at this song, I ask this question and I wonder, who is it that Jesus calls in Scripture?
And the good news is, it’s not exactly the faithful, joyful and triumphant.
Let’s look into the life of Jesus and see who he calls.
Good news is…that isn’t who Jesus calls.
So for me, as I begin to look at this song, I ask this question and I wonder, who is it that Jesus calls in Scripture?
And the good news is, it’s not exactly the faithful, joyful and triumphant.
Let’s look into the life of Jesus and see who he calls.
First and second.
These are going to come quick, so if you’re taking notes, pens ready, if you have a photographic memory, prepare to capture the image.
Who does Jesus call?
​ ESVMy soul continually remembers it and is bowed down within me.
But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope: The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.
“The Lord is my portion,” says my soul, “therefore I will hope in him.”
The Lord is good to those who wait for him, to the soul who seeks him.
It is good that one should wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord.
We see this in when Jesus says:
[11] Title
The second thing:
It’s truly amazing what a new day with Christ can bring and I want to show you three truths that can bring you a thrill of hope when your weary world is in total darkness.
If you’re living in darkness this Christmas, my prayer for you is that this will be the Christmas God changes everything for you - the year he pulls you out of darkness and into the light - a new day with Christ.Out of Lamentations, number one:A New Day With Christ Brings...[12]
We see this in
Now, this doesn’t say what you want.
It says need.
Needs and wants are very different.
Everyday I need protein, fats, and carbs to stay alive.
< .5
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