The Church: A Community of Faith - 6/16/02
Like most organizations, the Church is made up of a very diverse group of people – different personalities, backgrounds, interests, abilities, ideas about how to do things – yet we are called together to be a community, working toward a common goal. This diversity can cause tensions, even in the church, but as Christians we have something greater that brings us together and can help us keep things moving forward: faith – both our faith in Christ, and our desire to be faithful. Faith is one of the elements that changes us from a collection of individuals into a community.
At the center of our faith is Jesus. The book of Hebrews tells us to fix our eyes on Jesus – keep steadfastly focused on Him to the exclusion of all else, not our problems or disagreements. Easy to find problems and things we don’t like and dwell on them, but we are to keep our minds on things above (Col. 3:2) where Jesus is. This is our goal, to remain centered in Christ, not getting our own way or being right.
Author (pioneer, leader, originator) of our faith – by example and giver
He went ahead of us to open the way – endured the cross, now with God
He is the source of our faith – we could not have faith without his giving it
Perfecter (carrying to completion) of our faith -
Remembering this helps to keep us humble – we all depend on Jesus for being where we are and getting to where we want to be. We cannot think, “God sure is lucky that I chose to follow Him.”
Able to remain faithful in spite of opposition, carried out God’s will. Looked beyond the cross to the goal.
The reading from Acts shows faith and faithfulness in action: Peter and John arrested for preaching Jesus Christ and the resurrection, told to stop, threatened. This opposition could have weakened the church, divided it. Instead, their faith united them in three ways:
Priorities – obey God rather than human authority.
When conflicts and difficulties arise asking what does God want.
Prayer – the disciples, in community, prayed together for the work:
To remember that God is in charge
To seek for the strength and gifts needed to carry it out.
Purpose –
Proclaim the gospel – how can we help speaking, they spoke the word of
God boldly
Perform God’s work of healing, etc.