Sermon Tone Analysis

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A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
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Social Tone
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Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
It doesn’t take a social scientist to figure out that marriage today is in trouble.
Adultery, divorce, depression, alcoholism, work-alcoholism, and a host of other “isms” have reached epidemic proportions.
It may have been Benjamin Franklin who said, “A disease is never brought under control simply by treating the casualties.”
Wouldn’t it be great if we could prevent some of these spiritual diseases from claiming casualties in our marriages?
Which causes me to ask the next question.
Is it possible to build a healthy marriage from the inside-out and prevent such devastating problems?
Can we create marital dynamics that break with the patterns that perpetuate hurt and sin?
I believe the answers to these questions is yes!
Now, it’s not my intention to offer the next and latest formula for having a Christian marriage.
I want to talk about our hearts.
It’s about our opportunity to examine the state-of-heart with which we approach the task of building healthy marital relationships.
This message is about getting back on course.
The only way of getting back on course in Christian marriage is to apply the spiritual principles upon which marriage was founded.
My prayer is, that as you hear and see today the Holy Spirit will bring to light ways that you can apply what you learn.
And as you become rightly related to God, by His grace He will lead and empower you to get back on course in your Christian marriage.
So, to get back on course in our Christian marriage let’s look to:
Getting at the Heart of God’s Plan for Christian Marriage
Christ is Always the Missing Ingredient
God’s Original Plan
We were made in His Image - Human purpose is to reflect all God is.
Woman was created as a suitable help-mate
Not lesser - created to be a “perfect fit”
Co sobduoers
The goal — all fulfillment comes from two things
Walking with God
Subduing the earth
The Curse
None of that works right.
Man is always trying to rule in ways they shouldn’t
Woman is always seeking fulfillment from a place they shouldn’t
The curse fleshes itself out in many ways, but we are all under it.
What perfect looks like - NOT the way to get there
Throughout the Bible are these commands that set the bar
1 Pe 1:1
This passage:
Husbands and Wives perfectly love and respect eachother
Children and parents
parents are honored
children are not exasperated
Slave Masters
Employees do what they are told
Employers seek to lift up the employee rather than keep them down.
It’s all the goal
The real answer is found in verse 18
Drunk on wine - seeking a fulfillment from places other than where your supposed to be finding it
Be filled
Present - Whenever it is NOW
Passive - You can do it to yourself it has to be done’ for you — your roll is to allow it.
Imperative - Command - you have it within you to accomplish the task.
Not quantity - quality
Not glass half full and you need more
More like alka-seltzer
Be permeated by the Spirit
All About Him
He is call the Counselor -
He convicts the world of guilt in regard to sin
When I am around unbelievers or even Christians in trouble I find that without me having to say anything, they are uncomfortable.
Same will be true of marriage.
The more I allow the Holy Spirit to flow through my life, the better my marriage will become
I will be able to meet my wife’s needs better because the only one who can fill her needs lives in me.
If she is not doing her part, the Holy Spirit will work on her until she does.
It is ALWAYS about Him
To get your marriage back on course, you must get at the heart of God’s plan for marriage.
And Paul says, “get your life from God.” Remain in a continuously dependent relationship with Him in order to meet your needs, then you’ll be filled to meet the needs of your spouse.
Just do it!
In fact, if Adam and Eve had remembered to do this, we wouldn’t be having this little talk right now.
Secondly, we can get our Christian marriages back on course by:
Being Mutually Submissive in Christian Marriage
Benefits of Being Filled with the Spirit
14:15 He will be with you forever
14:25 Teach you all things
14:25 Teach you all things
14:25 Remind you of Christs teaching’s
14:25 Remind you of Christs teaching’s
16:7 Counselor
16:7 Counselor
16:8 The Spirit in you will convict the world of guilt in regards to righteousness
16:13 Guides us into truth
16:8 The Spirit in you will convict the world of guilt in regards to righteousness
16:13 Guides us into truth
Submit to One Another
This passage often leads to confusion so I want to do a couple things here to bring clarification
This passage is about Christ and the church
Eph 5:
If we use this passage out of context the mystery is to big for us.
The husband is Christ figure - we all know he is to imperfect
How is it possible to submit without being a door mat
How is it possible to lead the same way Christ did when we are not Christ?
Start simple we submit to eachother
We do our best to fulfill our rolls and we do our best to help our spouse fulfill theirs.
It’s impossible to do that without allowing the Spirit to fill us.
Submit does not mean you are lesser, it simply means we are being the person He made us to be.
Submission is mutual.
To the husband you own
Like Christ is the head - philippians — even to death on the cross
Its a race to do everything we can to help the other be the best they can be.
If we obey the scripture to be submissive to one another, we’ll have a relationship in which Jesus can be seen, an image-of-God relationship.
When our filling comes from the Spirit and not from ourselves and when we’re mutually submissive to each other our marriages will get back on the course God designed.
Finally, in getting our marriages back on course we must be:
Leaving and Cleaving in Christian Marriage
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9