Celebrating 2017, Embracing 2018 - 9AM

Celebrating 2017, Embracing 2018  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  28:29
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This week, as the holidays come to a close, we'll be finishing up those leftovers. Turkey or stuffing with cranberry sauce and mayo on a dinner roll; almost as delicious as Christmas dinner! But as good as leftovers are, they're never as good as the real thing! 2017 was an amazing year and we should savour the memories. But let's not savour the past so much, that we forget to embrace the New Year. Let's prepare for the next celebration!

Whitehorse Baptist Church "CELEBRATING 2017, EMBRACING 2018" (ISAIAH 43:14-21) OUTLINE STYLE: INDUCTIVE-DEDUCTIVE DEVELOPMENT INTRODUCTION: 1. (SLIDE 1) MESSAGE INTRO "LEFTOVERS" a) Cooking Show (Leftover Sandwich...and smoothie?) b) Next Christmas (Make-your-own-leftover-sandwiches?) i) As good as leftovers are, they're never as good as the real thing! 2. (SLIDE 2) CELEBRATING 2017 a) 2017 was amazing for WBC! (We saw growth and blessing!) b) (SLIDE 3) We saw numerous people take steps of commitment: i) 7 Salvations, 5 Baptisms, 2 Child Dedications, 6 Memberships c) (SLIDE 4) God used us to meet needs and bring the Gospel to our city. i) December Alone: Ø Candlelight Concert: 236 In 2 Performances Ø One Starry Night: 731 In 4 Showings (+200 In School Showing) Ø Christmas Eve: 284 In 2 Services ii) (SLIDE 5) First Gifts: $19,195.65 ($5000 more than 2016.) Ø Whitehorse Food Bank, Many Rivers Outreach Van & Yukon Women’s Transition Home 3. (SLIDE 6) "CELEBRATING 2017, EMBRACING 2018" a) Sometimes we get so excited about what God's accomplished in the past, that we miss embracing what God still has planned! Ø We should be careful not to savor the leftovers so long, that we miss preparing the next celebration! b) This is why we celebrate 2017, while embracing God's plan for 2018! TEACHING: 4. (SLIDE 7-8) ISAIAH 43:14-21 (Prophetic Writing: Present & Future) a) (SLIDE 9) The Present: Though God did amazing things during Moses' leadership (parting the Red Sea), the best is yet to come (when the Babylonian Exile comes to an end)! b) (SLIDE 10) The Future: Though God did amazing things during the Old Covenant; the best is yet to come (under the New Covenant)! c) Verse 18 Is Almost Offensive! (Forget about what God did in the past?) i) This is only acceptable in comparison to what lies ahead! 5. (SLIDE 11) MATTHEW HENRY'S COMMENTARY a) "The deliverance from Babylon is foretold, but there is reference to greater events. The redemption of sinners by Christ, the conversion of the Gentiles, and the recall of the Jews, are described. All that is to be done to rescue sinners, and to bring the believer to glory, is little, compared with that wondrous work of love, the redemption of man." b) Mandate To Share The Gospel: With God's help, we're going to have a greater Kingdom impact in 2018 than we've ever had before! i) The leftovers are nothing compared to the next celebration! APPLICATION: IDEA 6. (SLIDE 12) EMBRACING 2018 a) This is where Isaiah 43:18-19 can help us refocus! i) Embracing 2018, means looking further toward Vision2020! Ø "To be an authentic, vibrant church, serving and reaching our city." Ø Continuing to fulfil our call for spiritual and numeric growth. b) (SLIDE 13) 2018 Goals: i) 12 White Roses (Salvations) In 2018 ii) New Property Commission (#MountainviewChurch) iii) Determine Future of Marsh Lake Bible Camp iv) Church Growth Increase To 200 Average Attendance c) (SLIDE 14) It Starts Next Week! i) Next Series: "How I Met Jesus" Ø Kicking it off next week at the Yukon Arts Centre! CONCLUSION: 7. We can savor the leftovers of 2017 and the long history of WBC. a) But let's not savor them to the point that we neglect preparing for the next celebration (ultimately, the celebration of the Lord's Return). 8. POST-MESSAGE PRAYER (Pray for OFFERING & Close Message)
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