Ministry = Service = something done for the benefit of others
Authentic Ministry = Service = something done for the benefit of others without the expectation of a return from them
Some of the ministries of our Church:
Authentic Ministry Flows From Faith - vs. 17
Ministry is not Sympathy
Ministry is not Satisfying your Conscience
Ministry is the automatic response of the Authentic Christian when confronted with a legitimate need.
Authentic Ministry Shows Somebody the Savior - vs. 19-23
Authentic Ministry is about the other person and the Savior…not ourselves.
The Goal of all ministry should be to make Jesus famous
Authentic Ministry leaves people with an understanding of God’s love that they have never known before.
Authentic Ministry Leaves People in the Love of the Lord -
Matthew 25:40 NASB95
“The King will answer and say to them, ‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.’
The goal of Authentic Ministry is to bring people to a place where they are able to function at their maximum capacity.
Authentic Ministry
Authentic Ministry does not create dependency upon man but surrender to the Lordship of Christ.
Look again at the list of the ministries of the Church.