Sermon Tone Analysis

Overall tone of the sermon

This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Introductory thoughts:
In the scriptures, the Lord clearly sets forth distinct roles for the husband and the wife.
As a reminder, a distinction in roles does not be a difference in value or worth.
This particular passage clarifies what a covenantal relationship within the body of Christ should look like with regards to function.
There are three clear truths about this submission (of the wife) in these three verses:
The submission of the wife is in recognition of the Lord - - “…as unto the Lord...”
2. The submission of the wife is in recognition of what is absolutely true by covenant - “…husband Christ is…”
3. The submission of the wife is in recognition of what marriage is foreshadowing - “…as the church is subject to Christ...”
When Peter speaks of the subjection of the wife, he does so in terms of adorning or putting on apparel.
The scripture does in in other instances.
For example in , we are to put on Christ.
Both and speak of putting on and putting off
Here though, Peter is speaking of two apparels that Christian women are to wear.
There is (1) the apparel of the hidden man and (2) there is the apparel that is outward.
In other words, Christian wives have two outfits that they should be careful to daily adorn.
Proposition: With great clarity, the scriptures calls Christian wives to live in subjection to their own husbands.
When you are going to be doing work in cold weather or exercise, a base layer is critical.
It is the layer of clothing that goes underneath the outer clothing.
It is clothing that keeps your body warm.
It is also a layer of clothing that is expensive!
Nonetheless, there is new technology that allows some base layer clothing to increase your level of warmth.
For example, some base layer clothing now uses your own sweat to increase your warmth.
Some base layers are lined with additional quick drying material.
Some base layers are rechargeable.
You can plug them in and they provide warmth for you.
Proposition: With great clarity, the scriptures calls Christian wives to adorn themselves inwardly and outwardly within the sacred covenant of marriage.
Addressing some possible objections to this:
Preliminary thoughts:
Sin did not cause the need for leadership and submission in marriage.
Sin made this more difficult.
[] - The need for this BASE LAYER has always existed.
It is more difficult to adorn now.
Submission can only be the reality of the Spirit-filled Christian.
- The wearing of this BASE LAYER is made possible by the Lord’s Spirit.
The principle of mutual submission does not assume equal roles, nor does it require equal roles.
[, ] "Servanthood does not nullify leadership; it defines it."
- JP
When you are going to be doing work in cold weather or exercise, a base layer is critical.
1. Christian wives dress up the hidden self -
- The submission of the wife is in recognition of the Lord
(i) , What does it this mean to submit in the fear of the Lord?
It means to submit in recognition of the Lord.
(ii) What causes this kind of submission?
Answer: Deeper and deeper understanding of the exceeding greatness of God’s power that He already displayed in the RESURRECTION AND EXALTATION of Jesus Christ.
As we are continually enlightened about what God already accomplished in Christ, we are reminded of how powerful God is and how worthy of obedience He is, and how worthy of submission Jesus Christ.
The regular increase of our understanding about the gospel causes us to see God, his power, and Christ as worthy of submission to Him.
The wife's ability to submit is strengthened as her excuses are confronted with the power that it took to save her and the worthiness/exaltation of Jesus Christ.
What is our culture or sinful nature currently teaching about this principle?
"My husband has to earn my respect."
"My husband is unworthy of my submission."
"You're too good to him."
"If you obey him, he will run over you all of the time."
For Christmas, I received ThermaCELL Proflex Heavy Duty Heated Shoe Insoles with Bluetooth Compatibility - These are helpful in extremely cold temperatures, but they require a recharge for them to be effective.
In like manner, a Christian wives ability to submit is directly related to her growth in understanding the great power of God in Christ.
Application to husbands:
Pray for the wives to know more of the power of the Resurrection that God has exercised towards her
Pray for the wives to know more of God's divine activity in exalting Jesus Christ
Pray for the wives to have a fearless faith as they continually peer into the gospel of Jesus Christ.
What does it mean for the wife to dress up the inner self with the fear of God?
What does it mean for a wife to be in subjection, coupled with fear?
When both the believing husband and the wife realize what they are enabled to live out, and therefore live it out, they are not focusing on imposing the role on the spouse but rather they are seeking to live according to God's design personally.
[this then allows for leadership not to take advantage or abuse the submissive one, and it allows for the submission to be done gladly].
2. Christian wives trust in God over and above their own husbands -
To “trust” here means to “put one’s hope in”.
What is interesting about this passage is that Peter did not use the example of Abraham and Sarai where Abraham asked Sarai to lie and say that she was his sister.
Rather, another example is used; but Peter does not point out that Sarah hoped in Abraham, but that Sarah hoped in God.
2. Christian wives trust in God over and above their own husbands -
It would be safe to assume that a wife who is not living according to her role in the relationship is one whose hope has been misplaced.
Though, the husband is to be like the Savior, he is NOT the Savior, and if you seek your reason for submission to be in your husband, you will be sorely disappointed.
What is our culture or sinful nature currently teaching about this principle?
"My husband has to earn my respect."
"My husband is unworthy of my submission."
"You're too good to him."
"If you obey him, he will run over you all of the time."
Application to those who are unmarried:
There may be some here who are single.
It is important to note that the principle driving this is that the Lord is ultimately the One who is worthy of subjection.
All of our relationships within the body of Christ are to be lived in a manner as though they were UNTO THE LORD, and this begins with being clothed in the inward man.
3. Christian wives who dress up the hidden self also dress up the public self -
This is a reference, not to external apparel but to the evident subjection of the wife.
When a wife is trusting in God, she will live a life in submission to her husband, as evidence of her internal hope in God.
Her internal apparel produces an external adornment.
4. Christian wives who trust in God and fearlessly obey show evidence that they are Christians -
This is a good reminder that genuine trust in God produces obedience.
Obedience that is rooted in this trust proves who you belong to.
Concluding thought:
There is a lack of terror in the heart of this woman.
She is tranquil and at peace in her submission.
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9