7 December 2017 — Carmela funeral

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We are here because our mother, our grandmother, our aunt, our cousin, our friend Carmela has passed away. Carmela is gone. And even though we are sad to see Carmela go, Carmela’s life should be celebrated. I’m here to talk a little bit about Carmela, about what gave her joy and about Carmela’s hope. What that you say? Carmela’s hope? Yes, Carmela had a hope.
Fifty-five years ago in El Nigromante, el el municipio de Pinos Zacatecas, on 10 September, José Silva and María Cisneros were very excited about the birth of the new daughter. They had so many dreams and hopes for her. They wanted her to be happy and have a life full of success. They named her Elia del Carmen, otherwise known to us as Carmela. When Carmela was twenty-one in 1983, she came to the USA from Mexico. She had her daughter Nancy with her. Later while she was here, Jessica was borne and then Maira was born. Three lovely daughters whom Carmela loved very much. These daughters gave her four grandchildren. Gabriel was born in 2005. In the next year, 2006 came Fabían and then Miguel. Then four years later in 2010 Mía was born. Giving her a lovely family who she loved and cherished.
In the year 2001 Carmela met her friend María Elena. It wasn’t long before María Elena began to speak to her about God and spiritual things. María Elena invited Carmela to church and Carmela would attend every once in a while.
In 2014, Carmela began going to church with Maria Elena more regularly. As Carmela bagan coming to church, she began to think about her future. There were two questions that she asked herself that maybe some of you have asked yourselves. The first question was ¿He llegado al lugar de mi vida espiritual donde si tu muriese esta noche sabría con certeza que tendría la vida eterna?
Carmela realized that God wants us to know that we have eternal life as the Bible says in
1 Juan 5.13 RVR60
Estas cosas os he escrito a vosotros que creéis en el nombre del Hijo de Dios, para que sepáis que tenéis vida eterna, y para que creáis en el nombre del Hijo de Dios.
The second question that Carmela asked herself was Si muriese esta noche y me encontraría con Dios. Si él me pregunta, “¿Por qué deberías tener vida eterna en el cielo?” ¿Cómo respondería? In other words, how do I obtain eternal life? She wanted to learn about those questions and she began to study the Bible.
The second question that Carmela asked herself was Si muriese esta noche y me encontraría con Dios. Si él me pregunta, “¿Por qué deberías tener vida eterna en el cielo?” ¿Cómo respondería? In other words, how do I obtain eternal life? She wanted to learn about those questions and she began to study the Bible.
As she studied, she found out that eternal life is a free gift. She also found out that there is nothing that she can do to receive it. She learned that says that eternal life is free
Romanos 6.23 RVR60
Porque la paga del pecado es muerte, mas la dádiva de Dios es vida eterna en Cristo Jesús Señor nuestro.
says that eternal life is free and in that no one can do anything to receive it. Because in order to make it to heaven, we have to be perfect. Jesus told his disciples that unless thier righteousness surpassed those of the priests, who were seen as holy men, they would not be able to be saved.
and in
Tito 3.5 RVR60
nos salvó, no por obras de justicia que nosotros hubiéramos hecho, sino por su misericordia, por el lavamiento de la regeneración y por la renovación en el Espíritu Santo,
says that eternal life is free and in that no one can do anything to receive it. Because in order to make it to heaven, we have to be perfect. Jesus told his disciples that unless thier righteousness surpassed those of the priests, who were seen as holy men, they would not be able to be saved.
that no one can do anything to receive it. Because in order to make it to heaven, we have to be perfect. Jesus told his disciples that unless thier righteousness surpassed those of the priests, who were seen as holy men, they would not be able to be saved.
and in that no one can do anything to receive it. Because in order to make it to heaven, we have to be perfect. Jesus told his disciples that unless thier righteousness surpassed those of the priests, who were seen as holy men, they would not be able to be saved.
that no one can do anything to receive it. Because in order to make it to heaven, we have to be perfect. Jesus told his disciples that unless thier righteousness surpassed those of the priests, who were seen as holy men, they would not be able to be saved.
