Sermon Tone Analysis

Overall tone of the sermon

This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
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.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Well, as we are now moving at a fast pace through the month of December and since Christmas Day will be here before you can even blink an eye, I thought that I thought that I would do something to help some of you out.
You know, some small and simple last minute ideas!
(Please note that I am not advocating for the commercialization of Christmas Day nor am I suggesting that any of you should go out and buy anything for this day.
However, since many people will be buying gifts and cannot think of anything to get certain people, I thought that I would help some of you out!)
Start slides for funny Christmas gifts
For that special someone in your life we have, “Dill Pickle Mints”.
Is there someone that you struggle to get along with at the workplace?
Then buy them a pack of this.......”Get Along With Your Coworkers Gum”!
Is there a BACON lover in your life?
Try one of these assorted goodies.
We have
Bacon Air Fresheners
Bacon Candy Canes
Bacon Flavored Tooth Picks
Bacon Lip Balm (to really grease up those lips)
And if they have been indulging in too much bacon flavored goodness and their breath needs a little refreshing, then give them....”Bacon Mints”
Or Bacon Flavored Toothpaste!
And speaking of mints, there is also the “Memory Mints” for those who seem to have senior moments all too often!
And mints for the person that thinks it’s all about them, we have, “The Narcissist Mints”!
For the southern gourmet, we have, “BBQ Flavored Larvae”!
And if those little gourmet larvae didn’t set too well and you’re out and away from home, then we have the.......”Public Toilet Survival Kit”!
And if you were really in dire straits after all of that larvae goodness and then go south too quickly, then I give to you.......”Instant Underpants (Just add water)”!
Finally, for those who you think have everything, you can buy them......”A Plot of Land in Ireland” (Yep a literal one foot square plot of land registered and deeded to them for $50!)
Well, what if that certain hard to buy for person has traveled all over the globe and wouldn’t appreciate such niceties as land in Ireland, you might ask?
No problem, go off the globe baby!
Buy them........”Moon Land” (Yes, that’s right, Moon Land.
You can actually buy that person an ACRE of land on the moon that is deeded and recorded in their name with a map showing their acreage and other goodies that go with it!)
OK, there you have it.
No thanks are needed folks, if I have done any of you a favor this morning!
But seriously, let’s move on into today’s lesson, shall we?
You know, in lite of talking about “gifts” and especially at this time of year where “gift giving” it is soooooooo commercialized and advertised and it’s all about buying more and more and getting more and more; I came across a familiar passage in the gospels the other day that reminded me of something that myself as well as many others may take for granted!
And this certain thing, this “gift” (if you will), that I began thinking about, is tied in heavily with what Pastor Linus taught on last Sunday.
How many of you were and heard the message that Linus spoke about last week?
He based his message off of , which reads,
As we saw last week from this passage, every true believer in Jesus Christ, has power over our enemy, by the life giving blood of Jesus Christ, but also through the word of our testimony, which shows our trust and faith in Him!
I know that many of you who were here last week and heard the message , were very touched and received something from it, AMEN?!
But our testimony and the faith that we have backing it up, are directly related to our understanding of who we are and what we have been given though the “Blood of the Lamb”!
Namely, the gift of sonship and citizenship within the Kingdom!
So, with that thought in mind, I am going to move forward and into the main passage that we are going to be looking at this morning.
Would you turn with me in your Bibles please, to the gospel of ,
Now, in true Pastor Chris fashion, before I get into the meat of this verse and give you the very simple take home point that I feel that Holy Spirit wants me to impart to you this morning, I would like to back up a little bit and explain a little bit of history that leads up to this Biblical account.
You guys should know me well enough by now, to know that I have more of a teacher’s heart and that I love to try explain and make relevant what I am speaking to you about, AMEN?
So, that being said, let’s look at what this tax is that Peter was being questioned about in this verse, as Jesus uses this to make a point to Peter.
If you could travel all the way back to the time of Moses and the Exodus period, around 1,500 years ago, (or you could simply turn to Exodus, the 2nd book in the Bible), in , you will find God saying this to His servant Moses,
As we find here, the Lord, Yahweh, gave Moses the decree to take a census of the people, right in the middle of giving him all of the particulars about the tabernacle that they were to build.
In this census, God doesn’t ask for an actual head count, but rather, He calls for a payment to be made.
(A half of a shekel to be exact) Every man, twenty years of age and older were to pay this amount.
This payment, was called a “ransom” payment, by the Lord when He issued the decree to Moses.
The subject of a ransom, was nothing new to the people of Israel and Moses, as God had already stated in that all of the firstborn males (livestock and humans alike) belonged to the Lord, but yet, the human males were to be ransomed (bought) back from the Lord.
Israel, according to God, was His firstborn, as God told Moses to tell Pharaoh in , “ 'Thus says the LORD, "Israel is My son, My firstborn.”
How many know that the way the way the Pharaoh handled God’s firstborn was costly, and to this day, the way that we view and handle God’s firstborn is costly?!!!!!
This stemming from the final and devastating blow to the Egyptians as the Lord took all of their firstborn males during the passover.
So, God reminded the Israelites that because He had protected the firstborn of their people from the plague (death), their firstborn belonged to Him and that they MUST ransom, or buy back the firstborn!
