Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
This is an era of declining brand loyalty and ultimate consumer customization, yet church membership will always hold its value.
It used to be that consumers would stick with stores and brands out of loyalty.
Now, you go to the place with the best deal.
You book a ticket on whatever airline has the best rate.
We live in a “me centred” world.
You can customize anything to your tastes, your preferences and I wish ... your budget.
So why shouldn’t we do the same thing with church?
Go where we like the music, go where we are catered to, go where we are not going to be offended.
And then, once that church can no longer meet our needs, go to the next one, until the pattern repeats itself again.
I think that there is a part of everyone of us that is attracted to that thought, that we go where the grass is greener when it suits our wants.
We must make our decision about what church we will covenant with on a much higher criteria than our own comfort and customization.
But we must make our decision about what church we will covenant with on a much higher criteria than our own comfort and customization.
WHY? Church isn’t about me.
Church is about Jesus Christ, and his Gospel, and His Kingdom.
Church is about advancing the gospel of Jesus Christ in the world.
Its about Jesus, and his kingdom, which we are apart of, but its about him and his goals, and not us.
I want to covenant with a church that is in obedience and submission to Jesus Christ.
It is the mission of Hawkwood Baptist Church to...
Introduce people to Jesus and together become fully devoted followers.
Jesus said,
Therefore Church membership becomes very important.
The church that you become a member of is one where you are going to be challenged, one
ILLUSTRATION: Marriage Vow Renewal.
Sometimes a couple after being married for a period of time will want to renew their vows.
Why do they do this?
It is because they want to once again spell out in certain terms how they will love one another.
They want the world to know of their love, and they want each other to know of their love.
Jesus said,
Matthew 28:
Personally, I want to do way better at this part of our mission.
I want to find ways that we can serve in Jesus name in our community, so that we can introduce people to Jesus, telling them about his saving power over sin, and the new life that he brings.
I see room for improvement, and i pray that God does a work in my heart.
After the sermon we, as a church, are going to renew our membership vows.
It will be a reminder of the love that we have for God and of the love that we have for each other.
There are 4 different headings in this covenant, and I am going to highlight each heading in anticipation of the covenant renewal that is coming up.
How about you?
Do you have this passion as well?
Today is a day to renew that passion, to ask God to do a work in our hearts
Lets become a church that is so creative at finding ways to serve people
Lets become a church that studies our community, so that we know where the hurts are, and where we can help best.
Lets become a family that is united together for the sake of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Let’s preach that gospel to ourselves, and lets preach that gospel to the world around us.
What is the gospel of Jesus?
It is that he has come to seek and to save sinners.
The gospel is that he has obeyed God the Father to completion, demonstrating God’s love perfectly as he gave his life so that God would be glorified and that we can be saved.
The gospel is that Jesus is all powerful, resurrected from the dead and ruling at God the Father’s right hand, and all who come to him can be made right before God.
Its for this gospel that Church exists.
So that we can live the gospel out together in community, and that as a community we will take this good news to the world.
That is the big picture, that is our job, that is what God is going to hold us accountable for.
And so today, we are covenant together as a church to obey God in this area, and we have 4 different headings that we will use to help us focus.
I know that not everybody here today is a member, and there are various reasons for that.
My prayer, and my goal, is that we will all see the value of membership, and that our church can grow this year in this area.
The four headings in our membership covenant each have a key word.
Others have attended for quite some time, and are not members based on certain theological sticking points.
You take membership seriously, yet there are things in your mind preventing you from making this covenant with us.
This day is not meant to exclude you.
This is not a day to say who is in, and who is out.
I want to ask this group of people today to reconsider Church membership.
Look at again through fresh eyes.
I believe that membership can be a very good thing in your life.
Membership does not give more value to anyone.
Not becoming a member doesn’t mean that you have any less value.
Unity, Responsibility, Ministry, Testimony
I will protect the unity of my church
What’s the best way to win a war?
Divide and conquer your enemies.
Cut them off from each other.
Isolate them, break down the communication between them.
Church, the gospel of Jesus Christ is far too important, and valuable, for us to allow any sort of disunity to exist amongst us.
Disagreement, yes.
Discussion, absolutely.
But always in the spirit of unity, and building one another up.
We must be quick to forgive, always praying for each other, never tearing another down, or slandering.
We must strive to love one another as Christ loves us.
Disunity breaks down our witness, it breaks down our effectiveness.
How are we going to mobilize our church to do good works, if we are fighting each other.
No, we must protect the unity of our church for the sake of the gospel.
Write these ones down....
Pursue what promotes peace
Look at the start, and the end of that passage.
We see truth at the start, and the word of God at the end.
What is in the middle?
Sincere love for one another.
New life.
Pursuit always involves effort.
Some relationships are going to take work.
Some people here today, are going to ruffle your feathers.
Put the effort in to pursue peace.
If you are pursuing someone in a car, you are going to have to step on the gas.
Unity is found in these things.
We start with the truth.
We start with
If you are pursing someone on foot, you are going to have to hurry up.
If you are pursing someone on the phone, you are going to have to keep calling until they pick up.
Pursuit takes effort.
Will you put effort into pursuing what promotes peace?
True peace with others is found when Jesus is at the centre of the relationship.
Pursue what builds up one another
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