Getting Your Priorities Right
Are our priorities focused on the right things? Are we spending time pressing on towards Christ or worldly things? As the apostle Paul shows us we can only receive the prize, the resurrection from the dead if we earnestly press on towards Christ.
The spiritually minded believer is not attracted by the “things” of this world. He makes his decisions on the basis of eternal values and not the passing fads of society.
The spiritually minded believer is not attracted by the “things” of this world. He makes his decisions on the basis of eternal values and not the passing fads of society.
The spiritually minded believer is not attracted by the “things” of this world. He makes his decisions on the basis of eternal values and not the passing fads of society.
The spiritually minded believer is not attracted by the “things” of this world. He makes his decisions on the basis of eternal values and not the passing fads of society.
(1) The Apostle warns his readers against the disposition of these false teachers, especially their pride (2–7); points out plainly the opposition between righteousness which is of the law and that which is of faith (8–11);