God is stressing a couple of things to the people with what is going on here: 1) He is saying that the firstborn must be redeemed, but now, unless a plague would strike the people, all peoples under the census must pay the ransom.
(This plague, although they didn’t understand it, would ultimately be known as out sin, which ,without a ransom being payed for each one, would bring death!) 2) God is saying to the people that He wants them to build for Him a tabernacle, (a place that is set aside and purified) so that He can dwell with His children, in their midst!
This all comes full circle and is ultimately fulfilled by the Messiah, the Anointed One, Jesus the Christ, as He, being the FIRSTBORN of all creation, would bring the kingdom of God to earth and thus, God would dwell in the midst of His people, through purified spirits.
And this same FIRSTBORN would not be ransomed, but would become the ransom for all who would believe and thus avoid the plague of sin and death!
Do you see that Jesus would ultimately fulfill every part of God’s designed plan and His will to buy us back (ransom us), from the plague of sin and death.
In fact, the entire tabernacle and everything associated with it, relates to or is fulfilled through the redemptive work that Jesus did on the Cross of Calvary!
So, this census and its associated ransom was given to the children of Israel and they moved forward with it.
In Chapter 25, God allowed the children of Israel, as a free will offering, to give of themselves all the amenities that were needed to establish and build the tabernacle for His presence and now in chapter 30, they are paying a census tax (a ransom) for its support!
And the majority, if not all, of the precious items that were needed to build this tabernacle and supply it, which the children of Israel donated, were actually provided by what was taken out of Egypt as the Israelites were leaving!
(In other words, God had established it, so that the wealth of the wicked people of Egypt, was given to support God’s people and ultimately for His presence coming to dwell amongst men!
This has never changed, the sinner’s wealth is stored up for the righteous, is what the Bible tells us.
Just as God allowed the children of Israel the opportunity to freely give of themselves towards building the tabernacle and thus bringing God’s presence into their midst, and then making a righteous requirement of them, through the census tax (a ransom), that would protect them from a plague (death), He does the same thing with us today; except we no longer pay the ransom; it was payed for us!
We are allowed to make the decision (just as they were), to give ourselves, completely to Him, (as living stones) and thus we become the temple of His presence, and yes, a ransom was required for this to take place and protect us from death, just as it was for them.
But instead of God using the shed blood of a lamb as a ransom for the people, or anything that they could offer to Him, He used the shed blood of His Son, Jesus the Christ, the spotless Lamb of God, as the ransom that would be payed for ALL time and for all who would come to Him in faith and belief!
Jesus’ shed blood became the ransom for us and the covering that was needed so that when we freely give ourselves to Him as vessels for His use, He pours His righteous Spirit into us, (cleansing us of all unrighteousness) and turns our bodies into living temples that He dwells within!
And just like in with the implementation of the census tax, no one who comes to the Lord is of more or less value in His righteous eyes.
Verse 15 says, “The rich must not give more than the specified amount, and the poor must not give less.”
That is, no one could be rich enough to deserve it and no one could be poor enough to miss out on salvation.
We are all found equal in His eyes as sinners and thus the same ransom was equally paid for all!
So, this where and why the census tax originated, that we see in and it is here that we will pick back up with our account with Jesus and Peter.
In , we find Jesus and the disciples making their way back to Jerusalem.
In this passage they have stopped in Capernaum, which had become their base of operations, as well as where Peter’s home was located.
The odds are highly in favor that they were actually staying at Peter’s home.
Now let’s look a little more closely at what took place here and the lesson that Jesus is making to Peter and ultimately to every single person who would ever claim to be a Christian.
Just a short time before this passage takes place, Jesus and the disciples were in Caesarea Philippi and it is there that Jesus asks them the question about who people said He was, followed by His asking them who they thought He was.
It is here that Peter has the inspired revelation about Jesus, and he answers by saying, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God!”
So, both Peter and Jesus and knew who Peter had revealed Him to be and possibly when Jesus states to Peter that the sons are free, He may have kind of goaded or prompted Peter to draw the conclusion of what this truly meant.
You know, kind of like, “OK, Peter, follow me here.
I am the son of God, right?
And the temple is my Father’s house.
That is, My Father is Jehovah and this temple is the place where He is worshipped and dwells.
So, if the kings do not tax their own children and My father is the King of the Kingdom and I am the Son, then do you think that I should be liable for this tax?”
“Exactly, NO, because the sons are free!
So, I am free from any obligation to pay taxes for the support of the kingdom where My Father is Lord over it and especially in His own house.”
If you remember, early on, Jesus had already stated that the temple was His father’s house when He was just 12 years old, as we find in , where He tells Mary and Joseph, His parents, “Don’t you know that I must be in my Father’s house?”
So, Jesus says that the sons are free, because they are of the father’s house and not of the realm outside of His kingdom.
They belong to the father’s kingdom and have all of the rights that go with it!
So what did this mean for Peter and the other disciples and what does it mean for you and I as well?
Well, let’s look at a few verses and see who the Bible says that we are.
, “But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God.”
,, “For all who are being led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.
The Spirit Himself testifies with our spirit that we are children of God.”
, “For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus.”
, "And I will be a father to you, And you shall be sons and daughters to Me," Says the Lord Almighty.”
As true, blood bought, faith filled Bible believing men and women, we are also called “SONS and DAUGHTERS of Jehovah!
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