Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
What must we think of the Holy Spirit?
As Presbyterians we are often accused of not recognizing the reality that the HS brings.
We are known as the FROZEN CHOSEN.
Illus: We are Devil worshippers.
I remember walking into the hospital room and it felt cold and dark.
Visiting a man who was hospitalized with cancer.
This was his response to me as I introduced myself.
Have you ever had an experience like this?
Most of us would ignore it as something within us, and that may be true.
How do we discern if the HS is working in us or if it is something completely different.
Illus: Many stories of people doing bad things and stating because God told them to do so.
We love it!
The HS is often blamed for many things.
Proposition: We should be comfortable with not knowing everything that God knows, and live by faith in Him.
What we know and believe about the HS from Scripture is important.
NOT a bad word:
Wikipedia -
"Theology" can also now be used in a derived sense to mean "a system of theoretical principles; an (impractical or rigid) ideology.”
Theologia - Theos - God and Logia - Word or oracles
The study of God, how we view God as given in his word
We must read his word
We must think through what we read and seek to understand it
That understanding is solidified by the HS
What we believe is going to direct how we live.
We all have a theology, what we believe about God
What is it we should believe about the 3rd person of the Trinity the HS?
Luke has referred to the foundation in the gospel - LUKE
He now prepares us for the arrival of the HS by giving us some details of what happened prior to his arrival.
Disciples ask an eschatological intrigued question
Tells us what we really want to know.
Acts 1:
Jesus redirects their thoughts and their selfish desires to know
Illus: Much like Adam and Eve
A desire to know as much as the CREATOR GOD
What are we to know?:
Some things are unknown to mankind and appear to be a mystery
The disciples question: What will you do now?
An expected realized eschatology
They wanted answers
Jesus answers the question
Don’t worry about things that are not your business
Verse 7
Here is what you can expect to happen
The Holy Spirit will come
He will provide you with power
And He will make you a witness
God is sovereign and much is unknown to us
Illus: Job sought counsel with God
Job desired to have answers from God:
Job 31:
God responds:
Job 38:
Job’s response was to repent!
Job 42:
We need to have a balanced approach to the relationship we have with God
He is the creator and we are the creature.
Once, we get this orientation correct we can see the need for God sending his HS to provide:
The Holy Spirit provides the power for the Christian
Apostles received a power
For the Apostles it was to provide power
This was a special power for a limited time.
Up to this point Jesus was the power
Apostolic Age
He would come as the helper promised by Jesus
Healing and special works
Jesus promised this in
Much like Jesus was given an extra measure of the HS to remain perfect
The Lord Jesus, in his human nature thus united to the divine, was sanctified and anointed with the Holy Spirit above measure;
We have the HS also
He would come to continue what Jesus had begun
We have been baptized with the HS
Given the power to be a witness
We should have a balanced theology (a biblical) concerning the HS
Various church movements
Pentecostal - heavy emphasis on the HS and affection
Tends to error on the side of emotional subjectivity and excludes objectivity of Scripture
Wesleyan movement - heavy emphasis on sanctification and can lead to perfectionism
Tends to error on the side of perfection as set by man and not Scripture and excludes objectivity of Scripture
Reformed movement - Can tend to be Word of God heavy and exclude the work of the HS
Tends to error on objectivity and appear cold and rigid, devoid of the HS
The goal should be to have a balanced and biblical approach to Christianity and how we view the HS.
“So, whoever we are and whatever we do for God, our great desire should be to be filled with God’s Spirit so that our work will spring from his resulting power.”
- Ajith Fernando NIV Commentary on Acts, pg.
Once we understand the source of our power, the HS we can then see our:
God works through his people to be a witness about himself
This is an outward working of God
To build his kingdom
To grow his church
To God it is a solid plan
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9