A Change of Mind Is Not A Transformation
A wise, moral lifestyle fails to fully satisfy the human heart.
Scriptural Text:
A Change of Mind Is Not Transformation
The story is told of a certain man who was walking in his neighborhood when he came face to face with Death. He noticed an expression of surprise on the creature’s horrid countenance, but they passed one another without speaking. The fellow was frightened and went to a wise man to ask what should be done. The wise man told him that Death had probably come to take him away the next morning. The poor fellow was terrified at this and asked how ever he could escape.
The only solution the two could think of was that the victim should drive all night to a distant city and so elude Death. So the man drove to the other city—it was a terrible journey that had never been done in one night before—and when he arrived he congratulated himself on having eluded death.
Just then, Death came up to him and tapped him on the shoulder. “Excuse me,” he said, “but I have come for you.”
“Why,” exclaimed the terrified man, “I thought I saw you yesterday near my home!”
“Exactly,” said Death. “That was why I looked surprised—for I had been told to meet you today in this city.”279