But man is not perfect. Carmela learned that the Bible teaches that we are all sinners in
Romanos 3.23 RVR60
por cuanto todos pecaron, y están destituidos de la gloria de Dios,
And since we must be perfect in order to make it to heaven, even if Carmela was perfect from then on, she still wasn’t perfect before. So apparently it seems that we are without hope. Because we can do nothing of ourselves to be saved.
. And since we must be perfect in order to make it to heaven, even if Carmela was perfect from then on, she still wasn’t perfect before. So apparently it seems that we are without hope. Because we can do nothing of ourselves to be saved.
Just as Carmela was about to cry out and say, “isn’t there anthing we can do.” She realized that the Bible teaches that God is merciful, He doesn’t want to punish us. says that God gave His son so that we might be saved.
Juan 3.16 RVR60
Porque de tal manera amó Dios al mundo, que ha dado a su Hijo unigénito, para que todo aquel que en él cree, no se pierda, mas tenga vida eterna.
And says that God has always loved us even when we are deep in sin.
Romanos 5.8 RVR60
Mas Dios muestra su amor para con nosotros, en que siendo aún pecadores, Cristo murió por nosotros.
And says that God has always loved us even when we are deep in sin.
But Carmela found that there is a problem because he is also just and he needs to punish sin. What can God do? He doesn’t want to harm us, but he must punish sin.
But Carmela found that there is a problem because he is also just and he needs to punish sin. What can God do? He doesn’t want to harm us, but he must punish sin.
And Carmela learned that is where Jesus comes in. Jesus is called the son of God, but she learned that the Bible teaches that he is fully God. He is man and God. In , it says Jesus is God.
Juan 1.1 RVR60
En el principio era el Verbo, y el Verbo era con Dios, y el Verbo era Dios.
Juan 1.14 RVR60
Y aquel Verbo fue hecho carne, y habitó entre nosotros (y vimos su gloria, gloria como del unigénito del Padre), lleno de gracia y de verdad.
Carmela learned how Jesus being God helped her. God put the punishment of Carmela’s sins upon Jesus. And Jesus didn’t take just her punishment, he took her guilt. So Jesus was made guilty of all of Carmela’s sins. says that God put all our sins on Jesus.
Carmela learned how Jesus being God helped her. God put the punishment of Carmela’s sins upon Jesus. And Jesus didn’t take just her punishment, he took her guilt. So Jesus was made guilty of all of Carmela’s sins. says that God put all our sins on Jesus. And then Carmela learned the most wonderful thing. We aren’t saved by anything that we do. No number of prayers, or going to church, or giving offerings will save us. She learned that God did an exchange. He took her life, complete with all her sins and guilt and put them upon Jesus. Then God took Jesus life…the perfect life of no sin, and placed it on Carmela. says..
Isaías 53.6 RVR60
Todos nosotros nos descarriamos como ovejas, cada cual se apartó por su camino; mas Jehová cargó en él el pecado de todos nosotros.
And then Carmela learned the most wonderful thing. We aren’t saved by anything that we do. No number of prayers, or going to church, or giving offerings will save us. She learned that God did an exchange. He took her life, complete with all her sins and guilt and put them upon Jesus. Then God took Jesus life…the perfect life of no sin, and placed it on Carmela. says..
And then Carmela learned the most wonderful thing. We aren’t saved by anything that we do. No number of prayers, or going to church, or giving offerings will save us. She learned that God did an exchange. He took her life, complete with all her sins and guilt and put them upon Jesus. Then God took Jesus life…the perfect life of no sin, and placed it on Carmela. says..
As Carmela learned about Jesus gift and sacrifice she put her trust in Christ and began to have faith. In having this trust and faith in Jesus, she became a daughter of God. She learned that the Bible says in .
2 Corintios 5.21 RVR60
Al que no conoció pecado, por nosotros lo hizo pecado, para que nosotros fuésemos hechos justicia de Dios en él.
As Carmela learned about Jesus gift and sacrifice she put her trust in Christ and began to have faith. In having this trust and faith in Jesus, she became a daughter of God. She learned that the Bible says in .
Juan 1.12 RVR60
Mas a todos los que le recibieron, a los que creen en su nombre, les dio potestad de ser hechos hijos de Dios;
And she learned that this faith in Christ gave her salvation as she studied .
And she learned that this faith in Christ gave her salvation as she studied .
