God’s Way Is the Best Way

Life Dedication to God  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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Scriptural Text:

Four Reasons Why God’s Way Is Best

(1) You need to know God’s will because only God knows the future. (; Is. 46:9-10)

“Boast not thyself to tomorrow; for thou knows not what a day may bring forth.”
Isaiah spoke the words of God, “I am God, and there is none like me, declaring the end from the beginning, and ancient times the things that are not yet done.”
(2) You need to accept God’s will because only God knows what is best for you.

(2) You need to accept God’s will because only God knows what is best for you. (;

It will be very difficult to recognize God’s will or guidance if you looking for God’s blessing on your own plans.
“O LORD,” cried Jeremiah, “I know that the way of man is not in himself: it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps” ()
God honored his prayer, and promised to lead him in the way he should go, “Call unto me,” said the Lord, “and I will answer thee, and she thee great and mighty things, which the knows not” ()

(3) You need to know God’s will because God has a plan of blessing just for you. (Eph. 2:10)

Paul taught, “We are God’s workmanship[handiwork], created in Christ unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them” () You need to know the will of God because God command us to know and obey His will! Note: Jonah. Paul to the church of Ephesus, not to be unwise, but “understanding what the will of the Lord is “ () Paul also wrote, “As the servant of Christ, do the will of God from the heart” () “If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land” ()
Paul taught, “We are God’s workmanship[handiwork], created in Christ unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them” ()

(4) You need to know the will of God because God command us to know and obey His will! (; ; Is. 1:19)

Note: Jonah.
Paul to the church of Ephesus, not to be unwise, but “understanding what the will of the Lord is “ ()
Paul also wrote, “As the servant of Christ, do the will of God from the heart” ()
“If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land” ()

(A) Devotion is strongly urged (v.1) in light of what has been said in prior passages (the mercies of God): (; ; ; )

(B) Present your bodies of God (v.1). Dedicate the body as a living sacrifice in the home, church, school, office, plant, field, restaurant, club, plane. car or bus. ()

(C) The believer is not to be conformed(fashion) to this world (V.2). (; ; ; ; )

(; ; ;

The prerequisites before God’s will can be known:

SALVATION: must be a child of God
SURRENDER: you must commit your life to God () SEPARATION: clean hearts and hands
SURRENDER: you must commit your life to God ()
SEPARATION: clean hearts and hands
SINCERITY: more than a head desire, but also a heart desire
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