Don't Look Back
This sermon seeks to cause believing individuals that the responsibility of a disciple is living a life of no regrets. Looking back hinders present and future progress.
I. Introduction
A. Satchel Paige and his Good Rule for Living
1. “Don’t look back, something may be gaining on you”
2. The Bible also calls for not looking back
B. Looking back Hinders Forward Progress
1. Looking back may be making you depressed
2. Looking back may be bringing you defeat
II. Body
A. Don’t look back at Sins that have been Forgiven
1. 1 John 1:7–9 guarantees forgiveness of all sins
2. God really does put our sins away (Psalm 103)
3. Perhaps you believe this for others, but not for yourself
4. But God has put away all sin, even your most serious ones
B. Don’t look back at Defeats that get you Down
1. All people have some defeats in their past
2. Only those who never attempt anything are free from failing
3. But see Psalm 37:23–24, God lifts up those who fall
4. Don’t allow failing to make you feel you are a failure
C. Don’t look back at the Past and see it Better than it was (Eccl. 7:10)
1. Israel looking back to Egypt (Num. 11:18)
2. Distance lends enchantment
3. Nostalgia is never quite honest
4. Vance Havner: “The present is never as good as it used to be”
5. A great future beats a great past every time
D. Don’t look back at old Conflicts that make you Bitter
1. If you rehearse old conflicts the hurt returns
2. Rehashing these opens old wounds
p 204 3. Even those where forgiveness has taken place will become dangerous again if you keep going over them
4. Forget the past and get on with profitable living (1 Peter 2:1–2)
E. Don’t look back at old Victories that may cause you to think you have Arrived (Phil 3:13–14)
1. Here is the primary message of Philippians 3:13–14
2. I served the Lord with all my heart … once
3. I was a soul winner … once
4. I was sold out to Christ … once
5. What about today?
III. Conclusion
A. Look up! Looking unto Jesus (Heb. 12:1–2)
B. Look on the Fields and in Caring for others you will Forget the Past
C. Look Ahead! The best is yet to come!