Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Having the Mind of Christ enables us to release our Privileges ()
Explanation: After admonishing the Philippian believers to live other-centered instead of self-centered, the Apostle sets up Jesus as the Exemplar.
Under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, the Apostle pens one of the most powerful portraits of Jesus found in the NT.
Paul tells the believers that they been given the gift of communion (even if limited), with the very mind of Christ.
Paul reminds them of the Eternality of the Divine 2nd person of the Trinity.
Jesus is the Pre-existent One who condescended to leave the Glories of Heaven.
Illustrate: Lottie Moon was born into a privileged family.
She could have stayed in the US and had a very easy life.
Instead, she chose to leave the comfort of the States and lived among the Chinese for 26 years.
Illustrate: Lottie Moon was born into a privileged family.
She could have stayed in the US and had a very easy life.
Instead, she chose to leave the comfort of the States and lived among the Chinese for 26 years.
Argument: Jesus wasn’t trying to make it to the top; He was already there.
He willingly chose to leave His privileged position to come to earth.
The Creator of the Cosmos entered His own creation.
Application: What are we holding on to?
What privilege are we unwilling to yield in order that we may embrace the Way of the Cross?
Almost all of us here this morning have more than we need or want.
Most of us are very comfortable and at ease in this world.
We can release these things, we don’t have to hold on if the Master calls us to let go.
Having the Mind of Christ leads us to a life of service ()
Explanation: Jesus voluntarily chose to refrain from the use of His glory while on earth.
He did not lose any of His divinity; instead, He added humanity to His being.
He became the God-Man.
Fully God and fully man.
Living on earth in a body brought about some voluntary restrictions of His divinity.
Even as the God-Man, Jesus could have come to earth as King.
He could have simply entered the world in human form as a Man, not a helpless baby, and could have taken control.
Instead, He came to serve others.
Argument: Jesus is much more than just our example, but He is our example.
As believers we are called to follow Him and pattern our lives after His.
He willingly placed the needs of others before His own.
As the recognized Master and Leader of the Twelve, He washed the feet of His followers.
Argument: Jesus is much more than just our example, but He is our example.
As believers we are called to follow Him and pattern our lives after His.
He willingly placed the needs of others before His own.
As the recognized Master and Leader of the Twelve, He washed the feet of His followers.
Application: Christmas can be a time that brings the focus on us: What I want, what I hope I get.
Instead, we can shift our thinking to what does this other person want; what can I do for her?
How can I serve him and show the Love of Christ?
Keeping Jesus as our central focus leads us to a life of serving others
Having the Mind of Christ empowers us to endure suffering ()
Explanation: Scripture informs us that Jesus was obedient to the will of the Father.
During the Incarnation part of the Kenosis was His temporary subjugation to the Father.
Being obedient to the Father’s will brought Jesus into contact with suffering.
It was intense suffering, both physical and spiritual, and the end result was death by crucifixion.
Jesus endured the suffering out of obedience to accomplish the Father’s redemptive plan
Argument: Living for Christ will require believers to undergo suffering to one degree or another.
Dealing with suffering is not necessarily a sign of Divine displeasure; it is often the common experience of those who would live faithfully for Christ in this world ()
Application: Rejoice in the good times and in the peaceful seasons of your life with the understanding that it will not always be so.
But also know that we can experience suffering and affliction in this life because of the One who has gone before us.
And while you may be at peace, pray for those who are in the midst of the struggle.
Having the Mind of Christ positions us to receive God’s rewards ()
Explanation: Paul informs the believers of the end result of Christ’s humiliation.
In sweeping and powerful language we are told of the Exaltation of Christ.
Because of His obedience, Jesus has been given the Name that is above all names.
He is now and will always be the Victorious One.
Jesus is Lord of All, even if at present a majority of His creation does not acknowledge His Lordship.
Their blindness to Who He is will, however, be rectified and made right at the Judgment - every knee will bow!
Argument: The major focus of the Christmas season, at least in spiritual terms, is on the Babe in the Manger.
And this is right and proper.
Believers need to be faithful in continuing to tell the story of the Virgin Birth to one another, and to witness this miracle to the unbelieving world.
We also need to remember the birth of Christ is just the beginning.
The Manger was already in the Shadow of the Cross.
Jesus came to die a substitutionary death on our behalf.
The Sinless One took on the burden of humanity’s sin at the Cross so that we might be reconciled to God.
Application: Over 2,000 Decembers have passed since the Lord of Glory entered His creation as the Babe in the Manger.
In each generation, men and women, boys & girls have been, and still are confronted with the Truth of the Messiah.
Jesus is not simply a historical figure with a really cool birth story that we like to talk about once a year.
Jesus is the Exalted One who is seated at the Right Hand of the Father, but will one Day return for His Bride.
Under the conviction of the Holy Spirit, bow your knee to Jesus now in full surrender and enjoy the privilege of being part of the Bride.
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