I Declare #3 - Life Giving Relationships
Sermon Tone Analysis
Started out talking about changing our outlook - our mindset - to change our lives for the better.
We need to see things differently - from a SPIRITUAL (God) viewpoint. NOT from our eartly/fleshly viewpoint
When I look out from my eartly viewpoint there is no hope
When I see things as God see them - EVERYTHING brings hope
We saw last week that it is our choice - the outlook we CHOOSE to use - to look through
Last week we talked about the difference between death and life as addressed in this verse.
We clearly want life in our lives - AND in our relationships
Today’s Message
Today’s Message
Today we want to talk about life giving relationships
Principles cut across all relationships. Not going to talk specifically about marriage, family, etc., but the principles still apply.
Let’s look back at our foundation verse:
For those who live according to the flesh have their outlook shaped by the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit have their outlook shaped by the things of the Spirit.
“Live according to” - what drives you. How you make your choices. What choices you make.
Need to examine our relationships - are they bringing us life and peace or death. What’s driving them?
Or they pouring good in or draining all of the good out. Are they filling or draining?
The nature of your relationships will have a lot to do with just how good or bad 2018 will be.
Can’t cover EVERY relationship you may have - probably 100’s
Some you can’t get away from - family, work, etc.
Some are simply “static” - connected but no “flow”
But some truly have a “flow” - something is either coming in or going out. And we those are the ones we need to examine, because they can either fill you or kill you
Relationships that Drain Life
Relationships that Drain Life
Let’s take the concept expressed in Romans 8:5 step farther:
Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in them. For everything in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—comes not from the Father but from the world.
Lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, pride of life
World = flesh
Father = Spirit
Relationships built/based on the world’s standards will drain and kill. Relationships built on the Father’s standards will last and give life.
Here’s your first one:
The relationship is formed purely to fill a physical desire.
Lust of the flesh
Obviously the first most will think about is SEX - and you can see the danger in that
Money or things is the primary consideration.
Lust of the eyes
They have nice toys (or you have nice toys they want to “borrow”)
Job relationships built purely on how much money you can get
But people who long to be rich fall into temptation and are trapped by many foolish and harmful desires that plunge them into ruin and destruction.
They make you feel important.
Pride of life
No challenge - you can lead BECAUSE they are all beneath you and your level.
Brad and the addicts
Watch out for the NEEDY people - you think you’re going to be able to lift them out of their dead end life - but they won’t listen to sound counsel. And they won’t change the things they do - giving the excuse that they can’t or they aren’t able without someone to do it for them.
Why not choose relationships that challenge and elevate you, that MATURE you.
Don’t become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You’ll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you.
This brings me to the next part of the message:
Building Life Giving Relationships
Building Life Giving Relationships
So I’m changing my mind about WHO I want to be in relationships with. I’m going to declare some new direction in building relationships that will enhance and improve my life. That will actually BRING life instead of DRAINING it from me.
Cut out
Keep or add
Which way do I go?
Which brings the first point in building life-giving relationships
No matter your age, etc. your life has a direction
Over and over we’re urged by the bible to pursue the life that God called us to
Paul wrote this to Timothy:
But you, as a person dedicated to God, keep away from all that. Instead pursue righteousness, godliness, faithfulness, love, endurance, and gentleness. Compete well for the faith and lay hold of that eternal life you were called for and made your good confession for in the presence of many witnesses.
If I’m dedicated to God then my life has to have a certain direction.
And I can’t be static - Paul tells Timothy to PURSUE
Pursuit of something naturally means to be moving toward it, going after it.
Not only need to pursue the LIFE, but I also must pursue RELATIONSHIPS that move me toward that life
So here’s a broad principle to use in examining and building life-giving relationships:
Life-giving relationships are those that channel me toward God’s purpose for my life.
Explain Channel
If my relationships are going to channel me toward Righteousness, Godliness, Faithfulness, Love, Endurance, Gentleness, then they should:
move me that way
direct me that way
keep me going that way
My minister friends
I declare that, beginning today, I will take stock of the relationships in my life and whether they are moving me toward God or taking me away. I will be strong to severe those that are draining His life from me and I will pursue and build those that channel me toward the life He has called me to.