Efesios 2.8–9 RVR60
Porque por gracia sois salvos por medio de la fe; y esto no de vosotros, pues es don de Dios;no por obras, para que nadie se gloríe.
With this good news, that even though Carmela was born a sinner and as a sinner deserved the wages of sin, that Jesus had taken her guilt and her punishment so she could receive eternal life, she accepted the gift that Jesus was giving her.
With this good news, that even though Carmela was born a sinner and as a sinner deserved the wages of sin, that Jesus had taken her guilt and her punishment so she could receive eternal life, she accepted the gift that Jesus was giving her.
Carmela decided to give her life to Christ and received eternal life. She decided to study the Bible and find out what the Bible teaches. One of the things that the Bible teaches is what happens to those who love Christ when they die and the hope that a Christian has. This gave Carmela peace and joy to know what God had planned for her and us when we die.
Losing a loved one can be very difficult for the friends and relatives. There are many questions that come to mind. What happens to our loved one after they died. There are several ideas around the world of what happens to soemone when they die. Some people think that when someone dies, nothing happens. There is no future. Others think that when someone dies, they come back as another person, animal or even plant depending on how well they lived. Others think that when someone dies they go to either heaven or hell depending on how they behaved in this life. There are all differnet types of theories of what happens when someone dies.
Carmela decided to study this and it gave her peace and joy to find out what the Bible teaches happens to us when we die.
In the Bible, Carmela found out that Jesus, the Old Testament, Paul, and Daniel referred to death as sleep. She learned that in the Bible says that God is the only one who has immortality.
1 Timoteo 6.15–16 RVR60
la cual a su tiempo mostrará el bienaventurado y solo Soberano, Rey de reyes, y Señor de señores,el único que tiene inmortalidad, que habita en luz inaccesible; a quien ninguno de los hombres ha visto ni puede ver, al cual sea la honra y el imperio sempiterno. Amén.
Carmela also found that the Bible teaches that the soul is not eternal, .
Carmela also found that the Bible teachess that the soul is not eternal, .
Ezequiel 18.20 RVR60
El alma que pecare, esa morirá; el hijo no llevará el pecado del padre, ni el padre llevará el pecado del hijo; la justicia del justo será sobre él, y la impiedad del impío será sobre él.
She also found that the dead do not know anything and nor do they do anything, , , .
She also found that the dead do not know anything and nor do they do anything, , , .
Eclesiastés 9.5–6 RVR60
Porque los que viven saben que han de morir; pero los muertos nada saben, ni tienen más paga; porque su memoria es puesta en olvido.También su amor y su odio y su envidia fenecieron ya; y nunca más tendrán parte en todo lo que se hace debajo del sol.
Eclesiastes 9:5–6
Eclesiastés 9.10 RVR60
Todo lo que te viniere a la mano para hacer, hazlo según tus fuerzas; porque en el Seol, adonde vas, no hay obra, ni trabajo, ni ciencia, ni sabiduría.
Carmela found a great peace that when someone dies, they simply sleep in the ground waiting for Jesus to return. So when does Carmela recieve eternal live?
Carmela found a great peace that when someone dies, they simply sleep in the ground waiting for Jesus to return. So when does Carmela receive eternal live?
Carmela was very happy when she read the words from 1 Thesalonians 4:13.
1 Tesalonicenses 4.13 RVR60
Tampoco queremos, hermanos, que ignoréis acerca de los que duermen, para que no os entristezcáis como los otros que no tienen esperanza.
Carmela and every Christian has the hope of eternal life. And as Carmela continued to read she read, 1 Thesalonians 4:16–18.
1 Tesalonicenses 4.16–18 RVR60
Porque el Señor mismo con voz de mando, con voz de arcángel, y con trompeta de Dios, descenderá del cielo; y los muertos en Cristo resucitarán primero.Luego nosotros los que vivimos, los que hayamos quedado, seremos arrebatados juntamente con ellos en las nubes para recibir al Señor en el aire, y así estaremos siempre con el Señor.Por tanto, alentaos los unos a los otros con estas palabras.
Here it says that when Jesus comes again. All those who have died in Christ, will be resurrected and taken to meet Jesus in the air. And those who are alive will also meet Jesus in the air.
