Sermon Tone Analysis

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A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
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Social Tone
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Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
What do you have hope for?
When child and asked what do you have hope for?
Then as you grow up.
Then as teenager, then as an adult, a parent, then a grandparent.
Hope is a good thing, it links right up with faith and love and it is worthy of our careful consideration, reflection and application.
Moral excellence, is that not knowing, and doing the right thing?
Is it not taking what you have learned and received and applying it?
The results are the peace of God will be with you!
The right thing we are talking about this morning is Hope.
Hope, the middle of faith and love.
Two weeks ago we used the verse from 1Cor13, and this one now from Thessalonians.
The steadfastness of hope in Jesus Christ in which you have faith in and labor in love for.
Our hope is not just in something, our hope is in someone!
So lets spend some time this morning looking at what hope defined, described, developed and demonstrated looks like.
I. Hope Defined
Take a minute and consider what is the definition of hope?
If someone were to ask you today what would you say you have hope in?
elpis: expectation, hope Original Word: ἐλπίς, ίδος, ἡ
Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine
Transliteration: elpis
Phonetic Spelling: (el-pece')
Short Definition: hope, expectation
Definition: hope, expectation, trust, confidence.
According to Vines dictionary it is “favorable and confident expectation”
According to Complete Word Study, Dictionary “desire of some good with some expectation of obtaining it.
So hope defined has to do with the unseen and the future as you can see in the scripture (Rom8:24-25; Heb11:1; 1Pt1:21)
Hope is not a wish, like you wish for something for your birthday or Christmas.
It is a strong expectation, confidence that is placed in God according to Bridgeway Bible Dictionary.
Hope in short definition is confident expectation to receive something that is unseen at this time.
Now staying in the context of Christian living you will see that it is inseparable from faith
Not a hope you may receive something, but a confident expectation to receive it.
What does our Christian hope rest in? several things we could name.
Hope Described
How would you describe hope, how could you illustrate hope in your life?
Hope of righteousness (Gal5:5; Rom5:1) Paul explains, writes that it is waiting for the hope of righteousness
That comes from the justification we have being in Christ because of our faith.
Now keeping the Gal5:5 in context it does have to do with the freedom we have in Christ Jesus but also the ability to fall from grace
Because our justification only comes by faith, faith in Christ Jesus in which we have our hope in.
Paul in Galatians and in Romans is speaking of the righteousness we have, the justification we have in Christ knowing we are found not guilty to suffer the consequences of sin.
Our hope is based on the hope we have in Christ Jesus.
(Php3:7-11; 2Tim4:6-8)
Count everything as loss because of our hope, our faith, our righteousness given from God because of our faith so that we may know the power of His resurrection and the hope of our resurrection from the dead.
Now this is confident expectation; this is hope!
Now we have hope defined, and we have seen hope described through the righteousness of God, but now how about the revelation of Jesus Christ?
Revelation when Christ appears, when He returns (1Cor1:7; TIt2:11-13; 1Pt1:7)
When He returns is He going to find us awaiting eagerly?
We know God’s grace appeared in Christ making salvation available to us, and we know we have hope, hope of the appearing of the glory of our Great God and Savior.
In that time
Our faith will be proved, our hope will be fulfilled and it will result in the praise and glory and honor when He returns (1Pt1:13; 1Pt4:13)
So hold on to your hope, your confident expectation of good to come, that being the revelation of Jesus Christ
In the interim, as you wait, as you cleave to your hope know there will be suffering you are going to share in, keep on rejoicing, for it will be worth it!
For at that time, we will be revealed as son’s of God (Rom8:19; Col3:4)
or there is
You revealed with Him in glory.
the Glory of heaven, the glory of His presence, the glory of eternity with Him.
How about another hope described, the hope of the resurrection.
Are we eagerly waiting, do we have a confident expectation of the final revelation, redemption of our bodies (Rom8:23-24)?
The hope and the resurrection (Act23:6, Act24:15; 1Cor15:42-44, 50-54)
Where we will put on immortality
Long passage but we are talking about everlasting victory here!
This is not by our doings, it is by His doing, by the power of the Lord
Power of the Lord will change us (Php3:20-21; Heb11:10, 16, 13:14)
A confident expectation, that we will be raised up on that last day and spend eternity with Him.
We have hope of a new creation
A new creation, a new city where God is the builder
A better country, a heavenly one where God Himself prepared a place for us, a city for us.
(see Jn14:1-2 for more on this if you want)
A better country, better city, a lasting city (2Pt3:13-14
Which is yet to come for us in our heavenly home.
where the righteous of God dwell
This heavenly home is described more in (Rev21:1-7; 10:11) but I will challenge you to read, study, contemplate those scriptures on your own.
How much does your hope, your confident expectation of things to come impact your life today?
How can we develop our hope more?
Hope Developed
We develop our good hope through grace, grace freely given to us through faith (Consider 2The2:16)
Through justification by faith in Christ Jesus we have this grace as noted in Rom5:1-2
This grace, this eternal grace, available through Justification by faith makes us heirs (Tit3:7; Rom15:4)
Hope, eternal hope, eternal grace, made eternal heirs!
We further develop our hope through the Word of God
Hope if found for our education in the O.T.
Our hope in the gospel (Col1:5, 23)
Hope that is laid up for us, because we heard the word, and we hold firmly to it.
The Word, the hope of the gospel.
Paul says the hope of our calling, God’s calling in us in eph1:18.
Hope like faith comes by hearing the Word of god.
We develop our hope through our experiences (Rom5:3-4; Jm1:2-4; 1Pt1:6-7)
yep, even the hard experiences (aka: tribulations)
For it produces perseverance and that leads to confidence
and that helps to prove and perfect our hope
Hope is empowered, developed further by the work of the Spirit (Gal5:5; Rom5:5; Rom15:13)
Hope does not disappoint
We can abound in powerful hope
Hope that fills with all joy, all peace because of your faith.
It is strengthened!
But hope should be displayed or demonstrated too.
Hope Demonstrated
Eager hope (1Cor1: Php3:20)
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9