The Sacraments: An Introduction
Intro to the Sacraments
The Sacraments: An Introduction
Is it a Sacrament or an Ordinance?
What is a Sacrament?
The word is derived from the Lat. sacramentum, which was used to translate the Gk. μυστήριον (‘mystery’) in the Lat. NT; sacraments are thus means by which Christians partake in the ‘mystery of Christ’
The Sacraments are Part of God’s New Creation
The Sacraments of the New Covenant Fulfill the Sacraments of the Old Covenant.
Word+Thing+Action = Sacrament
How Many Sacraments Are There?
Because the sacraments are signs and seals of the covenant, they are signs that mark out the covenant people. Only the people of God, and all the covenant people receive these signs. This covenantal perspective excludes ordination and marriage as sacraments, since the former is applied only to the ministers of the covenant community and the latter is not peculiar to the covenant people.
This definition would not, however, exclude confirmation, penance, or unction (anointing the sick) from the purview of the sacraments. We can, however, exclude the rites of confirmation and of penance because the Bible does not command them, so that they are merely customary. We can exclude unction from consideration because, though it is a Biblical rite of healing, it is not for every covenant member.
Why Are The Sacraments Important?
Baptism Calls Us to Right Living
Why is the Lords Supper Important?
The Lord’s Supper Is a Kingdom Meal
Remember the ballerina who, asked to say what a particular dance ‘meant’, replied, ‘If I could have said it, I wouldn’t have needed to dance it.’