Here it says that when Jesus comes again. All those who have died in Christ, will be resurrected and taken to meet Jesus in the air. And those who are alive will also meet Jesus in the air.
When Carmela read what heaven is going to be like she even got more excited. She read Revelations chapter 21, 21:1–4.
Apocalipsis 21.1–4 RVR60
Vi un cielo nuevo y una tierra nueva; porque el primer cielo y la primera tierra pasaron, y el mar ya no existía más.Y yo Juan vi la santa ciudad, la nueva Jerusalén, descender del cielo, de Dios, dispuesta como una esposa ataviada para su marido.Y oí una gran voz del cielo que decía: He aquí el tabernáculo de Dios con los hombres, y él morará con ellos; y ellos serán su pueblo, y Dios mismo estará con ellos como su Dios.Enjugará Dios toda lágrima de los ojos de ellos; y ya no habrá muerte, ni habrá más llanto, ni clamor, ni dolor; porque las primeras cosas pasaron.
Think about it. No more death, no more sorrow, no more crying, no more pain. That made Carmela feel wonderful. She knew that she wanted to be there.
Carmela decided to get baptized and was baptized on 3 December 2016. She was very excited to have given her life to Jesus and she put her trust in him.
And this is Carmela’s big hope. Her hope is that when Jesus comes again and wakes her from death. That she will be able to see her daughters Nancy, Jessica, Maira and her grandkids Gabriel, Fabian, Miguel and Mia as well and other familiy and friends all going to heaven.
As we celebrate Carmela’s life and her journey, we can have the certainty that she can say as Paul did in .
2 Timoteo 4.7–8 RVR60
He peleado la buena batalla, he acabado la carrera, he guardado la fe. Por lo demás, me está guardada la corona de justicia, la cual me dará el Señor, juez justo, en aquel día; y no sólo a mí, sino también a todos los que aman su venida.
Carmela fought the good fight. Carmela finished the Race. Carmela kept the faith. She will receive her crown of righteousness. But the good news is that she will not receive it alone. All of us can also receive it. All of us can see Carmela again. All we have to do is follow her path. Accept Jesus Christ like Carmela did. Give our lives to Him. Then one day, when Jesus comes, we will see Carmela again. Isn’t that a wonderful hope. That was Carmela’s hope. I want to see her again. I’m sure many of you also want to see her again. And we will, if we give our lives over to Christ.
Carmela fought the good fight. Carmela finished the Race. Carmela kept the faith. She will receive her crown of righteousness. But the good news is that she will not receive it alone. All of us can also receive it. All of us can see Carmela again. All we have to do is follow her path. Accept Jesus Christ like Carmela did. Give our lives to Him. Then one day, when Jesus comes, we will see Carmela again. Isn’t that a wonderful hope. That was Carmela’s hope. I want to see her again. I’m sure many of you also want to see her again. And we will, if we give our lives over to Christ.
If you have given your life over to Christ, I encourage you to keep doing that every day. If you have not given your life over to Christ, I encourage you to seriously consider it. It will be the most important decision that you will ever make. For it will determine whether you will spend eternity in Heaven with Jesus and Carmela or not.
1 Corintios 15.50–57 RVR60
Pero esto digo, hermanos: que la carne y la sangre no pueden heredar el reino de Dios, ni la corrupción hereda la incorrupción. He aquí, os digo un misterio: No todos dormiremos; pero todos seremos transformados, en un momento, en un abrir y cerrar de ojos, a la final trompeta; porque se tocará la trompeta, y los muertos serán resucitados incorruptibles, y nosotros seremos transformados. Porque es necesario que esto corruptible se vista de incorrupción, y esto mortal se vista de inmortalidad. Y cuando esto corruptible se haya vestido de incorrupción, y esto mortal se haya vestido de inmortalidad, entonces se cumplirá la palabra que está escrita: Sorbida es la muerte en victoria. ¿Dónde está, oh muerte, tu aguijón? ¿Dónde, oh sepulcro, tu victoria? ya que el aguijón de la muerte es el pecado, y el poder del pecado, la ley. Mas gracias sean dadas a Dios, que nos da la victoria por medio de nuestro Señor Jesucristo.
1 Corintios
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