The Revenge of Samson
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What have we learned about Samson the last few weeks?
2 weeks ago we learned.
He would be a partial deliverer of Isreal
He would be a nazarite from the birth.
last week we discovered that this man that was called out by God had some major character flaws.
He was disobedient to God’s Law
He was disobedient to his parents
he was carnal and did was right in his own eyes
lacked discernment
he was violent/angry
he had a lack of commitment to his marriage
Keep in mind those things today as we see what happens in Samsons life.
Samson is returning to his wife. 1-2
he’s doing so with a gift. What is the gift a young goat? What women wouldn’t want a goat? The goat would have been a peace offering for leaving her.
Last week he touched briefly on godly marriages. At first glance it doesn't seem like Samson’s marriage was off to a good start. The text says after some days he went to her. He didn’t go there to apologize he went to there to fulfill his own desires..
So it would have been a surprise to Samson to be greeted by her father.
her father says I have given her away to someone else.
Offers him this proposition. Take my younger daughter. Who is more beautiful than she. Think about Samson for a moment. We know that he does what is right in own eyes. So this should be a better offer for him. He gets a younger more beautiful women to take home rather than the other women who he originally desired.
Notice his response. This time I shall be innocent in regard to the Philistines, when I do them harm.
Imagine men doing what Samson just did left his wife prior to marriage, then he comes and seeks to do whatever he wishes with her, but her father says I thought you hated her. My father in law would have prolly killed me at this point not given me his other less beautiful daughter.
Men love your wives honor them. Don’t be like Samson.
Samson is going to start torching fields. 4-8
This is would have been a significant blow to the Philistines. Remember this was a time of harvest which would have meant there would have been alot of grain.
When it comes to the foxes how would Samson been able to tie so many tails together? Why wouldn’t he just send them out one at a time?
The New American Commentary: Judges, Ruth (4) God’s Gift of [Partial] Deliverance (13:25–16:31a)
Presumably the animals’ attempts to separate would force them to zig-zag up and down the fields and to stop periodically, long enough for the torches actually to light the crops, rather than hurrying off in straight lines and snuffing out the torches.
Presumably the animals’ attempts to separate would force them to zig-zag up and down the fields and to stop periodically, long enough for the torches actually to light the crops, rather than hurrying off in straight lines and snuffing out the torches.
Presumably the animals’ attempts to separate would force them to zig-zag up and down the fields and to stop periodically, long enough for the torches actually to light the crops, rather than hurrying off in straight lines and snuffing out the torches.
Samson is such a unique character, and judge. Unlike other judges we don’t see him cry out to the Lord. Now we know that he is empowered by God, but he seems like he just does his own things. I read this quote and I thought it was really powerful. It says, “Samson is a man with a higher calling than any other deliverer in the book, but he spends his whole life doing his own thing.” Each and everyone of us has a higher calling, but we too often do our own thing. God’s ways are better than any plan we can ever have.
Verse 6 the question is asked who has done this? Rather than dealing with Samson they punish the father and the daughter. They did this by burning them.
Samson is a man with a higher calling than any other deliverer in the book, but he spends his whole life “doing his own thing
Look at verse 7 We know by reading the rest of Judges that Samson would not end his violence, rather he would continue it, because he is violent man.
verse 8 it says he struck them hip and thigh. That was a reference that was often used when describing total victory. Samson got his revenge. However, he didn’t give thanks to God or seek to deliverer, he flees and goes and hides in the a cave.
The Capture of Samson 9-13
The Philistines were mad. Samson killed some of their people, and devastated there crops. they wanted them dead.
They wanted him
The response of the men of Judah is interesting isn't it? You would figure they would say this man can deliver us from the Philistines. We don’t have to be ruled by the Philistines anymore. This part of the story shows us human depravity.
The people of Judah would rather deliver their countrymen into the hands of the enemy and live under that enemy’s domination than fulfill the mandate Yahweh had given them to occupy the land and drive out the enemy
As a studied I noticed that the Philistines had this rule which was this as they did to me so have I done to them. They had the principle to react when someone had wronged them. Well Samson adopted that same rule which meant there would not be peace, but only violence.
would rather deliver their countrymen into the hands of the enemy and live under that enemy’s domination than fulfill the mandate Yahweh had given them to occupy the land and drive out the enemy
Now the people of Judah wish to bind him. Samson doesn’t really want that to happen. He seems to fear the people of Judah more than anyone else. Why do you think that is?
Notice at the end of verse 13 that they bound him with new ropes, but would it hold Samson.
Samsons Victory 14-19
There is some pretty cool Imagery used here.
Philistines came shouting to meet him.
The Spirit of the Lord rushed upon Samson, arms became as flax that has caught fire, and his bonds melted off his hands.
Then his finds this jawbone, its not an ordinary jawbone is it? No its a fresh jawbone? Is there anything wrong with that? Yes he again breaks his nazirite vow.
He kills 1000 men.
Do you remember what Judge killed many men by himself? Shamgar what did he use? ox goad.
Samson is no doubt feeling powerful here right? He writes sort of a poem giving all the glory to God right? No he gives himself all the glory. Not only does he give himself glory, he renames the hill Ramath Lehi Jawbone Hill.
After this Samson cries out the lord, not because he is thankful, but because of his thirst. What Samson says is very interesting. It seems like he is trying to manipulate God here. Read verse 18.....
verse 19 God is merciful on him and provides him with a drink. He does so in a miraculous way.
Yet Samson does not praise God, but renames it. The new name can be interpreted in two ways, the spring of the caller or the spring of the namer. Samson again fails to recognize God is at work.
verse 20. Samson is finally leading Isreal.
As we finish our lesson today I cant help but read you what I found during my study it says, “ Even though the man is creative and energetic, there is nothing attractive in his personality. He is ruthless and self-centered. Nevertheless God continues to work. The tools available to him may be crude and imperfect, but he will deliver his people. As we have witnessed so many times before, contrary to the reader’s expectations in this book God operates not on the basis of traditional orthodoxy, which teaches that obedience brings blessing; and disobedience, a curse. On the contrary, like the nation of Israel herself, Samson deserves no consideration from God. Yet Yahweh hears and delivers time and time again. His agenda for his people cannot fail, despite the people’s seeming determination to commit national suicide.”
Even though the man is creative and energetic, there is nothing attractive in his personality. He is ruthless and self-centered. Nevertheless God continues to work. The tools available to him may be crude and imperfect, but he will deliver his people. As we have witnessed so many times before, contrary to the reader’s expectations in this book God operates not on the basis of traditional orthodoxy, which teaches that obedience brings blessing; and disobedience, a curse. On the contrary, like the nation of Israel herself, Samson deserves no consideration from God. Yet Yahweh hears and delivers time and time again. His agenda for his people cannot fail, despite the people’s seeming determination to commit national suicide.
Samson had every opportunity to praise God, but he didn’t. Yet God used him. We should be reminded today that everytime we achieve something we should give glory to God, and praise him. Let us be like Isreal and Samson who did what was right in their own eyes, but let us be a people empowered by God to do his work.