Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Charles Haddon Spurgeon says that sermons likely to win souls should aid to do the following: 1. Distinctly aimed at the conversion of the hearer.
2. Be a sermon that interests them.
3. It must be instructive having light as well as fire.
4. The people must be impressed by our sermons and impressed upon us first.
5. Take out from our sermons everything that that can likely divert the hearer’s mind from the object we have in view.
6. Sermons full of Christ from beginning to the end are the most likely to be blessed to the conversion of the hearers.
7. Sermons that have been prayed over are most likely to convert people.
Remember participatory proclamation and homiletical musicology!
We are in the holiday season of advent celebrating miraculous birth of Christ coming to save the whole world and to demonstrate an humanity that is possible when God is with us.
But when he comes back for the second advent; He will return as Lord and Christ advancing his kingdom and coming for those who have responded to His revelation.
So as children of God we must live our lives expecting his glorious return preparing to meet Him face to face.
In this season we reflect on where we have been and examine where adjustment need to be made in our live to get where we desire to be.
I don’t know about you but I don’t want to make the same mistakes I made in 2017 in 2018, I don’t want to invite the pain or grief I’ve endured this year to show up again.
I want to see better days in my future!
Anybody here with me?
Just wave your hand if you want to see better days in your future.
Help us Lord to see better days!
The book of Revelation helps to provide us clarity about what is to come, but also and most importantly clarity about our exalted Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Look at your Bible’s
State Key Verse: Verse 13...
I know your works, and where you dwell, where Satan’s throne is.
And you hold fast to My name, and did not deny My faith even in the days in which Antipas was My faithful martyr, who was killed among you, where Satan dwells.
place for them in the inn.
I would like to preach this morning as the Lord guides on the on this closing thought for 2017: State Title: Keep Holding On!
State Title: Miracle in a manger
Prayer of illumination: Father I come in the name of Jesus with a grateful heart this morning, you have proven yourself faithful for another year.
Now Lord as we are at the heels of one year and at the door of another we need word from you this morning.
We need a living word for the moment and season we are in as individuals and a family of believers.
Breath a word in our direction and fill us with your loving presence.
Use me Lord like you want too, may I be your instrument and your trumpet for this hour bringing your name and your name alone all the glory and all the honor and all the praise.
In Jesus name, Amen!
I studied martial arts from my youth earning my first black belt around 13-14 years of age.
I had a dream of opening martial arts school that taught Japanese Karate, Kung Fu, and Tae Kwon Do.
In pursuit of that effort my workout partner and I had a plan; since we both were black belts and instructors of Karate we would learn other forms of martial arts.
We agreed the he would learn Kung Fu, and I would also learn Tae Kwon Do.
I did not realize that this new culture would change me as I desired to master the skills… Part of that change was language and commands.
The master instructor was not Senai, but Sabumnim… We started every workout respecting the flags of both South Korea and the United States, but also to Subumnim.
I wanted to be home, and wished I could click my heels and be out of there, but I had an assignment...
We need be reminded as believers of home and to desire the benefits of home...
What do we need to hold on to be overcomers in this new season and year before us?
Ethos/Interest hearers & Innovative learners redemptively (Why is this important?)
A. Since Christ is the one who holds the sharp two edged sword he has authority over life and death.
Knowing the person who is speaking to us helps interpret and process in our mind what has been said.
Poor communications happens when relationship are miss understood or confused.
When parents communicate to there children like peers children will response like peers.
Am I right parent?
Nor should husbands nor wives speak to their spouses like rulers or bosses but as equals.
_____When we are unclear about who we are it impacts the effectiveness of our communications with other.
But, God always authenticates in some way who he is before he speaks...
Yes He does… Look in your Bible at verse 12 ().
logos/Instruct hearers & Analytical learners redemptively (What do the experts think about this?)
B. The word Pergamos is the name of a great Roman province in Asia, but is also means fortified or married.
And you write to the angel of the church in Pergamum… the spoken words of the One having the sharp two edge sword.
Who is to writer?
John the Revelator.
Write to whom?
The pure dative case indicates the answer to the to/from whom question is “the angel of the church in Pergamum.
Where is Pergamum also known as Pergamos?
Who is the angel of the church there?
The messenger or local pastor in that town.
Who is speaking?
The Alpha and Omega
Who is to write?
John the Revelator
Church, when you know it is the LORD of lords speaking our hearts should be ready to listen because our faith is about to be fed.
Write to whom?
The pure dative case indicates the answer to the to/from whom question is “the angel of the church in Pergamum
Romans 10:17
Where is Pergamum?
Also known as Pergamos
Pathos/Impress hearers & Common Sense learners redemptively (Quotes, Hymns, Illustrations, Stories) (How does this work?)
Who is the angel of the church there?
The messenger or local pastor in that town.
Who is speaking?
The Alpha and Omega
C. When the Lord sends a prescribed word for you situation or season expect your faith to be fed.
Song writer said that we have come this far by faith leaning on the Lord trusting in his holy word and he has never failed me yet.
Victorious reflection/Celebrate with hearers & Dynamic Learners redemptively (What if this is true…What can this become?)
D. When you know who has all power over life and death you don’t have to fearful of man, your circumstance, or your future.
Because I know who he is I know who I need to be.
When the Lord speaks I am a responder to his word.
When the Lord speaks I am ready to follow...
When the Lord speaks I know change is coming...
Ethos/Interest hearers & Innovative learners redemptively (Why is this important?)
A. The Lord knows and sees how we are are handling the adversities that are trying to destroy us.
logos/Instruct hearers & Analytical learners redemptively (What do the experts think about this?)(Quotes, facts)
B. The words hold fast means to grasp, to own or to take possession of.
Pathos/Impress hearers & Common Sense learners redemptively (Quotes, Hymns, Illustrations, Stories) (How does this work?)
C. We could surrender to the pressures evil and give up who we now are in Christ, but we are now seated with Christ in heavenly places and our lives are hid in Him.
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9