OUR NEW GLORIFIED BODY Will be like the Body of Christ
Why look to the future rather than the present for satisfaction and joy? Because in the resurrection, Jesus has shown that he is sovereign. Everything is under his control. We have no reason to pamper and value the earthly body. It passes away. Jesus has another body for us, one like his resurrected body. It can take up citizenship in heaven with the resurrected Christ. The joy there is so great, we can forsake any pleasures earth might give. The apostle gives more details of this event in 1 Corinthians 15:51–54.
Our bodies get sick, hurt, desire sinful pleasures, grow old, and eventually die. Followers of Christ have the hope that life in this world is not the end. Someday, we will have a perfect body that will never die, a body like the one the Savior now has (1 John 3:2). Chapter 3 communicates the joy that Paul had in knowing Christ. Through his growing experience with the Son of God, he shared how this relationship is superior to false teaching, the pride of life and reckless living. Instead, he anticipated the day when he would be like his Savior and live forever in perfect joy with him.
Why look to the future rather than the present for satisfaction and joy? Because in the resurrection, Jesus has shown that he is sovereign. Everything is under his control. We have no reason to pamper and value the earthly body. It passes away. Jesus has another body for us, one like his resurrected body. It can take up citizenship in heaven with the resurrected Christ. The joy there is so great, we can forsake any pleasures earth might give. The apostle gives more details of this event in 1 Corinthians 15:51–54.
Our bodies get sick, hurt, desire sinful pleasures, grow old, and eventually die. Followers of Christ have the hope that life in this world is not the end. Someday, we will have a perfect body that will never die, a body like the one the Savior now has (1 John 3:2). Chapter 3 communicates the joy that Paul had in knowing Christ. Through his growing experience with the Son of God, he shared how this relationship is superior to false teaching, the pride of life and reckless living. Instead, he anticipated the day when he would be like his Savior and live forever in perfect joy with him.