Which Brother Are You?
The Book of Beginnings • Sermon • Submitted • Presented • 30:15
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· 60 viewsOur self-image will continue to be distorted until we look into the true mirror. Who are we really?
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Funhouse Mirrors
True Mirror - truemirror.com
Because Joseph was a foreshadow of Jesus we should seek to act more like Joseph and less like his brothers.
Day after day, for a lifetime, you’ve been seeing a distorted version of yourself in every mirror you’ve gazed in. The only person on earth whose true face you never see in real time is your own.
Your eyes don’t just receive information, they transmit it. But every time you’ve seen yourself in a mirror, you’ve been receiving the true expressions and emotions conveyed by your face and eyes backwards. This distortion promotes a distorted self image, and keeps you from beholding your emotional and spiritual truth; the spark of the Divine that resides within you, within your face, your eyes.
The True Mirror Optically restores your true image from your ‘mirror image’, letting you see yourself not just as others see you, but as you really are, in real time.
To really look at yourself in this mirror, on an average day, or at a time of great sorrow or great joy, can be a complete revelation. Looking at it every day, even meditating with it, can even become a catalyst for spiritual growth and radical self-acceptance.
You may laugh. You may cry. You may or may not like what you see. Not everyone gets it. After 25 years, we’ve discovered which people this portal into the unconscious appeals to: they are intelligent, creative, intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually curious people. And of course they must be willing to be present, truly present, to their revealed selves for a few moments.
Because Joseph was a foreshadow of Jesus we should seek to act more like Joseph and less like his brothers.
How does Joseph foreshadow Jesus?
How do we act like Josephs brothers?
How can we act more like Joseph?
They despised him for the truth.
are you standing up for truth?
are you open to correction?
23 Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! 24 And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting!
8 If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.
Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.
haughty or humble
God’s word is truth, Gods word became flesh in Christ Jesus, His message was for us to repent AND believe
We are saved by belief in Christ the True Word of God, yet this belief is born out in real tangible change in our lives… Therefore:
Don’t sneer at the man who’s down today
Unless you have felt the blow
That caused his fall, or felt the same
That only the fallen know.
You may be strong, but still the blows
That were his, if dealt to you
In the self same way at the self same time,
Might cause you to stagger, too.
Welcome and apply Gods truth to your life.
Don’t be too harsh with the man who sins
Or pelt him with words or stones,
Unless you are sure, yea, doubly sure,
That you have no sins of your own.
For you know perhaps, if the tempters voice
Should whisper as soft to you
As it did to him when he went astray,
‘Twould cause you to falter, too.
Haughty | Humble
Haughty | Humble
They did not seek his good.
how do you respond to mistreatment?
whose good are you seeking?
15 Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ? Shall I then take the members of Christ and make them members of a prostitute? Never!
21 For they all seek their own interests, not those of Jesus Christ.
Jesus came to seek and to save the lost, He was and is always focused on our good.
The best “good” for us is God’s glorification, and God is best glorified in us when we take up the mantel of Christ to serve others… Therefore:
Put away selfish interest and seek to serve others.
Selfish | Serving
They deceived others concerning him.
do you know the real Jesus?
does your life preach Christ?
13 “You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled under people’s feet.
The gospel is preached by our words and actions… Therefore:
Don’t just live out the gospel, speak it out also.
Pretending | Professing
1. They despised him for the truth.
2. They did not seek his good.
3. They deceived others concerning him.
Because Joseph was a foreshadow of Jesus, we should seek to act more like Joseph and less like his brothers.
Because Joseph was a foreshadow of Jesus, we should seek to act more like Joseph and less like his brothers.
True Mirror
God’s Holy Word!