I'm No Longer A Slave To Offense
I’m No Longer A Slave To Offense
Greek skandalon, properly that at which one stumbles or takes offence.
OFFENSE Translates several Hebrew and Greek terms. The following two senses predominate. 1. That which causes indignation or disgust
Christ is said to be a rock of offense in this sense (Rom. 9:33; Gal. 5:11; 1 Pet. 2:8). What was especially offensive was the claim that an accursed one was the Messiah and that faith in this crucified one and not works was necessary for salvation.
2. That which serves as a hindrance (Matt. 16:23) or obstacle (2 Cor. 6:3). This hindrance is often temptation to sin (Matt. 18:7; Luke 17:1).
More often, the term means a stumbling block—an obstacle placed in someone’s path causing him to loose his footing and fall
RESENTMENT suggests lasting indignation or ill will 〈harbored a lifelong resentment of his brother〉. UMBRAGE may suggest hurt pride, resentment, or suspicion of another’s motives
15 Therefore, brethren, stand fast and hold the traditions which you were taught, whether by word or our epistle.